
This story is only a short story; it is only five chapters long. But if there is enough interest, I do have many ideas for a sequel. If I own this wonderful world I would not be posting on Fanficton and I would get pay in money instead of reviews. Please pay me in a review!!

Ginny Weasley, a beautiful redheaded witch who was only five feet two inches tall with green eyes, lay naked in her bed in the arms of the one man no one would have ever dreamed they would see her with. He was tall, six feet two inches,with long white blond hair and gray blue eyes. He was Lucius Malfoy, who just happened to be Ginny's family's worst enemy. Now before you ask, I will tell you how they came to be in in each other's arms.

It all really began about four years back; a short time after the final battle and the defeat of Voldemort. Ginny had waited over a year for Harry Potter, destined to be a great wizard, thus dating no one. Soon after the final battle ended she and Harry got back together. They had a wonderful summer together. For the first time in Harry's life he did not have to worry about someone turning up and trying to kill him. Harry saw Ginny off on the train to Hogwarts for her last year of school. He was going off to train to be an Auror. They wrote letters back and forth and he joined her on her Hogsmeade weekends. She believed her life was perfect; he even gave her a promise ring at Christmas.

At the Easter break, Ginny returned home. She knew Harry was not able to meet the train because of the hours that his training took place. Ginny had not told her family that she would not be home for the break; after returning to London, she headed for Harry's place he had an apartment. She let herself in with her key and headed for his bedroom. She changed the sheets, lit candles around the room and changed into a sexy nightie she ordered out of a catalogue weeks before. She then waited. After about a half hour, she finally heard noise in the hall. She waited, then thump thump, the noises were coming down the hall toward the room. She smiled to herself. The door to the room opened and there was Harry Potter with a half naked blonde, her legs wrapped around his waist. Harry's shirt was off and his back was to the room. "I'm going to fuck you so hard, you won't be able to walk for a week," he told the woman, his voice filled with lust.

Ginny's eyes grew big and tears formed in them. Her voice was gone for a second, but only for a second. "How could you, Harry Potter?" she screamed as she jumped off the bed.

Harry let go of the blonde in his arms and turned around, revealing that his pants were opened and his boxers were tenting. "Ginny?" Clearly, he was not expecting her to be there. Ginny began grabbing her things quickly. She did not care about the fact that she was crying or that she was still only wearing the nightie; she just wanted her stuff and to get out of there. "Ginny, it's not what you think!"

"Really? I think you were about to screw her," she yelled, then turned toward the blonde."Wasn't he?" The blonde simply nodded. Ginny took her things and pushed past her..

Harry followed her. "Ginny, look, it's just sex. I don't love her; not like I do you. But I'm not ready to get married yet. I'm only eightteen! I need time to be selfish."

She turned and looked at him. "I don't care." she said and pulled off the promise ring she wore and threw it at him. Her aim was perfect, hitting the scar that was on his forehead. "I never want to see you again!" she stated defiantly, then left the apartment.

She Apparated to the Burrow. Her family was amazingly understanding of Harry and his actions, saying things like, "Ginny, you know everything he's been through; he has a right to be selfish." or "Just give him some time; he'll still marry you. He just needs to get a few things out of his system." Ginny returned to Hogwarts before the following sunrise. Hurt and angry, she stopped writing home. She would have never believed her own family would ever tell her to wait for someone who was obviously cheating on her. She was very hurt and just wanted to cut herself away from them. Wasn't there some unwritten law about standing behind your child and always being there for them?

After her last Quidditch match, Headmistress McGonagall told Ginny that there was someone who wished to speak to her on the pitch. Ginny headed back out to the pitch and was surprised to see former Gryffindor and former team captain Oliver Wood. She never played on his team but Fred and George, her twin brothers, had. "Ginny Weasley, I knew you came from a family of great players, but you are amazing." He looked much like he did about a year ago; she had seen him at the final battle. He was one of those who came and fought.

She gave him a big smile. "Thank you, Oliver. What can I do for you?"

"I think the question is: 'What can I do for you?' You see, Ginny, I just became the new coach of the Holyhead Harpies, and I came to scout the game today. I heard you were really good, so I wanted to invite you to try out for the team at the end of the school year. The team pays to put you up in a hotel during tryouts, and between you and me, based on what I saw, I'm pretty sure that you'll make the team," Oliver explained.

So Ginny knew what she was going to do and not having to head home at the end of term was even better. She still was sending back all the letters from her family, unopened. She worked hard to be ready for her N.E.W.T.s tests. Then once term ended, she headed to Holyhead for tryouts. Ginny made the team without a problem. They offered her a fantastic contract. She stayed at the place of one of her teammates, just until she found a place of her own. Her life was good; she was out on her own, she was young, and getting happier all the time.

In October, she started seeing a sports reporter who traveled with the team. They were on a winning streak and the team was up for sale. As a result, Ginny was getting a lot of press. It became public knowledge that Ginny was seeing someone. After it hit the paper that she was seeing Tim Blades, Ginny received a Howler:

Ginevra Molly Weasley,

What do you think you're doing? Harry was very hurt to hear you're seeing other men. You know full well he just needed time. Once he's done being a normal young man, he will marry you. You need to relax and just give him time!

Well, Ginny and Tim did end things not long after, but not because of her family's wishes. She grew tired of him always trying to get information about the team from her. Then, just as she was getting over that, the news someone had bought the team came out. Oliver called her to his office. Her looked a little concerned. They had already become quite friendly with eachother. "Ginny, I wanted to tell you before you heard it from somewhere else. Lucius Malfoy bought the team. I know your family and the Malfoys have never gotten along, so I was just worried you might not take it well."

There was nothing Ginny could do, so she just kept playing her best. At the end of the season get together, Ginny and her teammates were all having a great time. They were all drinking and letting their hair down. Ginny never even noticed Lucius Malfoy arrive. Some time later, he came up to her. "Miss Weasley?"

She had had a couple of drinks and was less inhibited than she would have normally been. "Lucius, how do you do?" she greeted. They talked politely for awhile. At some point, she realized they were flirting with each other.

He looked at her and asked, "Perhaps we could continue this at your place?"

Ginny knew exactly what he was after and she was still very angry with her family. She wanted to hurt them badly like they hurt her. What better way to do that than to sleep with her family's worst enemy. The fact that it had been a while for her since she had had sex helped. She agreed and hoped he would be good.

He wasn't just good; he was fantastic! She never dreamed someone almost as old as her father would have so much energy. She guessed he must have learned how to keep going during all those Death Eater raids. But she was not going to complain. Ginny believed that it was a one time thing and thought that some part of him got off on having her, Ginny Weasley, screaming his name in pleasure. He stayed the night, taking her two more times in the morning. After he finished the second time, he rose. "I have to be getting back; however, I will let you know when we can do this again," he said.

"Again?" was all Ginny could say.

"You are a very willing partner and not afraid to do anything or to say what you like. I would like to make this a regular occurrence," he said as he dressed.

Ginny thought about this for a second; this could be very good. She knew he was married, but that meant he would not go getting all attached. She would not have to worry about him not understanding her schedule during the season. And he was a god in bed! This was just what she needed right now; a regular bed buddy without any strings attached. And he was very nice to look at, too. "Sure, why not?" And so it began.

At first he would send word when he was coming. They would fuck like rabbits and then he would leave. It did not bother her in the least. One night, as they were laying in each other's arms recovering before going at it again, she asked, "How is it your wife does not notice that you're not with her as much?"

"She and I have not slept together since before you were born," he replied.

Ginny shifted and then spoke, "I guess her loss is my gain." She gave him a mischevious smile and then began giving him a blowjob to make him hard again.

He made a low growling sound, followed by,"You angel." After that, she would make comments from time to time about his wife. Slowly, he began to open up to her. He told her that over his marriage, which was arranged before he left school, both he and his wife had lovers and that they did not love each other. He told her they did not even like each other, and that he stayed with her because she would never ask for a divorce because of the scandal it would cause. Also, because of the marriage contract, if he asked for one he would lose a great deal of his wealth.

As the new season began, Lucius started to make a point of bringing dinner over when he came. They would talk and spend more time getting to know each other. Ginny found that he was really very nice when he wasn't trying to kill her. He even had a great sense of humor. On her birhday, she arrived home to see her apartment full of flowers of all types and colors. There was a card as well, which read;

I can't wait to see you tonight.

I have a surprise for you.


Dinner arrived just then and it was all of her favorites. When he arrived he carried a gift of a very expensive and sexy nightie with matching panties and bra, in dark green. "It has nothing to do with house or team colors. I chose it because the green goes so well with your hair and the dark color will make your skin look even more creamy white," he explained. She went to change and when she returned, he stated,. "You see? It makes you look so beautiful. Now for the surprise. I'm going to stay the whole night, and we can enjoy breakfast together." They had sex that night in every room of her apartment, then fell asleep in each other's arms. During breakfast the following morning they talked. "I'll be back on Thursday," he told her.

"Sorry, Lucius. I have plans that night."

He raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Plans? What kind of plans?"

"I have a date," she replied slowly.

"A date?"

"Yes. You know, people were beginning to think I was seeing someone that I didn't want anyone to know about. I thought that if the press got wind of it, someone might start digging. So I thought it would be good to go out once in a while just so people think I'm playing the field and leave things alone," she replied coolly, as if she was talking about the weather.

He smirked at her, "I knew you were smarter than the rest of your family. Just don't go getting attached to anyone. I don't like to share. I know that you'll only date and not sleep with anyone."

She looked very seriously at him. "Never. I'm having too much fun here." She finished the sentence with a kiss.

Lucius was in a bad mood on Thursday evening and even more so the next day when a picture of Ginny with some male singer dancing the night away appeared in the Daily Prophet. The headline read:

Quidditch star and Musician trade moves on the dance floor.

One night soon after, Lucius was over peparing to make love with her by touching her when he made a comment, "Narcissa never reacted the way you do." Ginny pulled away from him as his words reminded her that he had a wife. It stung. "What is it, my pet?" he asked.

"Nothing, I just have to use the loo," she explained, then headed to the washroom. She stayed there for quite awhile, trying to figure out when it had changed. When had she started to care about him? How could she have let herself fall for him?

If you like what you have read so far, please let me know. I live for reviews!