Alert! READ! Alert! READ!

I'm still looking for a Co-Author for my stories.

Someone who has written Edward/Bella.

I have an awesome idea for a story. I've already started it, but like you already know I get stuck easily.

I need someone who I can bounce ideas off of and has a very creative mind and isn't afraid to correct me or put in their ideas.

This person also needs to have some sort of IM-ing account so that we can IM ideas and get tot know each other.

I don't care what gender.

Please contact me if you're even slightly interested in being Co-Author with me, or know someone who might be.

If you haven't already written some story of Edward and Bella I'd at least like to see some type of your work. Just so I can get a taste of your writing style and whatnot.

If you'd like we can make another account as Co-Authors so you have just as much access to the stuff as I do. Of just post it on your account as well. Whatever work for you.

PM ME PLEASE if you are interested and I'll send you summaries, so you can see which you are interested in.

But just so you know we wouldn't start writing together regularly until September.

So here's the process:

You PM me telling me a bit about you, and either sending me some of you work or telling me you have your stories on your profile.

I'll read oyur stuff, and get back to you.

We'll talk.

I'll send you summaries.

We'll talk.

You tell me your ideas.

I'll pick someone soon.

Now even if you I can't work with oyu on one of my stories I'd love to work with you if YOU have an idea for a story.