
by: Kamika Farinas

Disclaimer: *sighs* I hate this part. I don't own Card Captor Sakura. Get over it, people!!!!



~~~~~~ - place change

****** - flashbacks

AN: The title's pretty weird I know but it's the only one I could think of so don't get mad. *whimpers* I'm not really sure this is good since it kinda got out of control but I hope you like it! Oh, and by the way, CCS's 2nd movie never happened. *sobs* And I liked that one too!!!! *grins* Well, Ja ne!! And review!!! ;Þ

14-year-old Kinomoto Sakura cheers as she watches her closest friend play soccer.

"Iku Syaoran!!" She yelled, cheering him on. It was his last time playing, he was going to leave for Hong Kong next week. She watched him score a goal and everyone cheered.

"Yeah!!! Beat them, Syaoran!!!" Sakura kept yelling. She concentrated on the game not noticing that time ran out.

"Bzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!" The buzzer rang. The game was done. Sakura watched as her school's team jumped up and held Syaoran on their shoulders. He had won the game for them. Sakura cheered and raced down from the stands to congratulate him.

"Syaoran!!!" She yelled to get his attention. Sakura watched as he got down, his face red.

"Ohayo Sakura." 14-year-old Li Syaoran greets. He grins. "What are you doing here?" He asks.

"I'm here to cheer you on. It is your last game, remember?" Sakura reminds him.

Syaoran's grin disappears, "Hai. I forgot all about that."

Sakura turns worried, "Gomen. I didn't mean to remind you about it."

Syaoran put on a fake smile, "It's okay. I don't mind. Well, I have to go. Okay Sakura??"

"Hai." Sakura says as she turns to leave. She waves bye to him and heads to go home.

'I guess it's too late to tell her how I feel. She doesn't like you, Syaoran. Remember that.' He thinks as he heads towards the boy's locker room.

"Ohayo my cute descendant!!" He hears a voice call out. Syaoran groans at the familiarity of the voice.

"What is it, Hiiragizawa? And how many times have I told you not to call me that!" Syaoran growls.

"What's wrong, Syaoran? Thinking of a certain Cherry Blossom?" 14- year-old Hiiragizawa Eriol says grinning.

Syaoran turns a bright red before retorting, "Tell me this, Hiiragizawa? What are you still doing here in Japan? Isn't your job here done?"

Eriol blushes slightly. "No reason."

"Let me take one wild guess. Tomoyo, am I right?"

Eriol turns an extremely bright red which truly stuck out with his blue hair. "Uh. . .I'm gonna go. I'll see you."

Syaoran chuckles as he watches Eriol walk out. He quickly changes out of his soccer uniform and heads out. Syaoran sighs and starts to think, 'Should I tell Sakura? Iie Syaoran. You can't. She doesn't like you.' He heads inside his apartment and finds his cousin, 14-year-old Li Meiling, standing there.

"Ohayo Syaoran. Are you ready to go home?" Meiling asks him, giggling slightly. (I don't think Meiling's a ditz. Okay? I think she's pretty cool, if you ask me.)

He quickly rushes to his room, deliberately ignoring her question. Syaoran plops himself onto his bed, thinking of the life he would leave behind in Japan.

Last thing he remembered that happened after this was being on the plane for Hong Kong, leaving Japan behind.


4 years later. . . . . .

18-year-old Syaoran sighs tiresomely (Is that even a word?). 18-year- old Meiling was bothering him again. 'Does she ever get tired of this?'

Syaoran quickly shuts himself in his room. He lies in bed trying to remember the last time he had been able to do that. The only time he could remember was when he was still in Japan. 'Japan. . . . Cherry blossoms. . . . . Sakura. . . . . I wonder if she still remembers me. I never did get to tell her how I felt towards her. I miss her so much. I will get back to her, no matter what.' Syaoran thinks as tears struggle to fall out of his eyes.

Syaoran got up from the bed and struggles towards the bathroom. He looked at himself at the mirror. The years had sure changed his appearance. Syaoran still had the same dark brown hair as he did before although he had grown it out. It went up to his shoulders now and was still growing. His dark brown eyes lost the glow of excitement when he returned to Hong Kong but it regained them whenever he thought of HER. He grew taller, actually a lot taller. He was taller than most of his family members. Syaoran's face regained the strict, depressing face he had before he went to Japan.

He sighs and looks down at what he was wearing. His mother didn't like his choice of clothing around the house, excuse me, I mean mansion. He tended to wear jeans and baggy shirts. His mother prefered if he always wore the Li traditional clothing but Syaoran didn't really like those. It tended to be uncomfortable. (I don't know if that's true but this is my story and I'll put whatever I want. Um. . . please don't think I'm mean. *sobs* *grins again* just kidding!) The only Li traditional clothing that he liked was the old outfit he used to wear when he helped Sakura capture the clow cards but his mother even forbade him to wear that since it was only supposed to be used to capture 'their' clow cards. Since he failed, they were kept in a powerful shield that even he couldn't break into.

Syaoran went over to the kitchen looking for something to snack on but instead he found trouble in four figures who were also there, actually there were five figures.

"Look, it's Xiao Lang!!" Someone yelled out in his Chinese name, calling him from behind. Syaoran sighs and groans as he notices the familiarity of the voice.

"Calm down, Syaoran. They just wanted to point you out for me." A familiar voice says but Syaoran didn't recognize it so quickly. Syaoran freezes in his steps as he finally registers who it could be. He didn't notice his sisters walking out quietly to leave them alone.

'It couldn't be, could it?' He thinks to himself as he slowly turns around. Syaoran blinks numerously, checking if the figure in front of him was really standing there and wasn't a figment of his imagination. "Tomoyo??" He whispers quietly. (^_^ Didn't expect her, huh?)

She giggles as he finally realizes who she was. "Hai!! That's me!!" 18-year-old Daidouji Tomoyo giggles as she sees him stand in shock. Out of humor, she pulls out her old camcorder and records him. "I think I'll call this one, 'Syaoran in Shock!'"

Tomoyo had also changed over the years that had passed. Her long dark black hair had grown even longer and reached her knees, although she had it in a long braid down her back. Her black eyes kept the same so-called innocent look but he knew better. She had grown but still hadn't reached up to Sakura, Syaoran, and Eriol. Tomoyo's fashion taste had changed; that was apparent since she wore an outfit that had no frills or laces, which she had been obsessed with when she was a kid. Tomoyo wore a tight light blue shirt that had a design on her left side. It was a design of a flower, actually a cherry blossom (What a coincidence, isn't it? *grins* What do those look like anyway? *scratches back of head*). Her tight skirt was also light blue and reached her knees; it also had the same design. She wore a pair of sandals to top off the outfit.

Syaoran falls anime style as he watches her record his every move but when she finally put down the camcorder, he immediately gave her a hug.

"Okay! Okay! Calm down! I want to still stay alive after this!" She yells out as he gives her a breath-taking hug, literally. He blushed as he released her from the hug.

"What are you doing here, Tomoyo?" Syaoran asks.

"I'm here on. . . . well, you could say, business?" Tomoyo answers.

"Um. . . are you here alone?" He says blushing.

Tomoyo giggles slightly before answering, "Actually, I'm not. I'm here with. . . .my boyfriend."

Syaoran groans, "Damn, I wanted. . . . uh. . ." He tries to change the subject, "Who's your boyfriend?"

Tomoyo giggles and is about to answer when someone interrupted her.

"Wouldn't you like to know, my older yet still cute descendent?" (Can anyone guess who that was? ^_^() Ehehehehe.)

Syaoran groans again. 'Not him. Anyone but him.' "Hiiragizawa." He says dryly. He watches as 18-year-old Eriol comes into view.

Eriol also changed as they all did. He still had the dark blue hair but he also had grown it out like Syaoran. It didn't grow that long and only went up to his chin. Eriol's greyish eyes shone with mischief in them. He had grown and was about the same height as Syaoran and taller than Sakura and Tomoyo. He wore the same thing as Syaoran, jeans and a baggy shirt, although his outfit seemed to match Tomoyo's, his shirt being a light blue which matched him, too.

Eriol grins, "Now how'd you ever guess?"

Syaoran grins back and gives him a short hug. "It's been a long time, you two. I've missed you and Japan."

Tomoyo frowns, "So why didn't you call us or keep in contact?"

Syaoran looks down and gained interest in the floor, "I couldn't, Tomoyo."

"And why's that?" Tomoyo demands.

"Because." Syaoran says simply as he still stared at the floor.

Tomoyo was about to explode at his simplicity but Eriol touched her on the shoulder. She looked back at him and she stopped. Eriol smiles and changes the subject.

"How's it going with the Clan, Syaoran?"

Syaoran keeps frowning and staring at the floor, "The same. They still haven't stopped my marriage with Meiling yet and I can't be the leader of the Li Clan if I don't agree to the marriage."

Tomoyo blinks, "Wow. I know you complained about the Clan being strict but I didn't know they were THAT strict."

Syaoran sighs, "Hai." He says and sits down on a chair that was in the kitchen. Tomoyo and Eriol join him on chairs that were also there.

"Is there any way for you not to marry her?" Eriol asks.

"Hai. One way."

"So what is it?" Tomoyo asks excited.

"Marry someone else."

"Anyone?" Eriol asks.

"Do they have to be related to you?" Tomoyo asks too.

"Anyone." Syaoran says simply.

"So. . . . . . you know who you really want to marry or even get together with." Tomoyo says grinning.

"It's not that easy. I have to get that SPECIFIC girl approved by the Clan. If they don't like her, then I can't get together with her. They already don't like Sakura since she has the Clow Cards or Sakura Cards." Syaoran says sad.

Tomoyo blinks, "I didn't say anything about Sakura."

Syaoran blushes as he realizes what he had just done. Eriol and Tomoyo both stiffle a laugh.

"It's okay. I meant Sakura." Tomoyo tells, giggling.

"How. . . um. . is. . . . . . she??" Syaoran stutters out nervously.

Tomoyo freezes and starts thinking out loud, "I hope she's okay. I wonder where she went."


18-year-old Sakura walked along the sidewalk, sighing. She was also in Hong Kong with Tomoyo and Eriol but she didn't want to go with them to Syaoran's house. It brought up too many painful memories, especially for her. She remembered the last time she felt so bad. It was at his last soccer game. That was a terrible experience for her.

**************************************************************************** **********


Sakura frowned as she walked away. Syaoran had just brushed her off. 'I bet he didn't mean it intentionally. It just hurts so much. Doesn't he get that I care for him so much? It doesn't matter. He doesn't like me too.' These thoughts made her feel sad and tears were struggling to leave her eyes. She knew that she would break down soon so she ran towards her house in a hurry.

Sakura entered the house when the tears started to fall. Her brother, 16-year-old Kinomoto Touya, saw her but not the tears.

"Ohayo kaijuu." He greets her but stops when he notices the tears.

"Sakura, are you alright?" He asks as he nears her. Sakura finally notices her brother there and rushes into her room. Touya watches and blinks as he goes into the kitchen wondering what could have Sakura down.

Sakura enters her room, sobbing, as she lays herself on her bed. The tears kept falling and wouldn't stop. She had thoughts running through her mind that wouldn't stop either.

Keroberus, or Kero for short, was in the room. He noticed the tears and looked at Sakura in worry. 'What could be wrong??' He thinks. Kero tries to comfort her but it failed. She just kept crying. 'I bet Tomoyo would know something about this.' He thinks as he leaves the room flying towards Tomoyo's mansion.

'Syaoran. . .why'd you brush me off? Don't you care about me at all? This hurts me as much as it hurts you. I wish I could tell you how I feel for you but I can't. There's no way that you feel the same way for me. I can't show him.' Sakura thinks to herself. 'I have to be happy for him. I HAVE to. There's no other way. I'll show him a great time in Japan before he leaves.' Sakura thinks as she brushes away her tears. 'That's that. I'm going to be happy even if it means that I'll hurt myself.'

Sakura did show Syaoran a fun time around Japan but she noticed that he seemed lifeless for the rest of the time that he was here. The last time she saw him actually come alive was when he left. He seemed so sad and his face actually showed emotion. 'Don't cry, Sakura. You promised yourself. Just deal with it.' She thinks as she watches him board the plane and leave Japan. Sakura stands staring at the window as the plane leaves. Tomoyo and Eriol stand behind her watching her with sorrowful faces.

Flashback Ends

**************************************************************************** **********

Sakura frowns as she remembers this memory. Why did she have to remember that one? It was one of the worst ones.

Out of the four, Sakura had changed the most. Her brown hair was no longer short but almost as long as Tomyo's. Actually her hair went up to her waist. Her green eyes sparkled with joy but it didn't seem real, as if that joy was a cover-up for her sadness. Sakura smiled but like her eyes, it didn't seem real. She grew up like Tomoyo and she seemed to be almost as tall as Eriol. Sakura wore the same outfit as Tomoyo that was pink instead of light blue. She had the same design as Tomoyo's except instead of the cherry blossoms, it was a design of poisies, Syaoran's favorite flower. (Another major coincidence. *grins*) She wore a pair of sandles to top it off.

Sakura sighed as she walked around the corner. She missed being with Syaoran. He always seemed to cheer her up. She slightly smiled at the thought of him but she shaked her head to clear his memory. 'Why did he have to leave?' She thinks sadly.


Sakura enters the hotel room in which she and Tomoyo shared. She entered to see Kero playing a video game. Sakura groaned and immediately plopped herself onto her bed. Kero paused the game to look at her.

"Hey, Sakura. Aren't you going to go see that gaki?" Kero says.

Sakura mumbles against the bed. "Iie. . . .Tesowymgigooesaoan."

Kero blinks in confusion, "Nani?"

Sakura sits up with a bear (It's Sakura, not Syaoran. They never exchanged bears. *sobs*) wrapped in her arms. "Iie, Kero. There's no way I'm going to go see Syaoran."

Kero shrugs and turns back to his game, "Well, I guess we'll wait for Tomoyo and Eriol to come back."

Sakura nodded slightly and walked into the bathroom, locking it. She looked at her reflection in the mirror. 'What's going on with you Sakura? You're hiding yourself.' She sits on the toilet (with the seat down and the cover thingy) and starts to cry.

'Let it all out Sakura, you always need a good cry.' Kero thinks as he looks in the direction of the bathroom. He knew what she was doing. 'I guess I'll have to wait for Tomoyo to come back for information on the gaki.' Kero thinks as he unpauses the game once again.


10 minutes later. . . . . .

Sakura comes out of the bathroom. Her eyes were red from all her crying. She looks to see that Kero had disappeared and the window was opened. She walked out onto the balcony (which was there) and looked at the view before her.

Sakura sighs as she looks at the gorgeous sight before her. Out of nowhere, a brick had come hurdling in her direction. She dodged it and it landed right in front of her. "Huh?" She utters as she looks at it.

She shuddered as she felt someone with a strong aura around. Suddenly, that feeling disappeared. 'Who could that be? It isn't Eriol or Syaoran.' She thinks to herself. Sakura looks at the brick and notices that it had a note attached to it. "Hmm?" She questions. She removes the note from the brick, only to see it read:

To: Miss Clow Card Mistress.

To figure out my real identity,

Read the riddles that I leave behind.

The first clue will not be as hard to solve

just find the place that has the same

power as one of your cards.


The Master

Sakura reads the note in confusion. 'Who's the Master?' She thinks to herself. Only one problem, she didn't know the sights around Hong Kong very well and she had to visit the one person who did. She sighed and changed quickly into a pair of jeans with a sleeveless pink shirt (I'm obsessed with those *giggles*). She had on the same sandles as before and now her hair was up in a quick ponytail. She grabbed her jacket and purse and left the room.

A few minutes later, Kero entered the room only to find it empty. 'Hmm. . . I wonder where Sakura went.' He thinks but goes over to his game and starts playing.


Back to Syaoran, Tomoyo, and Eriol. . . .

Syaoran, Tomoyo, and Eriol had been talking in the kitchen when there was a ring at the door. Syaoran looks back, confused. 'I wonder who that could be.' He thinks as he approaches the door. He felt a strong aura from somewhere that seemed slightly familiar.

Syaoran opens to door to see. . . . .

CLIFFHANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! *everyone looks at the author weirdly* *sweatdrops* ^_^() Eheheheheheheheh. . . .excuse my hyperness. . . . . . . . I just drank a little Sprite. . . . . . eheheheheheheheheheh. . . . . . . . . Well, review and ignore me. Ja ne!!! :Þ