
It is safe to say I am officially a Cullen. Edward proposed, it was a simple wedding, much to the dismay of Alice. Ryan also found a mate for himself, her name is Lindsey, and she is great. For the first time in my existence, I am completely happy. Also, our coven is the biggest in history, it is quite an accomplishment.

The Volturi…after they left me, the Cullen's went for a visit. When Aro was greeting everyone, he saw a vision that Alice missed, I know it is a shock. Aro said because I was blocking her, she didn't see, but it was always there. The vision was of me, obviously, it showed me becoming the new leader of Volterra. Which would never happen. The Volturi discussed what they were going to do to stop the vision from ever happening. That's when they called Tanya, they were very much aware of her relationship with Carlisle, and with Edward. Tanya eventually met Victoria, who was only interested in a free meal.

Victoria watched me, waiting for the perfect time to attack. When she found it, she attacked, but Jake obviously killed her before me. "Bella will you hurry up." Alice said, as she came into my room. "Alice, you cant be late for your wedding when you are already married." I said. "But people out there don't know that. Edward is gonna think you bailed out on him." Alice said, smiling. "I honestly don't think Edward, would ever think that. You are so lame sometimes." I told her. "Yeah, that's the beauty of living forever, you get used to it. Now c'mon, the guest are getting nervous." Alice said, grabbing my hand, and pulling me out the door. "I will never understand what it is that make weddings so special to you." I said shaking my head. Alice was about to open her mouth to say something, but I sopped her. "I swear, if you say the wedding night, I will use one of my many powers on you." I told her. She snapped her mouth shut. "That's what I thought." I said, laughing. We made it to the main doors as the music started to play. I met Edward's gaze, he was looking at me like he fell in love with me all over again. "I love you. Forever." He mouthed.