Chapter One

The Cryptic Message

Naruto spun toward Kakashi. "You were there - weren't you?"

Kakashi nodded.

Naruto's fists clenched with barely contained anger. "Then why didn't you stop them? Why didn't you try to help him? I thought you said you'd never let your comrades die? Was it all just a lie?"

Kakashi watched the emotions play across Naruto's face. "It isn't that simple Naruto. There wasn't any way . . ."

Naruto launched at him, fists flaying. "I trusted you. You promised it would all be OK. Why is he dead then?"

Kakashi tried to deflect Naruto's blows but one series of hits got through his defenses and landed hard against his left side. The jonin staggered back and fell to his knees.

Naruto stumbled to a stop, his face showing his confusion as the concern for his teacher warred with his need to blame someone for Jiraiya's death. Concern won out.

Naruto knelt at Kakashi's side. "Kakashi-sensai, what's wrong?"

Kakashi clutched one hand against the ribcage of his left side. He struggled to take a full breath.

"Like I tried to say Naruto, I wanted to stop them but there wasn't any way to keep them away."

Kakashi pulled his hand away from his side and lifted it up between himself and Naruto. It was covered with fresh blood.

Naruto blinked as though trying to figure out where the blood came from. Kakashi felt the world tip sharply to the side and started to fall backward. His descent ended when Shikamaru stepped behind him to stop his motion.

Shikamaru's voice sounded tight with emotion. "Kakashi-sensai, what happened to you?"

Kakashi knew the young chunin was still reeling after Asuma's horrific death, and realized this latest turn of events was bringing those memories back to life for the young man.

"I'll be fine Shikamaru." The lie would have been easier if he hadn't gasped in pain after the last word left his lips.

Shikamaru grasped Kakashi's shoulder. "Kakashi-sensai, please don't push yourself."

Naruto turned toward where Tsunade was leaning on the edge of her desk. "Grandma-Tsunade, can you make him better?"

Kakashi saw tears fall down Naruto's cheeks when he turned back toward him.

Tsunade walked over. "Kakashi, why didn't you tell me you were hurt?"

Her tone was a cross between scolding and concern.

He met her eyes. "There were more important things at the time."

She scowled. "Why don't you let me decide what is or isn't important next time, OK?"

Kakashi bowed his head. "Yes Hokage."

"Sakura, Shizune, come help with this assessment."

The two medical ninjas were at her side immediately.

With Shikamaru still supporting him from behind, the women worked as a team to remove Kakashi's vest and over shirt. When they started to pull his sleeveless shirt away from his injury his sharp intake of breath caused them to be more cautious.

They pulled the blood-soaked clothing away and revealed a large, vaguely hand-shaped area of skin had been burned away.

Tsunade's brow creased. "Kakashi . . . who did this to you?"

He closed his eyes, thinking back to the moment of his wound. Jiraiya was being targeted by the members of the Akatsuki and Kakashi was doing his best to keep the enemy at bay. The two leaf shinobi were back to back deflecting numerous attacks. Their summoned animals fought side by side – toads and dogs doing their best to keep the enemy from breaking through. That was when Kakashi saw a new entry into the battle. He tried to warn Jiraiya of the immanent attack but the Toad sage was busy defending against another assailant. The glowing aura around the new enemy's hand gave Kakashi all the information he needed to know this assailant was out for blood.

Using his sharingan to time his move, Kakashi pulled Jiraiya away from the attacker at the last moment. The movement put him in the direct path of that flaming hand, and in a matter of seconds the energy burnt itself into Kakashi's side. Jiraiya could have used the distraction to escape but instead the sage seemed consumed with anger over Kakashi's wound and sprang at the attacker like a demon. For awhile the battle looked like it could be won, but Kakashi's injury made it impossible for him to aide Jiraiya and soon the toad-sage was overwhelmed by the combined forces of the enemy.

All Kakashi could do was watch.

When it was over, Jiraiya was dead . . . but not before he carved his cryptic message into Pa toad's back. The toads and nin-dogs surrounded Kakashi, determined to keep him from joining in Jiraiya's fate. For whatever reason – perhaps because they felt Kakashi was no threat – the enemy did not try to approach him after the first series of dog bites. They left him there with Jiraiya's corpse and the daunting task of returning to Konoha with the news.

Tsunade's voice brought him out of his memory. "Kakashi, please, who did this?"

He looked up to see concern deep in her eyes. "It was a member of the Akatsuki I believe it was the one called Zetsu. He and the others – Pein, Kisame and Deidara are the ones who attacked Jiraiya"

She leaned forward and probed his wound, causing the skin to open in more than one place. Kakashi's pained moan was followed by his whisper. "I'm sorry, Tsunade-sam. I failed you again."

Tsunade seemed startled by his words. "Kakashi, you did your best. No one could expect more."

He was sure her words were meant to ease the pain in his heart, but they failed. He would never understand why Jiraiya attacked instead of fled. He would never feel he hadn't failed both the toad-sage and the Leaf village. He would never be whole again.

The next several hours were a blur for Kakashi. He was examined by countless medical staff and taken at last to one of the operating suites where they did their best to mend the patches of dying skin forming the vague shape of Zetsu's hand print. In Kakashi's mind the scene of Jiraiya's death continued to play over and over even after he fell into an uneasy sleep.


Naruto watched Tsunade and the others tend to Kakashi-sensai's injuries. How could he have ever thought that Kakashi-sensai wouldn't try his best to save Jiraiya-san? What was he thinking when he launched his attack on his teacher?

He felt sick. When was he going to learn that he couldn't just jump to conclusions like that? Naruto sat heavily on the bench outside the hospital's surgical room.

"Naruto you should know Kakashi-sensai doesn't blame you." Shikamaru sat next to him on the hard wood bench.

Naruto didn't meet his eyes. "He might not – but I do."

Shikamaru laughed. "Then I guess Kakashi-sensai taught you more than anyone would have guessed."

Naruto looked at Shikamaru to see if he was making fun of him, but the chunin's face was the picture of seriousness. "But then why did I attack him in the first place?"

Shikamaru shrugged. "It's bothersome, but some lessons take longer to learn."

Naruto smiled. "Yeah. I guess so." He looked toward the operating room's door. "Why do you think they didn't kill Kakashi-sensai too?"

Shikamaru sighed. "I've been trying to figure that out myself. It could be his death held no value to them. But still . . ."

He steepled his fingers like he did anytime he tried to solve a complex puzzle. "Perhaps Kakashi is needed for another part of their strategy. Or perhaps they just couldn't afford the extra time needed to finish him off."

Naruto nodded. "I just don't know what I'd do if he were gone too." His words were so quiet he wasn't sure if Shikamaru heard them.

Shikamaru placed his hands on his knees and tipped his head back until it touched the wall. "I feel the same way Naruto."

The two sat in silence.


"What do you mean Kakashi is still alive?" Tobi's anger was almost palpable.

Kisame cringed. "Forgive me Mizokage, but it was impossible to reach him and still meet the deadline to rejoin you."

Tobi placed his hands behind his back and paced. "This will complicate things. With Kakashi still in the mix we may need to rethink how we proceed."

Zetsu's mantle bristled. "This one man worries you so much?"

Tobi stopped and stared into Zetsu's black and white face. "This one man could conceivably undo all that we've accomplished so far."

Pein chimed in. "Then let us return to finish what we started. He was no match for us when he was paired with the Toad Sage. It will be a simple matter to end him now that he's alone."

Tobi resumed pacing. "He has seen your methods. He will not fall prey to them again."

Deidara stepped forward. "Then what choice do we have?"

Tobi stopped once more and lifted his hand to his mask. "The only choice is for me to deal with Kakashi Hatake myself." He removed the swirled mask and turned toward the remaining members of the Akatsuki, revealing a face covered with scars and missing its left eye. "After all, this reunion is long overdue."


Tsunade, Sakura and Shizune spent hours trying to counter the burns splayed across Kakashi's side. The problem they were having was that whatever jutsu Zetsu used to inflict the wound was still working on the man's flesh. They had to find some way to stop the new damage from occurring before they'd be able to concentrate on healing the burns that were already there.

Just when Tsunade was ready to admit defeat Shizune's voice floated over to her. "I think we've found one that will work Lady Tsunade."

The hope in her assistant's voice gave the Hokage something to cling to. "Show me!"

Shizune and Sakura approached the operating table and presented Tsunade with a small bowl filled with pungent smelling lotion. Tsunade dipped her fingertips in and scooped a good sized dollop out. Its texture reminded her of the sea salt scrub she favored for her daily soaks.

She placed the concoction onto the most damaged part of Kakashi's wound, thankful the man was unconscious as she watched the area begin to squirm under her touch. She wiped the area clean after a few moments and was pleased to see the progression of damage seemed to have been halted.

She nodded to the two women and they stepped forward to liberally cover the remainder of Kakashi's wound. Even asleep, his body arched in pain as the lotion went to work. The look of despair on Sakura's face brought tears to Tsunade's eyes, but she was impressed to see that the girl continued to apply the lotion until her task was finished.


Kakashi blinked his eyes open. He wanted to say he knew where he was . . . but he honestly had no clue. A noise to his right caught his attention and he slowly turned his head toward the sound.

Naruto's yellow haired head popped into view. The young man's blue eyes were red-rimmed but he smiled all the same when he realized Kakashi was watching him.

"Kakashi-sensai! You're awake!"

"So it would seem, Naruto."

The young shinobi's expression changed to one full of doubt as he looked down at his feet.

"What's wrong Naruto?" A horrible thought crossed Kakashi's mind. "Has someone attacked while I was asleep?"

Naruto's head snapped up. "God no Kakashi . . . nothing like that."

Kakashi relaxed a bit. "Good. Then what's got you looking like you're going to be sick?"

Naruto met his gaze. "I'm sorry Kakashi-sensai. I should have realized you wouldn't have abandoned Pervy-sage."

Kakashi smiled with his eyes, pleased to see Naruto was thinking logically once more. "It's OK Naruto. You were upset."

"But it's you we're talking about. I should never have doubted you." He paused and wiped at his nose with his sleeve. "Especially not you."

Kakashi was curious. "Why not me, Naruto? I'm human too you know."

Naruto grew more serious then Kakashi had ever seen him. "Pervy sage trusted you more than anyone else in the village – he told me so. I should have known there was a reason for him to trust you."

Kakashi was surprised by his words. "What exactly did Jiraiya say to you Naruto?"

Naruto moved closer to Kakashi's bed. "It was a few months ago. Right after you were released from hospital the last time. He told me he had to go on some dangerous missions and wouldn't be able to work with me for awhile. I told him it was OK cause I'd just work with you instead. But he told me he'd be taking you with him for awhile. I didn't want to hear that. After all – you'd been unable to train me for a long time and I wanted that more than anything. "

He paused and a look of understanding came over him before he continued. "He said he was going places where he'd need someone to watch out for him and you were the only person he could rely on to do that."

Kakashi sighed. "Yeah – well we can see what a good job I did."

Naruto looked a bit angry. "But Kakashi-sensai, Pervy sage didn't expect you to protect him. His exact words were 'I need someone with me to carry on when it's over.' I just thought he was being crazy again . . . but now I'm not so sure."

Kakashi furrowed his brow. "Are you sure that's what he said Naruto?"

Naruto nodded. The two sat silently for awhile. Then Kakashi broke the silence.

"Naruto, give me a hand getting up."

The young genin looked around the room nervously. "Are you sure that's such a good idea? I mean, what if Grandma Tsunade comes in?"

Kakashi laughed, pleased that the act didn't cause more than a twinge in his side.

"Naruto, let me worry about that. I need to get back out there if we're going to stop the fools from killing anyone else we know."

Naruto grinned. "So I get to help now?"

Kakashi answered while the youth helped him out of bed. "I wouldn't have it any other way."


Jiraiya's death left more unanswered questions then Kakashi would have liked. The biggest of those was what on earth the cryptic numbers carved on the toad's back meant. Were they a combination? A location on a map? Some strange code meant to unlock the seal on Naruto's chest? He didn't have a clue.

But it was obvious after talking with Naruto that whatever it was Jiraiya meant for him to help the boy figure it out.

Kakashi rubbed at the back of his neck.

"Kakashi-sensai, are you OK? You look tired."

Kakashi turned toward Naruto. "It's nothing. I'm just thinking about our next move."

"Oh." Naruto looked at the ground then back up to meet his eyes. "Kakashi-sensai, can I ask you something?"

"Of course. What's on your mind?"

"With Pervy-sage gone and Asuma-sensai gone do you think the Akatsuki are going to come after Grandma-Tsunade next?"

Kakashi raised his eyebrows in surprise. He was impressed that Naruto was thinking ahead to their enemy's next step.

"What makes you think that?"

Naruto looked down at his hands. "Well, Shikamaru and I were talking earlier trying to figure some stuff out . . ."

Kakashi stopped walking. "Like why I was left alive?"

Naruto stopped short. "Yeah. That and other stuff too."

Kakashi looked up toward the sun. "It could be they don't see me as a threat. Or it may have been my dogs kept them at bay. Either way I don't think we've seen the last of them. It's obvious that whatever goals the Akatsuki had at one time they have changed to focus almost entirely on the Leaf Village now. I think the Hokage may be their next target. Not to mention the counselors."

Naruto tried to mimic Kakashi's pose. "Right. I forgot about them. But they are seen sort of as leaders here, right?"

Kakashi nodded.

"So then the Feudal Lord might be in danger too?"

"That's right Naruto. Which is why you and I are headed over to his estate right now."

"We are? Really? I've always wanted to see where he lives."

Kakashi chuckled. "Try to remember we're going there for serious business Naruto. Be on your best behavior."

"You've got it Kakashi-sensai. You won't even know I'm there! Believe it!"


Kakashi held Naruto back by the scruff of his neck. "Naruto, calm down."

"But did you hear what he said? He said you didn't know what you were talking about. Doesn't this guy get it?"

Kakashi had to admit his thoughts were running parallel to Naruto's but he learned long ago that not everyone agreed with his ideas. All he could do was present his theories and be content that the information was out there. What the Feudal Lord decided to pay attention to was entirely up to him.

The Feudal Lord stood up, his guards moving in closer to Kakashi and Naruto, their swords partially drawn.

"Kakashi-san, if you mean to be taken seriously perhaps you should leave the boy home next time."

Kakashi kept a firm grip on Naruto sliding one hand over the young ninja's mouth just in case. "I will keep that in mind my Lord . . . assuming there is a next time."

The Feudal Lord narrowed his eyes. "How dare you use that tone with me!"

The guards drew the swords out fully. Kakashi bowed his head in submission, never loosening his grip on Naruto. "Forgive me My Lord if you mistook my words. I simply was pointing out that I might not live to see you again."

Naruto squirmed under Kakashi's hold but was not able to break free.

"Allow me to remove this child from your presence and you won't see either of us again."

The Feudal Lord sat on his cushions once more. He waved a hand at his guards who in turn lowered their swords. "See to it Kakashi-san that you do not darken my door again."

Kakashi stood back up. "As you command, my Lord."

He backed out of the audience room with Naruto firmly in his arms. Once he was beyond the doors he released the young ninja, turned around and shoved his hands into his pockets. He glanced over his shoulder at Naruto.

"That went well."

Naruto's eyes went wide. "Are you insane Kakashi-sensai? That didn't go well at all!"

Kakashi shrugged. "We're both still alive. That's something."

He walked slowly away from the Feudal Lord's residence. After a few moments he heard Naruto run to catch up. They'd tried to warn the fool. What happened from here on was no longer his concern.


Kakashi and Shikamaru spent most of the week trying to figure out Jiraiya's final message. They'd tried every imaginable cipher and more than a few unimaginable ones. All they found were headaches beyond any they'd ever had in the past.

"This makes no sense Kakashi-sensai. Why would Jiraiya-san use a code that the Leaf has no chance of solving?" Shikamaru sat back and steepled his fingers.

Kakashi ran his hand over the back of his neck. "He wouldn't. We have to be missing something."

Kakashi ran the days leading up to the attack over and over in his mind. There was nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing that gave him the slightest clue what Jiraiya's cryptic numbers might mean.

Shikamaru sighed. "Maybe we aren't going back far enough. Perhaps it was from a time before you were in the hospital the last time."

Kakashi closed his eyes. What was he doing before he . . . wait – not before the hospital. Jiraiya came to see him more than once while he was still in the hospital. His eyes snapped open. "I'll be right back."

Kakashi left Shikamaru in the room staring after him as he ran out the door. Jiraiya's gift made no sense at the time. The Toad Sage knew he'd already read Make Out Paradise but he'd brought Kakashi two copies of the book to pass the time. Not copies of his new volume – but copies of the second book. He'd been in no shape to question it back then and after he was released Jiraiya asked him to go with him for a series of missions. The gift had slipped Kakashi's mind entirely.

Kakashi never opened the second book, thinking it was just another copy of Make Out Paradise and he'd keep it in reserve for when he'd worn out the first copy. Could it be that the answers lay within the pages of the second volume?

He pushed open his door and was about to head for his bookshelf when he realized he wasn't alone. Kakashi skidded to a stop.

"What's the hurry Kakashi Hatake?" The voice was familiar but he couldn't place a finger on it.

Kakashi took a moment to look into the shadows until he found his visitor's shape amidst the darkness. The shape moved forward into the light allowing Kakashi to see the red on black robes marking the intruder as a member of the Akatsuki. The stranger's hair was black and they wore a red swirled mask. Kakashi narrowed his eyes and moved one hand toward his weapons pouch while the other lifted his headband to reveal his sharingan.

"I'm sorry, but I didn't think I had any visitors coming today."

"Don't you recognize me Kakashi Hatake? Have I changed so much over the years?"

The visitor reached toward the mask and slowly removed it. Kakashi lowered his hand to his side at the sight of the scarred face that was missing its left eye.


"Long time no see Kakashi." He stepped forward until he was face to face with Kakashi, sharingan locking with sharingan.

"I believe you have something that belongs to me."