Slightly angsty and cheesy.

Warnings: I do not own RK and its characters. Major fluff ahead. It's sappy. You've been warned.

A Walk



It had seemed like the most natural thing. Yet when it did happen, there was still an unmistakable element of surprise that overtook her very being.

The breeze blew gently over their still forms and time seemed to stop. There was no sound, no trees, no grave and no wind. For her nothing seemed to exist, except him.

He with his kind eyes and his hand outstretched to her.

How can such a simple gesture offer so many meanings all at once? Was it an invitation, a welcome, a comforting strength to lean on… and perhaps a new beginning?

Finally releasing a smile, she took his offered bandaged hand and stood up. And together they walked the grassy path away from Tomoe's grave.

Kaoru was feeling too many things all at once. The fact that he was holding her hand was enough to make her heart cadence to the rhythm of a drum. Never mind that she could scarcely feel his skin through the thick covering of his bandages. His arms and body still bruised and wounded from his last battle with Enishi. Despite the physical obstruction, she could still feel the heat from his hands travel within her, providing her warmth despite the slightly chilly weather.

As she turned sideways to glance at her companion, Kaoru could not help but recall the words he had just said, supposedly intended for his beloved wife long dead…

Thank you

I'm sorry


It was the last word that confused her. What did Kenshin's 'goodbye' mean? Was it a temporary farewell? One with a promise that Kenshin will be coming back to visit Tomoe's grave maybe when he has fully recovered or during her death's anniversary. Or was it the 'goodbye' that she hoped for? The kind of goodbye that her heart desires, that Kenshin is ready to move on with life or maybe a new love.

Kaoru knew that Tomoe will always hold that special place in Kenshin's life. An esteemed position no one, not even Kaoru, can ever take away from Kenshin. And thinking about it, Kaoru didn't want Kenshin to forget Tomoe. After all, Tomoe had been the very reason for Kenshin's way of life, that the sword can be used to protect people's lives, the people he loved and cared about, to atone for his past mistakes. Tomoe had given him that second chance.

Her companion seemed to have sensed her thoughtfulness, for he suddenly stopped walking beside her. Kaoru would not have noticed but when he halted, the hand still firmly wrapped around her fingers made her stop. Turning around in confusion, she looked at him in question and was surprised to see him smiling at her.

A genuine smile, one that reached his eyes.

And a smile, it seemed reserved only for her.

Kenshin rubbed his thumb on top of hers, their hands still held. And Kaoru felt herself shiver, succumbing to the emotions that the mildly sensual touch evoked. He had never touched her in such a suggestive way before. It was an unfamiliar but welcome feeling. One she could get used to.

He moved closer to her, his hand left hers and came up slowly to brush the hair away from her face. Standing this close to Kenshin, Kaoru could feel his warm ghost of breath on her face. She could smell him and feel him. Unafraid, she looked up to meet his eyes. And all she could see was her reflection, tenderness and dare she say it? Something akin to love.

It need not be said. Yet he still spoke.


"Hn?" Robbed of the ability to say something intelligible, Kaoru could only look at him, her mind wandering on his hand placed on her left cheek. So lost in the sensations, she did not notice the lack of the –dono he usually addressed her with.

"I want..." He seemed to hesitate, but something in her eyes made him continue. "… To thank you."

What? She thought. He didn't say I love you? Maybe she misheard but then he continued.

"I want to thank you… for coming here with me to visit Tomoe."

Oh. That.

Foolishly she thought he would be say something more. The moment could not have been more perfect. It was the part where he was going to confess his love, and she was going to accept his proposal. The moment when Kaoru would throw her arms around his neck while they shared in a sweet, longing kiss. Looking down at her toes, suddenly she was overcome with embarrassment at her thoughts.

"Sure… I wanted to be here too."

Turning sideways to avoid his gaze, she intended to walk ahead. The main road was not far ahead, and she wanted to be in a place full of people where hopefully she would not be distracted by such thoughts of Kenshin. He didn't budge though, and she realized he didn't intend to let her go yet.

She forced herself to look up into his eyes once again. She waited, for Kenshin seemed keen on saying something else.

"I've missed you."

Eyes widening at the unexpected declaration, she was left speechless. It was almost as good as the declaration she was waiting for. Maybe even better. It meant so much more, because he had said it not far from Tomoe's grave.

Kaoru then realized the importance of her being there. Kenshin brought her here, because he wanted Kaoru to meet Tomoe. In bringing Kaoru to Tomoe's grave, Kenshin was allowing Kaoru into his life, with no more secrets of his past. Kaoru felt good knowing that Kenshin held her in such a highly esteemed position and she suddenly felt honored for having been the only other person bestowed of such trust.

Kenshin seemed to have realized that she wasn't going to say something else. He leaned forward and dropped a kiss… to the corner of her forehead.

This time, she wasn't disappointed. When their eyes met again, she smiled. They held hands and began to walk towards the main road.

Maybe, it wasn't the time to reveal of such feelings yet. She wasn't a fool to think that Kenshin only saw her as a friend. His eyes told her more than that. And his actions the past few days, not to mention his reaction to Enishi's Jinchuu, had told her more than she needed to know.

Kaoru held Kenshin's heart. And it was all that mattered. The intense declarations of love can wait… for just a little bit longer.



I haven't written in ages! I'm not sure how I did in this chapter. I'm not used to writing sappy scenes, I hope you could comment on that. I'm sorry for posting something that feels unpolished, so if something feels off, I would still like to know your opinion.

It's just a tiny break from all the other angsty stories I've been writing. I'm actually working on a collection of drabbles set in AU as well as the third chapter for A Hint of Finality. Please review!