I stare at her sometimes, I don't think she realizes it yet. She has your smile, big and bright. I remember when I used to make you smile at me just so I would know the world would be okay. I remember all the fun we used to have, even if it was just sneaking around in the middle of the night. You being there made it perfect. You were the calm to my storm, you were the love of my life.

"Dad, what's wrong?" The small child asks. She smiles again at him and he returns the smile.

"Nothing love." He says lying the flowers in front of the grave.

You know, she has a lot of your facial features too, if I keep staring at her, at times I can almost believe its you my love. Then I feel as if I want to cry. But I must be strong for her. She lost one father I wont let her loose the other.

I run my hand over her face and wipe away a tear. My sweet child, sweet love of mine. Her eyes, the bluest you could ever see. Pale but bright at the same time, those are my eyes. But looking at them, I can see a small bit of pain in them and its tearing me in two, I wish you were here with us now.

"What's wrong love?"

"Daddy, I don't want you to cry." She says as she sniffles.

"I won't baby, I love you and you are all that matters anymore." I mean it too, I lost you and until we meet in heaven she is all that I have left in this world.

I run my hands through her hair, it's just like yours, so soft. Its sandy-blonde strands just lie there straight as a board. I remember how I used to run my hands through your hair; it was so soft, like silk, silk that would not be tamed. But her hair is tame; she must get that from me. I can feel it start to rain, it's going to storm soon. I should get her home. I look up to the sky and can feel the tears streaming down my face, why, why did he have to die? Why did you take him away from us when we needed him most? I silently ask the gods, they won't answer me, and they haven't for eight years why would they start now?

"Lets go now love, its starting to rain." The girl smiles up at him.

"Okay daddy." She leans forward and kisses the grave. "I love you dad."

"Come along now Emily, let's get home. Aunt Hermione and Uncle Ron are going to be there." The girl no older than eight runs after her daddy.

After the rain lets up a small ray of light glints off the tombstone and makes the words that much more visible.

Harry Potter-Malfoy

Loving father,

Taken from us too soon in life,

He will be missed.