Disclaimer: Metroid and its characters are owned by Nintendo.

A/N: This story is simply a project I felt like doing. Don't expect an update schedule, for I'll be updating whenever I feel like it. Well, maybe not once a month... Anyways, I've just had some ideas floating around about various games, Metroid being one of them and this is the result of several ideas. This chapter is meant to be a sort of introduction, so it's gonna take some time to get really into it. And honestly, I could care less if you hate any of this; I'm doing it simply for enjoyment.

Prologue: Mission Status

Galactic Federation Report "B.S.L. Incident Update"

The first batch of samples found amongst the remnants of SR388 and the Biological Space Laboratories Research Station have been analyzed as requested by Galactic Federation Command. Unfortunately, the Research Station was beyond recovery.

Sample 01 was analyzed extensively, but the results were negligible. The sample was nothing more than a fragment of Bendezium that was covered in algae.

Sample 02, 04, 05, and 06 were all organic matter. Upon further investigation, the matter was proven to be nothing more than vegetation, either from SR388 or the Research Station's various habitats. No evidence of the X was discovered amongst the samples.

Sample 03 was the most intriguing. Analysis indicates that it is indeed organic matter, belonging to an unidentified creature. Further study showed no presence of the X Parasite, but the research team continued to study the sample in hopes of identifying the original creature. Unfortunately, the sample mysteriously vanished soon after confirming the absence of the Parasite. The research team is currently being interrogated as to the whereabouts of Sample 03.

More samples are currently being gathered and examined for any signs of the X. As such, expect further developments on various samples in upcoming reports.

In regards to Samus Aran, the results are inconclusive. Once she had destroyed both SR388 and the Research Station, she vanished along with the G.F. ship she was granted for the B.S.L. Incident. Upon investigating various planets and cities she was known to frequent, we were able to locate the stolen ship. However, no sign of Aran or the ship's C.O. A.I.; it is presumed that Aran erased the A.I. so that it would not report her actions to Command. Further inquiry with the locals proved fruitless; it seemed that Aran abandoned the ship as soon as possible and found other means of transportation. The investigation is still underway unless Command sees fit to call off the search for Aran.

Concerning the Metroid Program, the results look grim. We were unable to locate the remnants of the Research Station's jettisoned laboratory. It's quite possible that the facility housing the Metroid Program was detonated, destroying all evidence of its existence. The team assigned the task of locating the laboratory shall continue the search until recalled.

Head of the Investigation Department

Captain Vorwund

Encoded Transmission to the flagship 'The Avenger'


The sample that the Galactic Federation's research team acquired has been confiscated and is currently en route for immediate processing. The sample is indeed a tissue sample of Geoform 187, and is now capable of returning to his post. Additionally, the foolish Federation is interrogating their own research team, believing that one of them has stolen the sample for themselves.

The Federation has also been unable to locate the Hunter. Various informants in Sector Epsilon have provided nothing worthwhile. More information will be delivered when available.

Additionally, the Federation was unable to locate the abandoned research facility. The false debris proved enough to thwart their efforts to salvage any useful remnants of the facility. A team has already been ordered to retrieve the valuable cargo from the true debris. Expect the shipment of the findings to arrive on Xeqat within a cycle.

Concerning the Federation occupation of Urtrag, the condition appears to remain consistent. Whilst the Federation has not been able to reverse-engineer our shielding systems, they show no sign of abandoning their occupation. They still believe that to be our homeworld, the fools. All survivors of the "Phaaze" incident have been smuggled to various other headquarters.

I also would like to request a reassignment, with someone to replace my current assignment. I believe that the Federation will soon follow the trail of various sabotages to me. I still wish to remain undercover, only in a different sector. I hear the our current agent in Sector Zela is searching for a replacement.

End Transmission

One month after the events of Metroid: Fusion

Unknown signal detected. Locating…


Signal located. Retrieving coordinates…


Coordinates found.

Signal located in the Gatru Quadrant, Nylio Sector, Amboro Asteroid Belt.

Signal is of unknown coding. Unable to translate.

"Samus, you might want to take a look at this."