Chapter 14

Tatsuha & Hikaru's Jealousy

"So I take it your dad's home?" Hikaru raised the orange and blue jacket to eye level. "How long has he been gone this time?" Hikaru yelled out still studying the rather brightly colored coat.

"Two months." Shuichi yelled from upstairs.

"Well, that's shorter than usual."


"Where is he anyway?" Hikaru spoke up while looking around from where he was standing.

"I don't know. I thought he would be here resting but I guess he's out."

"And he forgot his favorite jacket?" Hikaru said surprised.

"He has a new one." Shuichi said as he came walking down the stairs.

"Tell me it's not…."

"…orange." Both Shuichi and Hikaru said in unison.

Hikaru rolled his eyes and dropped the jacket onto the nearby chair.

"It's his favorite color." Shuichi said.

"Yeah, but that's just too bright. Is his new one just as bright?"


Hikaru sighed. "So where did he go this time?"

"Oh, you know my dad. We have to be hush, hush about work."

"Geez, you'd think he was a spy or something…..wait… he?" Hikaru looked suspiciously at his cousin.

"Noooo! Don't be silly….at least….I don't think he is…." Shuichi thought for a moment. "But that would be cool!" Shuichi laughed.

"Anyway, did you find what you were looking for?" Hikaru changed the subject.

"Yep!" Shuichi held up a big box of strawberry pocky.

"That's what we came all the way over here for? Strawberry pocky?"

"Maiko stole it from me and I really wanted some." Shuichi whined.

"We passed by how many convenience stores along the way?" Hikaru said annoyed.

"I also wanted to see my father." Shuichi shot back. "Hopefully this time he'll be around long enough for me to see him not to mention for him to be able to come to one of my concerts."

"He's never been to one of your concerts?" Hikaru asked surprised.

"Not yet. His work makes him travel so much it's hard for him to find the time. He's seen me on TV a few times."

"Do you have a concert coming up soon?" Shuichi began to open the box of strawberry pocky.

"Yep. Next week in fact. Want one?" Shuichi offered Hikaru after taking one for himself.

"Sure." Hikaru reached into the box and pulled one stick out and began eating it. "Are you going to wait until your father comes back?"

"I really can't. I have to get ready for my Go lesson today and you're" Shuichi put his arm around Hikaru's shoulders "supposed to give me some pointers!"

"The whole point of you taking lessons from Akira is to learn from him not me." Hikaru studied his cousin. "I'm surprised."

"What do you mean?"

"You'd do anything to get away from those lessons to the point where K has to chase you around the city and then drags you in by gunpoint. Now, you've become more…cooperative." Hikaru looked at his cousin with suspicion.

"What, I can't like Go?"

"You despise Go!" Hikaru raised his voice. "Lately, you seem to be almost looking forward to your lessons with Akira!"

Shuichi flinched and turned away from Hikaru.

"I'm right aren't I?" A realization hit Hikaru. "Is this why you've been asking me for pointers before your lessons? To impress Akira?" Anger began to well up inside Hikaru. "I can't believe this! Everything I've done for you and this is how you repay me!"

"What are you talking about?"

"You wanting to be with Akira!" Hikaru yelled.

"I don't want to be with Akira. Well, I mean he's a nice guy and all but you should already know that the only one for me is Yuki. Even if I wanted to be with Akira, I'm sure he'd reject me. All he talks about is you and how much he can't wait to play Go with you."

"Then why do you want me to teach you before your lessons with Akira?" Hikaru asked skeptically.

"Because you're helping me improve my relationship with Yuki."


"Well, you see, I think Yuki is impressed that I'm learning such a complicated game. I think he respects me more and even loves me more. I have to keep going for him."

"Has he seen any of your teaching games?"

"He's snuck in a couple of times. I guess he was curious. He's even played against me."

"Did you beat him?"

"No but he was still impressed. Go has really changed things between us. Even in bed Yuki's become more passionate the way he touc…"

"NO! NO! NO! STOP!" Hikaru waved his hands violently in front of him for Shuichi to stop talking. "I don't want to hear it! We agreed we wouldn't talk about…that!"

"We did? When did we agree to this?"

"I'm making this rule right now!"

"Come on Hikaru. Don't be so embarrassed. I'll listen to you if you talk about…"
"I have nothing I want to talk to you about!" Hikaru turned to leave the room. "Besides, it's none of your business!" .

"What do you mean 'none of my business'? Unless, you and Akira haven't….."

"AHHHHH! I'm not listening!" Hikaru covered his ears as he hastily exited the room.

"Hikaru! Come back!"

Hikaru remained in a foul mood for the rest of the day. Shuichi was unable to get Hikaru to teach him anything new much less anything at all before his lesson with Toya Akira.

Much to the surprise of everyone who knew him, Yuki was in attendance at the Go salon. He remained inconspicuous hiding off in a corner. No one knew exactly why he was there and no one had the guts to ask him.

Hikaru sat at one of the tables just up the steps after entering the Go salon. He didn't care much for watching Akira & Shuichi today. He sat at the table by himself replaying games on the board in front of him. There weren't as many news reporters here as there were during their first lesson. It looked like the media attention was dying down. It had been a month since Shuichi started his lessons and now he was enjoying them just to get him and Yuki closer.

Images of Yuki and Shuichi began running through his mind. 'Oh Yuki!' Hikaru grabbed his head, closed his eyes and willed himself to stop thinking about such perverse acts. "This is all Shuichi's fault!" Hikaru said through gritted teeth.

"You're funny!"

Hikaru opened his eyes and found Sakuma Ryuichi looking up at him. "What the heck are you doing here?"

"I came to play as well!" Ryuichi said cheerfully. "Shuichi can't have all the fun!"

"Shhhh!" Hikaru motioned. "Keep it down." Hikaru quickly looked around to see if anyone's attention was drawn to them, especially the reporters. It appeared that everyone was continuing on with their own business. "We don't want to attract any attention."

"Why do you think I wore the hat and sunglasses?"

"I can see the hat. But the sunglasses? You're inside. Come on." Hikaru got up and moved over to another table, one that was hidden behind a high ledge. Ryuichi followed and sat opposite him.

"Here, I brought something that will make the game more fun. Ryuichi reached inside the small bag he was carrying, that Hikaru just noticed, and he pulled out a small package. Hikaru couldn't make out what it was since Ryuichi's hands were in the way. Ryuichi ripped open the top of the package and poured the contents onto the Go board. Round, colorful pieces fell across the board. They were smaller than Go stones. Hikaru picked up the yellow piece and looked at it more carefully.

"M&M's? How will this make the game more fun?"

"We're going to use them instead of those plain black and white stones." Ryuichi smiled.

"What? You can't do that! You can't play Go with these!"

"Of course you can, silly. See?" Ryuichi collected the M&Ms and pushed them off to the side clearing the board. He began to move some of them to places on the Go board where you would normally place a stone if you were playing a move. "You play with them this way so that you can make cute things like bunny's and kitties out of colors instead of in plain colors." Ryuichi smiled from ear to ear.

Hikaru sighed. "This is how you think Go is played?" Hikaru muttered under his breath.

"Here!" Ryuichi pushed some of the candy in front of Hikaru. "You make something as well and let's see who makes a better design." Without saying a word, Hikaru began moving around the M&Ms. He felt if he protested it would be a wasted effort. ' Whatever keeps Ryuichi happy.'

Shuichi's Go lesson came to an end. The reporters left and once Shuichi spotted the love of his life…."YUUUUKKKKIIIIIIIIIII!" Shuichi came flying out of the small room and past everyone else. Before anyone knew it, Shuichi had attached himself to Yuki. Yuki sat there with his cigarette in his mouth having no visible reaction to being tackled. "Hey, do you mind? Get off." Yuki said somewhat nonchalant.

"Oh Yuki, I'm so happy! You actually came to see me and you never come to see me, unless you're forced by K."

"K didn't bring me here." Yuki answered. "I came here of my own will."

Shuichi's eyes grew big and tears began to form at their corners. "Yuki! Surprising me like this shows me how much you really care about me." Shuichi hugged Yuki even tighter. "You couldn't wait to see me could you? I guess your love for me is growing that you can't contain it any longer."

"I'm actually waiting for him." Yuki took his cigarette out of his mouth and disposed of it in the ashtray that was next to him, pressing it against the tray to stop the cigarette from burning. Shuichi looked up.

"Hey, bro!" Tatsuha waved happily at his older brother.

Confused, Shuichi loosened his grip on Yuki. Yuki took this opportunity to remove the rock star from him. He pushed him lightly onto the couch while he got up. "Took you long enough." Yuki said with a hint of annoyance in his voice walking towards Tatsuha.

"Sorry, I got held up. If you're all set, we can get going."

"Please., before I get a headache." Yuki lead the way to the exit.

"Akira!" Ryuichi jumped from the stairs and ran towards Akira who had just emerged from the room in which he was playing Go with Shuichi. Ryuichi slammed into Akira pushing him up against the front desk. He wrapped his arms around him. "I've missed you, Akira!" Ryuichi said joyfully while giggling to himself.

Hikaru looked just in time to see the spectacle and almost immediately he became tense.

"Mr. Sakuma…."

"No, it's Ryuichi. Call me Ryuichi."

"Ok, Ryuichi."

Hikaru hated when Ryuichi acted like this with Akira. 'Akira, push him away…'

"Tatsuha!" Yuki said louder than usual which got everyone's attention. Tatsuha jumped himself. "Why are you just standing there? We have to go."

Hikaru noticed the odd look on Tatsuha's face, but it was gone in a flash once Tatsuha realized everyone was looking at him. "I'm coming." Tatsuha smiled and slowly headed out. Before he left he took one last look at Akira and Ryuichi.

"So, did you see?" Shuichi somehow appeared in front of Hikaru. "Yuki came to see me! I told you this Go stuff is doing wonders for our relationship!"

"What? You're crazy Shuichi!" Hikaru pushed his way past his cousin and made his way over to Akira with Ryuichi still attached to him.

"Are we still on for tonight, Toya?" Hikaru said louder than he should to interrupt the 'playfulness' that was going on in front of him.

"Shindo? Of course we are."

"Good. Because it's been too long since I played against you!" Hikaru's passion was seeping into his voice. Akira got the message loud and clear and looked at him with determination.

"All right, all right. The two of you have a date tonight." K interceded. "You don't have to announce it to the world."

"What!" Hikaru and Akira said in unison.

"It's not a date, K!" Hikaru started.

"We have a scheduled time to play Go." Akira finished while crossing his arms and looking disgruntled.

"Scheduled time, date, whatever you want to call it. I hope you guys have fun." K continued teasing.

Hikaru's temper was getting worse. Between Sakuma Ryuichi being all over Akira and K blabbing on just didn't help the young Go player.

"Well, before your date tonight, Hikaru" Shuichi came up alongside Hikaru…"You and I need to meet my father."

"It's not a date." Hikaru insisted.

"Uh, huh." Shuichi said unconvinced. Hikaru went after his cousin out the door yelling at him.

"Thanks again, Akira!" K said. "We'll be leaving now Ryuichi."

"Oooohhhh, but I want to stay with Akira!"

"Not this time. You have a meeting to go to and I don't want to hear it from Tohma how I made you late."

"Ok." Ryuichi said defeated. "I'll come by real soon and play Akira, ok?"


He placed the black stone ever so gently down onto the Go board adjacent to a white stone. He stopped and waited, staring at the board, waiting for the next move to be made. Akira raised his head to his would be opponent, but the chair on the other side of the board remained empty. Akira's eyes shifted to his watch. 8:32pm. He breathed out heavily through his nose. "You're late, Shindo." Akira muttered under his breath.

Toya Akira sat at a table in his father's Go salon awaiting the arrival of his Go rival, Shindo Hikaru. The place was empty save for Akira. The salon had been closed for quite some time and got special permission from his father to use his Go salon for the evening for him and Hikaru to finally have time to meet and play Go. They had agreed to meet at 8 o'clock that evening but Hikaru still hadn't shown up. Akira decided to continue playing the game he had in front of him. He reached into the bowl with the white stones and was about to pick one up when he heard the sliding of the door of the Go salon. "It's about time, Shindo." Akira rose from his seat saying: "It took so long for us to plan this time together and now that we finally have it you show up late. I'm interested to hear why." Akira turned around since he was sitting with his back towards the door and he was shocked to see not Shindo Hikaru but Eri Yuki's brother, Tatsuha.

"Oh, hello." Akira said somewhat surprised. Tatsuha said nothing. Akira was about to say something to break the heavy silence when he suddenly noticed the look in Tatsuha's eyes. It immediately made Akira uncomfortable and he didn't understand why. He had met this young man a couple of times before and he seemed to be ok. Today, at that moment though was totally different. There was a tense air that hung around Tatsuha as he stared at the young Go player. "Is there something I can help you with?" Akira asked and was still met with silence. "T-the salon has been closed since….."

"Tell me, Akira. How long has it been going on?" Tatsuha finally spoke.

"How long has what been going on?"

"You know very well what I am referring to."

"I'm sorry I'm afraid I don't." Akira said with a little frustration in his voice.

"Is this what we're going to do, Akira?" Tatsuha said while moving into the room. "Play games?"

"I don't understand!"

"Of course you don't." Tatsuha said unconvinced as he moved closer to Akira. On instinct, Akira backed away from his approach. "Why don't we just drop all of this and get right to the point, Akira. I know what you've been doing and I know that you've been seeing him for quite some time now."


"You've seduced him by playing Go. Clever, I never would've thought of that."

Akira picked up his pace backing away from the highly agitated, Tatsuha.

"If you would just tell me…." Akira hit the wall hard "….what this is all about!" Akira pleaded. Tatsuha slammed his hand against the wall next to Akira to prevent him from escaping. This caused Akira to jump. "He even let you call him by his first name!" Tatsuha came in close to Akira's face and examined him for a moment. "What is it about you, Akira? Hmm? What is it that Sakuma Ryuichi sees in you?" Tatsuha said in a quiet yet menacing voice.

"Sakuma Ryuichi?"

"How were you, a Go player, able to get your hands on my Ryuichi! I'd like for you to tell me, Akira!"


"Because, NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO PUT THEIR HANDS ON SAKUMA RYUICHI, UNLESS IT'S ME!" Akira tried pushing Tatsuha away but Tatsuha took Akira's wrists and with one hand and held both his arms above his head against the wall. Akira immediately became frightened and tried to struggle when Tatsuha moved closer to Akira restraining him even further so as to prevent escape.

"W-what are you doing? Let me go!" A nervous Akira asked.

With Tatsuha's free hand he began to caress Akira's cheek. "You know, you are pretty cute." Tatsuha's hand slowly left Akira's face and moved down to his collar bone, then to his chest, then stomach.

"Stop." Akira struggled but Tatsuha was just too strong for him. He placed one of his legs in between Akira's pressing his thigh up against Akira's crotch. Akira inhaled rapidly at the sensation and became even more frightened.

Tatsuha leaned in and whispered into one of Akira's ears. "I'm now going to taste the flesh that has held Sakuma Ryuichi." Tatsuha licked the rim of Akira's ear. Akira cringed. He felt Tatsuha's hot breath against his neck as he moved down and placed his lips against the sensitive skin. He licked an area and then began sucking. Akira felt something else down below. Tatsuha was unbuckling Akira's pants with his free hand. "N-no! S-stop this!" Akira pleaded but Tatsuha didn't stop. He continued to lay his lips and tongue upon Akira's neck. He successfully undid Akira's pants. Akira struggled with all his might but found he was unable to move no matter what he did. Tatsuha's hand moved to inside Akira's pants . Akira was more frightened than he had ever been in his entire life. He felt Tatsuha's hand touch him. "AH!" Akira let out uncontrollably. 'Oh my god! Why is this happening? No matter how much I plead with him, he won't let me go. I can't get away from him. He's too strong!' Tears began to well up in Akira's eyes. "No! I don't want this! I want him to stop now! Somebody! Anybody! Help me! PLEASE!"

"Is it really that good?" Tatsuha saw the tears in Akira's eyes, his flushed face. Tatsuha smiled but it was one with malice behind it. Akira felt Tatsuha's hand grip him even tighter. All the fear and anxiety was at its boiling point inside Akira when he yelled out: "SHINNNDOOOO!"


No longer was Tatsuha restraining him. Akira's arms were free. He saw several black and white Go stones flying through the air past him. It all happened in an instant. Even though he was free, Akira couldn't move. He kept staring at his savior so happy that he was rescued from his attacker. Tears continued to stream down Akira's face. His plea for help had been answered by the one he called for. Shindo Hikaru stood a few feet from Akira. He had never seen him so angry before. The look on his face, it almost didn't look like the Hikaru he knew. He was breathing heavily. Akira saw the adrenaline running through him.

"S-Shind-do?" Akira managed to get out. He noticed the Go board Hikaru held with both hands. He saw the Go stones scattered all over the floor.

"Akira!" Hikaru angrily said. "What the hell are you doing?" Hikaru was about to lose control and begin yelling when he noticed that Akira was really upset to the point that he was visibly shaking. "Akira?" Just from hearing his name Akira broke down. He covered his face and tried so hard to compose himself. "Akira!" Hikaru dropped the Go board and ran over to Akira. He put his hands on his shoulders. "What happened, Akira? Did Tatsuha hurt you?" With that question Akira grabbed hold of Hikaru. He wrapped his arms tightly around him and buried his face in his shoulder. Hikaru stood there and let Akira do what he wanted.

Akira was able to calm himself down within a few minutes. 'Hikaru, I'm so happy you're here. Just being near you like this, being able to take in your scent makes me feel more at ease.' The tears stopped. Akira slowly removed his arms from around Hikaru. Akira began wiping away the tears from his face. Hikaru helped. This startled Akira at first, but then allowed Hikaru to continue. "Thank you." Akira got out.

"Are you ok, now?" Hikaru asked.

"Yes. Much better. I'm glad you came along when you did." Akira said as he fixed himself up. "Who knows what would've happened if you hadn't come along when you did." Akira managed a slight smile.

"Still, he hurt you didn't he, Akira? Well, I'm not done hurting him! This was only the beginning!" Hikaru said getting angry. Akira looked over at Tatsuha who was lying on the floor motionless.

"I don't know how much more you can do to him now, Hikaru." Hikaru finally looked down at Tatsuha. He was out cold.

"Tatsuha!" Hikaru yelled. "Oh come on! Stop faking it! I didn't hit you that hard with the board! Tatsuha?" Hikaru poked him and he didn't move. "AHHHHH! OH NO!"

"What?" Akira asked frantically.

"I think I killed him!" Hikaru cried out. Akira couldn't believe the absurdity of Hikaru or maybe he could. It's not like this is the first time he's jumped to insane conclusions.

"Hikaru, you didn't kill him. He's just unconscious!"

"No, I killed him! Oh my god! Do you know what this means? It means that I'll go to prison and worst of all, I'll never get to play Go with you again, Akira!" Hikaru began to cry.

"Hikaru?" Akira couldn't contain his anger any more. "Tatsuha is fine!"

"And how do you know!" Hikaru shouted back.

"He's still breathing!" Akira yelled even louder.

"Really?" Hikaru said normally.

"Yes!" Akira responded annoyed.

"Well, that's a relief. So what should we do with him?" Hikaru asked.

Akira sighed. "Do you have your cell phone?"

"Yeah, it's right here." Hikaru took it out of his pocket. Akira grabbed it and flipped it open. He went through his contacts, highlighted a specific one and handed it back to Hikaru.

"Call, him. He'll know what to do."

"Wow, he really is out cold!" K said as he examined the unconscious Tatsuha.

"But he's fine otherwise, right?" Hikaru asked feeling paranoid.

"As far as I can see. How did this happen anyway?" K looked at Hikaru & Akira.

"He was being mean to Akira, ok K?" Hikaru answered reluctantly.

K looked at both suspiciously. "So because he was being 'mean' to Akira you do this to him?" K moved on. "What was he doing here to begin with?"

"He wanted to know how I knew Sakuma Ryuichi." Akira answered. "He was under the impression that we were dating."

"You're not, are you?" Hikaru insensitively asked.

"No! I'm not. He's just a friend!" Akira snapped back at Hikaru.

"Well, that does make sense why he was here. I'm sure he threatened you about staying away from Ryuichi, am I right?"

"And more." Akira said softly but loud enough for K to hear. Memories of what happened to Akira a short time ago flashed through his mind bringing him down again.

"Well, I'll take him home." K picked up Tatsuha and flung him over his shoulder. When he turned around he saw the looks on Hikaru's face and especially Akira's face. "Don't worry, I'll be sure to have a nice, long talk with him when he wakes up." K left without another word.

Early the next morning, Hikaru was running down the street. He finally made it to the Go Salon. All he had to do was go in, hope to God it's there, grab it and leave. The door slid open. "Oh, Hikaru! I never expected to see you this early in the morning!" Ichikawa from behind the counter greeted Hikaru.


Hikaru looked over. His face felt hot and turned red as he spotted Akira. Hikaru quickly turned away. "I-I just came by to see if I left my wallet here."

"You're wallet? Don't you have a game this morning?" Akira asked

"Yes, I do! That's why I'm here so early! Geez, Akira do you have to ask so many questions?"

"Here it is!" Ichikawa said as she handed it over to Hikaru. Hikaru snatched it out of her hand.

"Great. See ya." Hikaru quickly left the Go Salon.

"He was certainly acting more strangely than normal." Ichikawa commented. "If I didn't know better, I'd say he was nervous."

"He's probably nervous about his game." Akira responded but he knew that wasn't true. He knew the real reason for Hikaru's behavior. 'He wasn't expecting to see me so soon after last night. I guess I can't blame him. It was a little awkward for me as well. He'll just have to get used to it.' Akira smiled to himself.

The night before.

"Don't worry, I'll be sure to have a nice, long talk with him when he wakes up." K said right before he left the Go Salon carrying Tatsuha.

Neither Akira nor Hikaru spoke right away after that. While they were waiting for K to show up after calling him, Hikaru cleaned up all the Go stones on the floor and placed the Go board back onto the table. Of course the Go Board had a crack on the bottom from the intense impact.

"I'm sorry I was late." Hikaru broke the silence. "If I hadn't been, this wouldn't have happened to you."

"Why were you late?" Akira asked plainly.

"I was with my uncle. Before I knew it, I'd lost track of the time. I hadn't seen him in so long, but still. I should have been here!" Hikaru started shaking and he balled his hands into fists. "I'm sorry." He said quietly.

"But you did help me, Hikaru. Yes, you were late but you came just in time and that's what matters."

"But he hurt you."

"And in the end you saved me. Don't beat yourself up over this, Hikaru. You did nothing wrong do you hear me?"

Hikaru reluctantly nodded his head. "I guess it's too late to play a game. I was hoping to practice against you to prepare for my game tomorrow morning."

"You'll be fine tomorrow."

Hikaru smiled at Akira. "Well, I guess we should get going." Hikaru walked past Akira. When Akira didn't move Hikaru turned around. "Akira? You coming?" Akira didn't answer and just stood still where he was. "Akira?" Hikaru walked back to Akira. "Are you all right?"

Akira didn't answer right away but then said: "Hikaru, I can't move."

"What do you mean you can't move?"

"I mean I can't walk." Akira said looking away from Hikaru.

Hikaru couldn't figure it out at first and was about to ask more questions until he noticed…

"That is because of what Tatsuha did….."

"Yes." Akira interrupted.

They both stood in silence for a few moments. Then Hikaru grabbed Akira by the arm and dragged him over and leaned him up against a wall. "Hikaru! What are you doing?"

"I'll do it for you."


"You need….you know….to be relieved before we go, so I'll do it for you." Hikaru reached out and grabbed Akira's belt around his waist. Akira's hands grabbed Hikaru's .

"Hikaru, you don't have to do this."

"But I want to do this." Hikaru began unbuckling Akira's belt. Akira did not stop him. Hikaru unbuttoned Akira's pants and then unzipped them. Slowly, he moved his hand inside Akira's underwear and gently grabbed hold of him. Akira jerked and leaned up against the wall to brace himself. Hikaru began moving his hand up then down. Akira closed his eyes. Hikaru continued at the same pace for a little while, continually watching Akira's reactions. Hikaru freed Akira from his pants and began using both hands to pleasure Akira. "AH! MM!" Hikaru began to massage the tip and got an even greater response from Akira. Hikaru liked this. He wanted to go further. Hikaru knelt down and began to lick the hot, pulsing member. "Ohhhh….Ahh….Hikaru…." Hearing his name being called prompted him to take things further. Hikaru opened his mouth and took in as much as he could of Akira. This got him the best reaction out of Akira yet. "Oh…God…..Ahh!" Akira grabbed hold of Hikaru's hair. Weak from the intense pleasure he was feeling, his knees gave out and he fell slowly to the floor. Hikaru followed him down. He continued to have Akira inside his mouth, sucking and licking. He did whatever he could to hear more intense moans of pleasure. As Akira fell to the floor, he landed on Hikaru's backpack causing his wallet to fall out.