Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or its characters…they belong to Stephenie Meyer

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or its characters…they belong to Stephenie Meyer.

Summary: Bella is a werewolf living with her brothers in La Push. What happens when the Alpha's son wants to be her mate? What if she fell in love with a vampire? Who will she choose? Obviously things are a little messed up, but I think you'll like it.


It was the last day of school and I was sooo…bored. I glance at the clock for the hundredth time and wish for time to move faster. Just five more minutes and I'd be done. I look at the teacher who was lecturing us on having a safe summer, it was the same lecture we'd gotten all day. Then I'm handed a note. I look at my friend Amber who was looking at the teacher, then I notice Jacob, the Alpha's son, watching me.

I open the note and notice that it wasn't Amber's handwriting. I begin to read it. The sentence was simple,

I look forward to this summer, Jacob.

Just as I was about to write something the bell rings and everyone rushes out of the room. When I get outside Amber walks over to me and wraps her arm around me.

"Hey Bells, you ready for summer vacation?" asks Amber. Amber was my best friend and had been since we were pups. She has long, curly brown hair and bright brown eyes. She was about my height and weight, but she was curvier. Most of the boys showed quite a bit of interest in her.

"That depends. Who are you stalking this year?" I ask. Amber begins to laugh.

"Am I that predictable?" she asks with a grin. "Well since you asked, I've decided that Jacob has gotten quite handsome since last summer."

"Jacob Black? He's the Alpha's son," I say in surprise.

"But he's so cute. You have to admit," says Amber.

"Yes, he's cute, but he's also immature," I say. Soon we get to my house and go inside. My older brothers, Quil and Embry, were watching TV. They look up when we walk in.

"Hey sis how was the last day?" asks Quil.

"Boring," I say as I drop my bag off in my room and head towards the kitchen. Amber follows me into the kitchen and sits down in a chair while I get two bottles of coke out of the fridge and fill two glasses with ice. I give Amber a glass and bottle before sitting down.

"Thanks," says Amber. Then I hear a knock on the door.

"I'll get it," says Embry.

"I wonder who decided to come over," says Amber.

"Probably Sam coming over to tell Quil and Embry their schedules," I say before taking a drink of my coke.

"Possibly," says Amber. Then Sam walks into the kitchen and glares at Amber. Amber takes the hint and walks out and Sam takes her seat.

"Can I help you?" I ask.

"I've come to talk to you about Jacob," says Sam.

"What about him?" I ask.

"Jacob would like the opportunity to take you out to dinner tomorrow night at 7:00," says Sam.

"And if I refuse?"

"You don't have a choice in the matter, because this is not a request, this is an order," says Sam. I mentally groan. I didn't want to go out with Jacob. He was a nice kid, but Amber wanted him not me.

"Then I guess I'll see him tomorrow at seven," I say dryly. Sam nods and walks out. As soon as the door closes Amber runs in and takes her seat next to me.

"What happened?" asks Amber.

"He wants me to go out with Jacob," I say.

"Why do you have all the luck?" groans Amber. I shrug my shoulders and take a drink of my coke.

"I'm not sure," I say. "But I don't want it." Amber giggles and takes a drink of her coke just as Embry walks in.

"So what's for dinner?" asks Embry. I sigh heavily as I stand up and walk towards the pantry.

"How about spaghetti?" I ask picking up a box of spaghetti and a jar of sauce.

"Sounds good," says Embry. I walk to the fridge and open it.

"Are you staying too Amber?" I ask as I pull out a package of hamburger.

"Sure, just let me go tell my parents," says Amber standing up and walking towards the door. As soon as she walks out Quil walks into the kitchen with a grin on his face.

"You should ask her to stay the night," says Quil.

"So you can hit on her again?" I ask. Quil doesn't respond and instead walks back into the living room. I giggle and go back to getting stuff for dinner.

The next day I was getting ready for my date with Jacob. It was getting close to seven and I still had to find an outfit, but I didn't know what we were doing. Suddenly Amber barges in and begins going through my dresser.

"What are you doing?" I ask in surprise.

"I came to help you get ready," says Amber as she hands me a red blouse and blue jeans. "I had a feeling you would need help."

"Thank you, Amber," I say as I pull on my clothes. Amber was looking at my various shoes. Then she settles for a pair of black sandals that were dressy yet casual at the same time. I put them on and check my hair. It was going to be impossible. Amber pulls up my chair and gently pushes me down before getting to work.

At 7:30 the doorbell rings and I stand up to answer the door. I had been ready since exactly seven but Jacob was late. I open the door and find Jacob standing on the porch with a sheepish grin on his face.

"Hey," he says. I decided I wasn't going to let him get away with being so late. I scowl at him and he takes a step back, his eyes wide.

"You're late," I say. Jacob gulps before opening his mouth to speak.

"I realize that, but I have a reason," says Jacob.

"Then tell me," I say, crossing my arms.

"Well…I couldn't find my shirt," says Jacob. It was so obvious he was lying.

"I'm sure you could have found a different shirt. Besides that, your shirt smells like you found it in the dirty laundry. Try telling me the truth this time," I say.

"Fine, I lost track of time!" he shouts in chagrin.

"You're half an hour late Jacob. I could understand a minute or two, but for God's sake you live down the street from me. It takes a minute by foot to walk here," I say in exasperation.

"Can we just go?" asks Jacob.

"Hold on, let me tell my brothers," I say, walking away. I find Quil and Embry in their room. Quil was reading a comic book while Embry was on the computer talking to someone. I tap on the door to get their attention and they both look at me.

"Is he still not here? You should just give up on him," says Quil.

"He's here. I came to tell you I was going now," I say. Quil and Embry both get up and follow me out to the living room where Jacob had decided to take a seat on the couch.

"Hey guys," says Jacob when he sees them behind me.

"Where are you taking her?" asks Quil.

"The Italian place in Port Angeles," says Jacob.

"After that?" asks Embry. I sigh heavily and roll my eyes.

"I thought we'd see a movie first then get dinner, maybe dessert and come home," says Jacob.

"Midnight," says Quil brusquely. Embry hugs me and kisses my forehead.

"Have fun," says Embry gently. I nod just before Quil hugs me tightly.

"If you need anything call," says Quil. Then he glares at Jacob. "If you hurt my baby sister so help me…" He trails off threateningly and Jacob gulps.

"No problem. Come on Bells, let's get goin'," says Jacob. Soon we were in the car and Jacob was driving towards Port Angeles. I was looking out the window when the rain starts. I sigh heavily and look away. I was sick of the rain.

"So how's your summer been so far?" asks Jacob.

"It hasn't exactly gotten to start," I say.

"That's true. My dad says we get to go on vacation and you can come with us," says Jacob.

"Where?" I ask. Not that I planned to go, but I wasn't about to tell him that. Jacob grins.

"It would be a surprise," says Jacob.

"I don't think Quil and Embry would like that very much," I say.

"If Sam talked to them I'm sure they'd be fine with it," says Jacob. I don't respond. The rest of the trip was quiet and soon we were in Port Angeles. The date went better than expected and we made it home with time to spare.

End Chapter

(A/N: TINY SPOILER ALERT! Thank you for reading the first of what I hope to be many chapters. A few changes obviously. Bella is a werewolf (And if you've read Breaking Dawn you'll know that's the wrong term, but for those who haven't read it yet you'll find out when you read it and I apologize for giving a tiny insignificant detail away) She also lives with Quil and Embry…you'll figure out more later. I thought the small changes would be okay, it definitely makes the story more interesting. Please review and don't be afraid to ask questions. Thanks for the reviews and I hope you like it. Give me your thoughts!!)