So, I had an idea pop into my head, and I had to write it down. Bella will be OOC because of her role, but I'll try to keep her as close as possible. She's still Bella, just grew up differently, so yeah. I hope you like it, and enjoy reading it.

Twilight does not belong to me. Although the plot of this FF does, and so do characters you do not recognize.

My name is Bella Swan, and I am on a mission. Fourteen hundred and some odd years ago, King Arthur Pendragon fell at the hands of his son, Mordred, and the kingdom of Camelot seemed as if it would be lost forever. If not for the quick decision by Merlin and the Lady of the Lake, it would have. Ever since Arthur's death, Camelot has been residing in the Magical Realm, hidden away from mortal Earth. Camelot reigned in peace for centuries under Pendragon rule, (No one knew that Guinevere had birthed a male heir in secret) that is, until twenty years ago when an evil Sorcerer reawakened the Ancient Black Magick to avenge Mordred and his mother, Morgana Le Fey.

So, it is up to myself, Emily Knighton and Prince Daniel Pendragon to stop him. We were chosen by Merlin and Lady Vivienne to hold the power of the White Magic-the only magic powerful enough to destroy the Black-and become the Protectors of Camelot and New Britannia. We have been trained since birth in magic and combat to become warriors, for a war is coming. A war everyone is dreading. It will be brutal. There's no doubt about that. Ector Seetanus' army is full of dark magickal creatures and monsters of his own creation. And now he plans to recruit Vampire clans from the mortal world-and it is my mission to stop him.

I never liked the rain, and of course, the place we were going to was Forks, Washington, USA. One of the rainiest areas in the States. Of course that's where Ector would be looking for Vampires. Apparently there's a coven living there he really wants to become allies with. What's so special about this Vampire coven, is something I plan to find out. I sighed and leaned my head against the window of the car my father and I were driving in. We were headed to our new home, and my father, Sir Charles, or as he will now be known, Charlie, would be taking up the position of Police Chief.

I know what you're thinking. I'm from a completely different realm, so how would I know anything about mortal earth? One word. Merlin. We've visited plenty of times, so we know how everything…rolls as you might say.

"Here we are," my father muttered as he pulled into a driveway. It was a nice enough house. Not very large, but when you're used to living in a castle, everything seems small. We unpacked the truck quickly and as soon as we had everything in the house, I cast a simple spell, and all of the possessions we brought were resting neatly in their designated places.

I took a slow tour around the house. It seemed nice and comfortable enough. It would do. Hopefully we wouldn't be here too long though.

"In which room did Merlin say he set up the portal?" Charlie called from upstairs. I would have to remind him to keep with the American accent and not slip into his Celtic one.

"My room!" I picked up one of the fake pictures in a silver frame. It was of my parents and I, but disguised as a family from America instead of Camelot-which by the way, was still living in the Middle Ages. We did not have much access to all the modern advances of the mortal world. The living room had my approval. No one would notice anything out of the "ordinary" in there. I proceeded to the rest of the rooms, with mine last. I found my dad speaking with Merlin, and King David through a looking spell in my mirror.

"Bella," King David greeted.

"Uncle," I said, giving a small bow of my head.

He nodded to me before returning to my father, while Merlin turned to me. "Remember to think before you cast any spells, my dear. Emily will not be there to help you. You must read into everything. Never ignore anything small, for they could mean the biggest of things."

"Yes, Magister," I said. "I will not fail you."

Merlin smiled, and he and King David disappeared. Charlie turned to me. "How about some dinner?"

I nodded. "Sounds good. But, I'm cooking. I'd rather not get sick." I gave my dad a teasing smile before heading downstairs with him following me. Tomorrow would be my first day of school, and I was not looking forward to it.

Well, there's the small prologue. The chapters will be longer. So have no fear. Now, tell me what you think. ;)