Smut chapter ahead to make up for my hiatus. o3o


Nulli Secundus, Chapter 12 – Desperate


Mello crossed his legs, fighting the urge to stand up and scream about how imaginary numbers were not real and how he could spend his time doing far more productive things.

Like watching grass grow.

Seriously, what did imaginary numbers have to do with anything? After six consecutive classes, he was ready to punch through a wall. But the seventh and last class, with a minute to spare, Mello practically howled in triumph as the teacher dismissed the class, chucking his book back on the shelf and running out of the hellhole as fast as possible, mind immediately shifting to the Common Room, where his "rival" most likely would be. Perhaps it would be a nice thing to pay the little sheep a visit?

Near's ears perked like an animal's at the heavy footsteps; he fought an incredibly powerful urge to look up for Mello and simply continued his puzzle. He was doing poorly.

Mello paused in the middle of the hallway, hearing the voice and snarling to himself, whipping around to see Vince, whom sighted him and seemed to wilt under Mello's intense gaze. The kid averted his eyes and turned around, deciding it would be better to go the long way to the library today...

Mello snorted at his retreating form, mocking him in silence for his cowardice and foolishness.


Linda almost tackled him, but thought better of it, so she stood, smiling at him brightly, fingers laced behind her back. She bounced on the balls of her feet.

"Hiya, Mello! Haven't seen you around much lately. How are you? Do you miss Matt? What've you been up to? What about Near? What were you doing with my supplies a few days ago? Where are you headed? Can I come?"

"Oh for the love of God, woman. TONE IT DOWN! I have a project going on and I needed those supplies for it, and NO, you can't come. I miss Matt. I've been drinking the blood of infants and sodomizing animals. Does that answer all your bloody questions!?"

He wasn't really angry, just annoyed. And he HAD said he was going to use that against Linda. He smirked and brushed past her, heading into the Common Room with a smirk towards his secret little sheep.

"Heya Near, what are you up to?"

The sneer in his voice was fake, but only Near would pick up on that. The albino glanced up coldly.

"Mello. I heard you coming from halfway down the hall. I understand that Linda is an annoying girl, but must you scream so loudly at her?" He glanced down at the puzzle, mumbling. "Besides, "woman" hardly defines her..."

"Tch. The only way to get a blind bat's attention is to shriek in its ear. Why the hell are you hiding anyway? I only bite on Saturdays."

He turned his head slightly to the one at the door, and then to gaze at the bruise upon Near's neck, smirking.

"Where'd you get that lovely little token?"

This was fun pretending to be ignorant, especially with an audience.

"I fell out of bed this morning," Near said with an idle shrug. "Landed on my wrist and the bone left a mark in my neck."


Near looked up, startled, as a very over-dramatic girl in pigtails ran at him, arms open...oh no.

"Linda, I am alright, please...DON'T!"

Too late. Despite his words, she'd enveloped him in a hug. He struggled, but her lovesick arms were stronger.

"Please, L-Linda, let go of me!"

"You should sleep in my bed, tonight," she purred, hugging tighter; a cry caught in his throat and his eyes flashed through the indifference. "I'll make sure you don't fall out!"

In his head, Near heard his mother screaming.

Mello snarled immediately and ripped the girl away, knowing the exact effect any touch had on the boy. He glared at Linda, her arm firmly gripped in his wrist.

"Do you not know he's AFRAID of people touching him?! What the hell is your problem? You don't play on people's fears little girl, EVER, and your desperation for him is fucking pissing him off! Don't ASK me why I care, I want my partner in one piece, God damn it."

He shoved her away, crossing his arms and fighting the urge to go over to Near while glaring at Linda. His tone was dangerous, like a cobra's warning hiss.

"You would know, wouldn't you!" Linda shrieked, drawing the attention of many of the kids gathered around the piano. "I bet he's afraid because you hurt him so often! I BET YOU GAVE HIM AIDS!"

Near rolled his eyes.

"Linda, I dislike touch because I find it obnoxious when idiots like you see fit to grab me like that with no excuse, and ignore me when I say let go. Now please, go away."

Her eyes welled with tears, and she ran off crying. Near didn't give a shit. The group of students at the piano were now laughing, and a few of the older ones were clapping and cheering at Near. Mello snarled at Linda's back.

"For the record, I don't fucking have AIDS!"

"Thank you, Mello," Near said in a quiet undertone.

Mello was secretly laughing that the girl even brought the AIDS up. He imagined what things must be going through her head and he laughed aloud, dropping his tone so only Near could hear.

"Anytime, little AIDS sheep. You know with her mouth I bet that now I raped you unwillingly behind the building and left you outside in the storm where you struggled to get back in. Sound right to you?"

He snorted and went over to the window, gazing softly at the rain outside.

"No, you felt guilty and gave me a piggyback ride back in so no one would see the trail of blood. Idiot."

Near's lips twitched.

"Ha, that sounds better. Look we are getting looks but I think everyone knows we have a "project" to do. They are still surprised I am not screaming at you."

Mello drummed his fingers lightly against the glass. He kind of felt like putting on a show for all these people, but...what to perform...

"I am seriously considering putting on a top hat and doing an act for these staring people."

Near couldn't help it. He cupped a hand to his mouth and bowed his head, eyes closed, laughing.

"Mello in a top hat...a blonde, effeminate W-Willy Wonka with AIDs..."

He laughed harder, and despite their shock, the boys at the piano laughed also, except for one. Even the girls were smirking, though one whispered quietly, "Simon, what's up?"

Simon didn't answer.

Near didn't see. He was laughing until tears pricked at his eyes. He was happy.

Mello blinked at Near and stared at him. Well...that was officially the strangest thought lately in his mind. All that Near had just said, plus baby eating and sheep sodomizing. He stared at Near, smirking and fighting not to burst into laughter also.

"Kid, you have totally gone fucking nuts. It's official."

Wait, was the Mello he left behind supposed to be angry? Uh...crap. He had no idea anymore, but Near laughing was just ridiculous.

"I'm going to my room," Near said, shaking his head, bemused. He knelt briefly to gather his puzzle. "See you later, Mello."

When he looked up, he gave his friend a very meaningful look; he was still wearing a wry smile. Gripping his box, he left the common room. In his mind, he began to count down from sixty.


Mello blinked as Near left, caught in the moment, leaning against the wall, EVERYONE staring at him. He shook his head and looked around.

"What the hell are you still staring at?"

The children didn't stop staring as he stormed out of the room, still giggling at the picture and chatting about how much they would pay to see Mello in a Wonka outfit.

Meanwhile the blonde pondered what the hell he was going to do, deciding on heading back to his room for chocolate. Then his mind trailed back to Near...

And he wanted to go pay another little visit. So here he was, nipping on a chocolate bar at Near's door.

Nate smirked slightly; when he opened his door, he wasted no time. A small hand seized the front of Mihael's black shirt and pulled him into the clean room. The door slammed shut, and Nate's arms were already around Mihael's shoulders, his lips pressed timidly to Mihael's, his pale cheeks tinged with a blush.

Mihael smirked against Nate's lips, licking the boy's mouth with a chocolate-sweetened tongue, asking for entrance. When did Nate get this desperate? He wasn't complaining though, kissing him back gently and threading his arms around his waist.

He never dreamed that something like this would happen a few days ago, with Nate no less, and here he was, kissing his former rival behind closed doors, secret lovers.

Nate opened his mouth, his tongue greeting Mihael's shyly. His kisses were growing out of his timidity, though he was still blushing. Mihael's arms were around him, and that was all that mattered.

"S-seven classes," Nate gasped unhappily. "Too...much."

Mihael licked the underside of Nate's tongue, tangling it, his eyes drooping halfway. Just how much was he affecting his little sheep? Mihael smirked at the boy, lowering his head to nibble at Nate's neck, trailing a soft line of bites to his shoulder.

"Perhaps, but only three days to go before we are free."

He smirked against Nate's skin. If Nate reacted like this from being apart for a few hours, he could get through the week. Nate whimpered softly, his fragile heart fluttering within his chest.

"I won't last...too long. Too d-damn long."

He kissed back harder, his eyes cloudy with emotion. Mihael smiled. Nate was actually missing him already. He felt accomplished and happy as he stirred up these emotions.

"I know."

Mihael wrestled tongues with Nate, realizing how good this felt and how pissed everyone would be because of it. That just made him feel even lighter. Nate was an excellent kisser, a perfect match for his chocolaty mouth. He pulled away for a moment, desperate for some air and smiled.

"At least we have now."

Nate's grip was desperate to the point of almost being terrified of letting go. He didn't respond to Mihael 's words, but pulled him down, closer to his own level, a pale hand entwined into golden hair, Nate's eyes closed tightly.

He was unable to stop; it was as if Mihael had suddenly snapped into his mind as a fleeting creature, soon to be, NO! Nate needed him now, and...forever?

Nate whimpered into the kiss, wanting more.

Mihael leaned in, walking Nate backwards without breaking the kiss, knowing that this was a really stupid time to try and do this, but not really caring. Nate was begging for him in his own way, and Mihael was happy to oblige. He quickly leaning over the bed in seconds, scooping his legs up and following him in suit, breaking the kiss to trail bites down his neck, hands already wandering to his thin sides, crawling fingers under his shirt in the process.

" really want me, don't you? This is very risky. We'll have to be quiet..."

Nate whimpered as a response, arms wrapped firmly around Mihael's shoulders. He leaned forward to nip at the older boy's earlobe and licked at the shell meekly; his hands were trembling as they held on.

Nate kissed Mihael's ear again and then drew back to push his lips against Mihael's, his desperation on the edge of panic. His body was shaking.

Mihael deepened the kiss, noting how truly bad Nate ached for him. Had it really been that long? He didn't question it, just began to unbutton Nate's shirt. If Nate made any sound that alerted anyone, they were royally fucked. He let his hands travel at a quicker pace, knowing that Nate would get annoyed if he attempted to try and again relax him like last time. He trailed a line of kisses down Nate's chest as each button was opened, licking the milky flesh with a practiced tongue. A hand had lowered itself to Nate's thigh, rubbing it gently before resting on the sensitive area between Nate's legs. This was going to be a lot faster than last time, out of pure need for the contact. Mihael's breathing was uneven, body radiating heat as he closed his eyes into the kiss.

"C'mon, Mihael," Nate breathed softly at the next break in the kiss. His lashes fluttered. "C-come on, I need it, I need you, please hurry..."

He realized suddenly that if Mihael left him at that very moment, it would probably be the cruelest thing anyone could have ever done to him. He hugged Mihael more tightly, burying a pale nose in honey-gold hair, whimpering quietly and arching into the boy's touch.

If Mello left...if Mihael left...

Nate's kiss was forceful, and anything but shy. Mihael felt his body wrack with desire at the words. Yes, he was correct in assuming Nate had developed an attachment to him that went beyond anything he'd ever had prior. He nodded at Nate's words, lowering white pants and boxers, kissing a trail over every inch of new flesh as he rid himself of his own dark clothing. If they were caught now, this would take explaining, but he couldn't stop. Not now.

Mihael crushed his lips onto Nate's, forgetting the earlier gentleness as he caressed Nate's length, quickly spreading pale legs apart with his knee. Things were moving so fast that he must have left his brain behind in the blur.

Nate breathed out incoherently against Mihael's lips, pleading, tears already prickling at his eyes. Everything was too much, and would be too much, just as last time...he'd bleed again, more likely than not, but he didn't care. Mihael was all that mattered. Mihael was all he wanted. He was terrified, and the panic tearing through his veins was like black poison, eating away at him, making his kisses harder, his soft mewls and whimpers more frequent, his voice...inarticulate.

"Aah, M-Mero, please..."


Mihael coated his fingers with a film of saliva, the same as last time, but more urgent. He quickly shoved two fingers into Nate, scissoring them quickly, knowing full well that he would bleed again, but also knowing that if he didn't take Nate now, the kid would be as likely to rape HIM...

The desire was contagious, his eyes were muddled and wide with lust, head spinning with how terribly fast this was going. He moved his fingers, pumping them into Nate and adding a third quickly. Nate's writhing was driving him mad, and he was obviously doing the same.

Nate arched in pain, but leaned forward for Mihael's lips again, the kiss deep and passionate, asking the questions he couldn't because he was losing his mind to these irrational and illogical emotions. He whimpered softly against Mihael's lips, a plea in its own form.

Mihael kissed back with an equal fire, answering Nate's silent cries. He was aching, absolutely aching for him. Both of them were craving each other, like an addiction. A drug. Nate was a drug...

Mihael continued to stretch him, eventually pulling away from the kiss to position himself adequately. Mihael's eyes flashed in apology as he leaned into Nate, not as gentle as the first time, but not forcefully enough to cause true agony. He captured Nate's lips, holding onto them as not to let Nate make a sound, driving himself deeper and deeper, eventually fully within his partner and fighting not to fuck him senseless.

Between his own throat and Mihael's mouth, Nate managed to keep his scream mostly silent; it hadn't been that long ago since they'd done this last, and he could feel old wounds opening, but at the same time, the stretching wasn't nearly as bad. Nate nodded into the kiss, consenting to movement, his heart and mind racing.

Mihael closed his eyes, wrapping arms around Nate's body and holding him close, moving slowly at first. Unable to contain his lust, he quickened the pace, body flushed with the heat, sweat beads forming on his skin. He only broke the continuous kiss when he needed, absolutely NEEDED, to breathe, biting back moans with clenched teeth. His absolute yearning, longing, lust, desire, whatever you would call it, overrode the possibly danger of being caught by tenfold.

Mihael lowered his one hand, clutching Nate's back with the other. His fingers ran over Nate's need, rubbing it for much-needed contact and friction, while he was still intent on not letting Nate's lips go. The movements synchronized with each other, pleasure waves coursing through him as he slammed his hips against Nate's skin.

The pain left Nate's conscious mind quickly. Though blood ran down his inner thighs, he shivered and had to bite back whimpers, moans, and whatever the hell else was attempting to come out of his mouth. Pale, thin arms held Mihael close, and again, their bodies just FIT like two sides of a yin yang pressed together, black against white, each of them balancing out the other, though the pleasure...gods, there was no way Mihael felt like Nate did...

And Nate whispered Mihael's name over and over against their lips, because he had to keep trying to say it right, surely that required practice, because he simply couldn't pronounce it.

Mihael couldn't put any possible words for the feeling that had its tendrils rooted in his body. There was no word for the rush he got from was something beyond ecstasy, meyond euphoria. This feeling had him absolutely quaking, his mind lost within the sea of it.

Oh, he felt as Near did.

He felt the absolute elation with every moment.


The names they called each other...they each had three.

Near, Nate, Nia...

Mello, Mihael, Mero...

The alias. The secret. The sin.

Every whisper of Mihael's own name fed the growing fire, and he in turn whispered his partner's name through the breaks in the heated kiss. It was odd, really; Japanese was neither of their native languages, but during desperate times like this, somehow being closer to L made it all more...bearable.

Mihael's climax was creeping up upon him, and he fought it valiantly, striving to fully pleasure Nate. He knew the boy was bleeding, but it was Nate who had asked for this, and the fact simply couldn't be helped that he was small.

Nate whined Mihael's mispronounced name over and over with every rhythmatic movement; he felt his climax building, and was certain that he wasn't alone. Part of him wished he wasn't on his bed...he'd have to wash the sheets later. Sweat had his white hair matted messily to his forehead, but he felt too good to care...the pleasure was unimaginable, but here it was, and it was Mihael...


He didn't want to come yet...if he came, they'd stop, and if they stopped, Mihael would leave. He wrapped his arms around Mihael's shoulders more securely, the Brand cool against his burning-hot arm, and he gasped in pleasure when Mihael slammed against him again.

"Mi...hael, I can't..."

Mihael clenched his eyes shut, knowing that it was nearing the end, knowing full well he couldn't hold on any longer...

", Nate..."

Mihael shuddered and arched, tightening his hold on Nate and curling into him as he gave in. He hissed at the climax, fighting not to scream, pleasure tearing through him to the point of breaking, and released himself, trying to not fall upon Nate, post-orgasm waves curling through his mind. He panted quietly, burying his flushed face in the bedsheets, body trembling even as Nate himself mewled and came beneath him. Nate laid his head back onto the pillow to look at his companion, and he, too, was breathing heavily. He blinked sweat from his eyes and moved a shaking hand to wipe his forehead.

"Insane...that's bad, right?"

Mihael shook his head in a shuddering "no," pulling out and lowering his head to lick at Nate's seed, lapping up the evidence of their act. He cleaned Nate off with his tongue, eventually satisfied and crawling back up to lie beside him.

"Not this time, no..."

It was official; they were certainly far closer than anyone thought.

Nate shivered at Mihael's advance, but his body didn't even BEGIN to grow tense. Mihael wouldn't hurt him, and he knew it. Mihael would keep him safe... Mihael's touch would never be bad.


Nate removed his lenses and let the case drop to the floor, sighing softly. Blue eyes fluttered open and he stared at Mihael, affection evident in eyes that Nate had always assumed looked cold.

"Hey, how long have...have you known about my eyes, Mihael? That time at the didn't say anything, at all. Not a question, not a moment of you knew."

"I know about albino mutations. The contacts were easy to figure out and I saw you take them out once before; you just didn't realize I was looking. Don't get me wrong. I like your eyes a lot, but I'm just used to them..." He rolled to his side, pulling Nate close and nuzzling his back. "You are becoming reckless, Nate. You realize it's the middle of the day, and people often go through your hall?" He snickered and curled his body closer. "I kind of like it..."

"I'm glad you're the smartest one at Wammy's...I'm certain most others who suspect my albinism believe I've got red eyes." Nate laughed, nuzzling Mihael's warm chest and sighing contentedly. "And I think...I think being with you is a reckless move in itself, Mihael. Unpredictable and emotional, a being of high spirit and pure instinct...but I won't stop...I like it, too."

He laughed lightly, not really willing to move anywhere at the moment. He sighed contently, amused at his rapid change of feelings over the few days yet again...

"I'm guessing you want me to stay for a little, right? I will, but I can't stay all day."

"Yes, I assumed as much. You're welcome to stay until you want to leave, Mihael."

Nate really did like that name. He mused on for a moment about how the older boy had taken on the name "Mello," and then briefly wondered how many people knew his real name...he supposed it didn't matter.

"That's all well and good, but doesn't Linda randomly barge into your room?"

He prayed he hadn't jinxed them both and cast a glance at Nate's door, relieved to see that there was absolutely no movement whatsoever. Seriously, worst thing that could ever happen at the moment.

Well, that or L walking in. He doubted L would react at all, which kind of unnerved him.

"Linda isn't that intrusive. She'll knock. Repeatedly. For at least fifteen minutes. THEN she'll give up." Nate growled into Mihael's chest, his left hand curled into a tiny fist against him. The mere mention of Linda irritated him. "Her advances are too obvious, and too obnoxious..."

"Hmph, I don't understand why on earth she doesn't give up.'re mine..."

Mihael smiled and licked Nate's bruise as if to make a point. It was his mark. His mark upon his possession. He got irritated at the very prospect of that girl STEALING his Nate. His. Yes...he was considering Nate as his own, and he definitely knew that the little creature didn't mind.

"You don't mind, do you?"

Mihael nuzzled his cheek and smiled softly. Nate purred quietly, blowing a lock of Mihael's golden hair from the boy's warm eyes.

"No, I don't...I want to be yours, Mihael. And I want you to be mine." He didn't know what the emotion was that he felt just then, but it made him reach up to hug Mihael more closely and press a gentle kiss to his lips. "And anyone who doesn't like it will have to tear me away from you, kicking and screaming..."

"You're mine and I'm yours. It's settled. I keep your secrets, you keep mine, understood?"

Mihael smiled and sighed, knowing full-well he actually had to get up, but not exactly wanting to. Plus...the people here at Wammy's were by no means stupid. If they both disappeared for a long period of time, people might look for him here. And that guy Alex...Mihael had seen the other two, but...what if they looked for Nate again?

"I think I should shadow you over the next few days. That Alex kid is making me worried."

"Alex, Vince, and Simon...they always called me names, but they'd never tried to hurt me until that time. I don't know what they were mind blanked out."

The prospect of Mihael shadowing Nate put the younger boy in a state of unease. Someone was bound to notice...but he found he didn't care who was watching, as long as it was Mihael, and no one else.

He never wanted anyone else to do to him what Mihael had. Smiling, he buried his face into Mihael's warm body.

"I know. They play soccer with me. I don't know what sparked this sudden violence against you though. Either way, I feel like they're going to target you because they failed the first time; they're like that in a very annoying way." Mihael nuzzled Nate affectionately, the protective and possessive natures coming out in equal amounts. "And don't worry, I'll be sneaky. You won't notice that I'm there."

"I want to notice you're there, Mihael. I want to know you're by my side." Nate cuddled closer to him, humming softly under his breath. "I am safe with you..."

The emotion was making his heart ache for Mello, though the boy was right there...
Mihael kissed Near's forehead, making the promise official, like signing a legal document but even more binding. The blonde sat up and scooted to the end of the bed, eyeing his clothes on the floor and chuckling. Yes, he was actually Near's friend. With benefits. He didn't want to call the relationship anything further than that, not one to live on hopes that might not come true...but...

Maybe they could be lovers...maybe...

He picked up the articles from the floor, tossing Nate's clothes to him and beginning to piece together his own clothes, smirking as he did so.

"We can at least not appear naked to any unlucky travelers..."

Near sat on his legs and stared down at the clothes, biting his lip.


He stood and approached his dresser, grabbing a towel and a bottle of warm water. His teeth sawed at his lower lip.

"Just give me a few minutes..."


It occurred to Mihael that Nate was once again bleeding, and that wasn't good at all in the way of WHY that didn't involve someone hurting someone in an "inappropriate" way.

"Did I hurt you this time?"

"Not as badly, just opened old wounds. I'm alright." Nate doused the towel and cleaned himself, sighing. "You worry far too much, Mihael."

"Well I have a right to worry, I care about you, you know..."

Mihael shook his head, slipping his shirt on and cocking his head to the side at the towel and warm water. Had Nate planned for his own injury beforehand or was it a precaution?

"Were you expecting me to come?"

"I was," Nate said, "but I always have these in here. Chiraptophobia leads to a paranoia about getting beaten bloody. I was always afraid I would wake up caked in blood and would want to wash before I left." He shrugged. "Just another reason to prefer the Loft."

"Ah, yes I suppose that's true."

Mihael suddenly felt guilty about picking on the kid in the days before. He must've made life hell for him. But did Nate hold it against him or not?

"I'm a sorry for being a plain old bastard to you before I really let you in..."

He sighed sadly. All that time wasted when they could have been more. He gave Nate a peck on the cheek, smiling apologetically.

"Do you want to go outside?"

"It's alright, Mihael. You had a reason. And sure, it doesn't appear to be raining too hard anymore."

Nate smiled at Mihael affectionately. The apology was unnecessary, yes...but it had made him happy.

"Let's go."