Well, it's been some time hasn't it? I bet you haven't been expecting this update at all. Although, I have to say that I'm somewhat alarmed at the amount of people who still have this on their alert list! I'm flattered.

I figured that if I'm going to write the sequel to this story, I might as well announce it on here instead of you all just seeing it randomly while browsing the stories one day. So, obviously, I'm writing s sequel to Move Along! Cue the applause!

I've started the outline and main ideas of what will be in the sequel already, and since I'm such a tease, I'll list some of the things you can expect:

1. Harry
2. Sirius' motorbike
3. A pregnant Lily
4. Hilarious moments involving house shopping
5. An epic wedding
6. Death (of course)

Now, that's only some of what I have planned. I'd like to hear some of your ideas before I make the outline official and start writing, so reviews are really important.
