Disclaimer: All characters are the property of their copyrighted owner, the wonderfully talented Stephenie Meyer.

It was all a bet, he never lost bets especially since he could read minds. Unfortunately this one he lost. He was still not sure how he lost but what was worse was his punishment. Emmett had to make sure to torture him; he loved to see him squirm. He took great pride in the fact that he beat "Edward the Great" as he so often called him teasingly. He looked at his watch knowing she would be here soon. She was his punishment. He had fed to be on the cautious side but it didn't make this any easier. He did not want to be playing piano again, not this way. He silently wondered if Esme had something to do with this. Emmett certainly would not have thought of this by himself.

Sighing he stood hearing footsteps approach the front door, silently walking towards it as the doorbell rang. Opening the door he stood silent, stunned. She was cute he had not expected that. He figured Emmett would take his amusement out on him by finding the worst looking female he could find. Meeting his eyes she smiled, "I'm here for piano lessons." He could feel she was nervous; her heartbeat was pounding and raced faster when she saw him. He tried to smile politely, "Of course you are. Come in, my name is Edward." She followed him looking around with amazement. The house was even larger inside than it looked from the outside and more beautiful.

"What is your name little one?"

She looked curious, "I'm not so little, and my name is Bella." He smirked, "My apologies Bella. I did not mean to be rude." She shrugged watching his every movement. "It's ok, who is my teacher?" He chuckled, his voice sounded like beautiful bells.

"I am."

Her look was one of uncertainty. He knew she was not totally convinced. Sitting at the piano his fingers grazed the keys and he played a short melody. He patted beside him, "Come, lets get started." Raising an eyebrow she sat beside him. Her body far away from his on the edge of the stool. This was not what she had expected. She expected an older teacher, perhaps a woman but never in a million years did she expect a young, handsome man. He couldn't be more than 18.

"Have you played before Bella?" He asked as he thought of what her name meant, beautiful. How fitting, indeed she was.

"Yes, I took lessons when I lived with my mom. It was only for a year or so but I really enjoyed it." She answered in almost a whisper. Shaking his head he stood to make her more comfortable. "Show me something."

Biting her lip she moved to the center of the seat, taking a deep breath before fumbling with a short song. She was nervous, and it showed. Shaking her head she looked down, appearing embarrassed. "I'm usually better, I'm nervous."


"You aren't what I expected." She responded. Smiling to himself from behind her he leaned closer, "What did you expect?" Shrugging she began, "I suppose someone older, you seem so young."

"I'm not as young as I look."

"How old are you?"

He thought a minute, not sure what to say. Should he tell her older and crush any hopes of mutual flirting in the future or should he keep to what he was passing himself off as. Deciding that he wanted to see where this would go he sat beside her on the exposed seat causing her to jump.

"Seventeen." He ignored her nervousness and faced her slightly, "And you?"

"Eighteen. I just graduated."

"Really? What are your plans?"

Meeting his eyes she noticed the odd color of them, a warm caramel. They were beautiful, it was almost as if you could sink into their depths. "I….I am not sure. I am taking time off to decide, I help my father at work sometimes, answering phone calls and stuff. He wants me to take time off before I go to college and decide what I want. He says I'll work enough when I get finished with college."

He smiled, his white teeth perfect. "Your father is right."

"I suppose." She hesitated, "Your eyes are so pretty." Realizing she had said that out loud she blushed and looked down at the keys, "I didn't mean to say that." He laughed watching her blush. She was extremely pretty when she blushed.

"It's ok. If it keeps the pink on your cheeks feel free to say things you don't mean to more often."

Blushing more she ran her hand through her long hair nervously tossing it over her shoulder. It was then it hit him, he had been trying to hold his breathe more than normal just in case, breathing away from her but now she was so close, and he chose that moment to inhale. Groaning he gripped the piano. He had never smelt something so sweet, so like flowers and irresistible. Seeing his odd reaction she turned, "Is everything ok?"

"It's fine." He answered standing and turning away, trying to regain some composure. He had not expected this, mostly all humans smelt alike to him, some a little different but her…she was different. She was extraordinary, mouthwatering, mind altering. He felt the venom flowing freely. His throat burned. "I think…I think you should play for me today, then next time we will start on more."

Walking further away he leaned on a pillar. Holding his breath cautiously. It was better this way, he had not killed a human in years, and she was innocent, and even more than that. He liked her, he wanted to get to know her better. It was then he realized he had not heard any of her thoughts, as she played he wondered what she was thinking. Realizing he could feel nothing he tried again, his face contorted as he harder to read her, he was at a loss for some odd reason he could not.

She turned, "What do you………" She stopped taking in his hard stance, his eyes were darker and he seemed to be in pain. His face was a curious mix of anguish and something else she could not make out.

"That is……..." She turned away facing the piano again. "That is all I remember. It's been a few years."

He cleared his throat, "Not bad, we should probably end here and continue next time."

Biting her lip she slid off of the stool and grabbed her purse, "Was I that bad?" She never turned to face him, she did not have to he could feel she was upset her body posture and her voice gave it away. He faked a smile and spoke his voice hoarse, "No, you were good. Better than I expected, actually I was surprised. You moved me."

"Really?" She questioned as she turned to face him again. Meeting her eyes he swallowed hard, his thoughts consumed with the hard cold fact she was here, in his home. If he were to say…he shook his head disgusted at the thought.

"Yes. You should probably go it's getting late. I would not want you driving after dark."

"I'm not a child. I'm older than you actually."

Raising an eyebrow he moved closer, "I suppose you are. Forgive me for speaking out of turn. I just wanted you safe. You never know what lingers in the dark."

Or in this room… he thought to himself as he felt himself continue to move forward, almost as if a force pulled him. She smelled so good, just a little closer wouldn't be too much to ask. She would never know, it would all be so fast. It was then the door flew open, Alice and Jasper walking in and eyeing him with a concerned look.

Alice met Jasper's eyes with question and silently moved forward. "Hi, I'm Alice." Bella smiled back admiring the pretty black haired girl, she was as pretty as Edward was handsome. But then, so was this boy she was with. They all favored but how she could not be sure. They obviously came from a great gene pool. She noticed Jasper stayed to the side of the room but moved between her and Edward. "I'm Bella."

Alice giggled, "I know, Emmett told me you were coming. I am so glad you are getting Edward to play again, he plays so beautifully." Bella did not see Edward turn away and sit at the piano, his face in his hands. Alice grabbed her arm, gently pulling her towards the door. She jumped feeling the chill of her hands against her skin. "Sorry." Alice whispered apologetically. "I imagine we'll see you tomorrow?"


Opening the door Alice shook her head, "Good. It was so nice to meet you, we'll talk again soon." She waved as Bella headed to her truck. Her mind on the handsome boy inside, "Wow" she said to herself as she started her truck, this was going to be odd, he was so cute, no…. he was beyond cute. He was beautiful, not that a guy would be beautiful but he was. He almost seemed like an angel. It would be extremely hard to concentrate on playing with those beautiful caramel eyes watching her. But why had he reacted to her so oddly? She tossed away the thought, it didn't matter she would have time to figure it all out.