--CHAPTER 11--

Eventually, Brian and Justin found the Jeep. Justin was a bit squeamish about going into the parking garage, but when Brian slipped an arm around him, he felt content enough to go on. They separated for only a second as they climbed back into the car, and immediately joined hands again when they were both seated.

The drive to the loft in complete silence. Justin was to happy to speak, and unfortunately, the quiet gave Brian time to think. When they arrived at the loft Justin went to get out of the car and Brian stopped him, he had to get this out. "What?" Justin wondered at Brian's change in mood. Brian sighed. "I fucked up Justin. I fucked up bad." Justin immediately knew what he was talking about. "No Brian you didn't." Brian went to speak and Justin stopped him.

"No, listen to me. I love that you came to my prom. I love that you danced with me. I love that you kissed me in front of everyone. I love that you saved my life. And I love that you love me." Brian looked at the beautiful baby blues that were carefully inspecting him. "Saved you? Justin, I'm the reason you almost died!" Justin corrected him immediately, and angrily. "NO, No you're not. Hobbs is! Unless it was you who swung that bat, you had no part in it!"

Brian looked in to his lap. "But still…" Justin shook his head and grabbed Brian's chin so that his lover was facing him.

"No buts. Now listen to me. Am I alive?" Brian nodded and Justin continued.

"Are we together?" again a nod and Justin continues.

"Do you love me?" This time Brian answers.

"More than you will ever know." He says in less than a whisper. Then he adds. "Do you still love me?"

Justin smiles and Brian relaxes. "More and more since the moment I met you." They shared a brief, sexless, love filled kiss. When they parted Justin spoke. "Now that that's out of the way, can we go upstairs?" Brian shook his head then spoke. "But I'm not gonna fuck you. Justin looked bewildered. "What?" Brian repeated. "I'm not gonna fuck you, but we are gonna make love. To each other."

Justin looked aw struck. "You mean you're gonna let me.. Brian are you sure?" Brian nodded and kissed him again. "I trust you Justin. I trust you and I love you." Another kiss and it was Justin's turn to speak. "Then what the hell are we waiting for?" So they jumped out of the Jeep and headed upstairs to make love for the very first time.
