Disclaimer: I do not own D. Gray-Man or any of the characters or products mentioned in this story. However, I DO own this story. Please do not copy or reproduce this story in any form without permission from me.

My last story, L's Bad Day, was in a script format (i.e. Allen: Hey, Lavi!), but this is in a straight story form (i.e. Allen said, "Hey, Lavi!"). If you want me to change it so it's patterned like L's Bad Day, just let me know.

Allen is sitting in his room, wondering what to do. There haven't been many Akuma outbreaks lately, so Allen's just waiting for something to happen. I wish something would happen, just so I wasn't so bored. All the other exorcists are out looking for Innocence, Kamui seems to be avoiding me... I'm so bored! Just as he finishes thinking this, Lavi crashes in. Oh God, I meant anything but this. Lavi had been giving him tests at rendom intervels to find out the exent of Allen's powers. Lavi smiled.

"Allen, I have a special test for you today..."

Allen, shivering, replied, "What is it?" Lavi smiled wider.

"I want to see how well you can get out of restraints. If we fight against the Noah Clan soon, you'll have to be able to escape from capture."

Allen, obviously relieved it wasn't something really creepy, sighed and said, "Okay. Where are we going?" Lavi had taken Allen all over the place so that they were somewhere suited to whatever test Lavi had set up.

"I've already set it up in my room." Allen was even more relieved. Once, they'd had to walk to the middle of an Akuma-infested forest just so Lavi could see all the different ways that Allen could change his arm.

Lavi said, "Well, c'mon then, we have to get over there if you want to pass!" Allen got up and walked through the door. Lavi followed. They made it to the cafeteria by the time Allen realized that he had no idea where Lavi's room was.

"Ummm... Lavi?"

"What do you want, bean sprout?"

"Where's your room?"

"No wonder I couldn't tell where you were going! Well, follow me."

The two retraced their path all the way back to Allen's room. Allen, confused, said, "Lavi? This is my room, isn't it?"

"This one in front of you is, yes. The one next to it is mine."

Allen blushed. How could I not know that Lavi's room was right next to mine? I'm so stupid!

Lavi laughed. "How could you not know that my room was right next to yours? You're so dumb!"

Allen, sheepish, said, "Can we please just take the test now?"

Lavi nodded, suddeny serious. "Sure"

Lavi and Allen walked into Lavi's room. Allen saw an odd contraption on Lavi's wall. Lavi steered him over to it, then began strapping Allen in with leather straps that seemed as if they shimmered with a very faint purple light. How odd, Allen thought. Lavi smiled. I'll give you half an hour to get out. I had these strips made to be resilient to Innocence, so you may find it dificult to even activate that arm of yours. Oh, by the way, if you can't get out, something will happen..."

Review! Please! Reviews are the life-giving force that keep me writing. Without reviews, my creative energy will shrivel up and die! So...

Review! Or I'll convince Allen that you're a demon and have him exorcise you!