Disclaimer: I do not own D. Gray-Man or any of the characters mentioned in this story. However, I DO own this story. Please do not copy or reproduce this story without permission from me.

Chloe and everyone else, I'm sorry it took so long for me to upload.

WARNING: This chapter gets a bit more... explicit... then the last.

As the bell for lunch rang outside, Allen just stood there and though about what had happened. Lavi... Why did you do that? After a little while, his stomach told him in no uncertain terms that it was time for lunch. Allen hurried out of the room, then paused to sniff himself. He still smelled a bit as if... well... as if somebody had been handling his dick. He went to his room, took the fastest shower known to man, and then hurried back down to the lunch room before his stomach just ate him. After nearly emptying Jerry's kitchen, Allen went back to rest.

The next day as Allen was waking up, Lavi burst into his room and told him that Komui needed him. They went up to Komui's office, Allen and Lavi pointedly not speaking to each other. When they arrrived at the office, they found Kanda waiting for them, looking bored. "We have missions," he said, then walked off. Komui told them where to go, and they went. They returned to the headquarters, only to find that no one was inside. Allen finally got to Jerry, and asked where the heck everyone was. According to Jerry, a particularly contagous form of the flu had hit Headquarters, so everyone but the scientists and the exorcists were in their rooms. "Why aren't the scientist or exorcists sick?," Allen asked, confused. "The exorcists are protected by their Innocence, and the scientists are gone. Go to your rooms and I'll bring you some food after I feed the rest of headquarters." The three exorcists leave.

~Half and hour later~

Allen sat on the end of his bed, wondering where Jerry was with that food. Curry and rice and sushi and yakitori and everything else that he could make... Lavi knocked on the door and came in. "I just talked to Jerry, it'll be another hour or two before he's done. We have to find something to do to occupy ourselfs."

~Three card games, two books, and one nap later~

"Oh, Allen!," Lavi said. "I've got an idea of something to do!" "What?!," cried out Allen, now throughly bored.
"It's a surprise. Close your eyes." Allen couldn't help but think of the last time Lavi was alone with him, and he got just a bit stiff. Rembering the details in more detail (A/N: That sounds really weird. Sorry), he got fully hardened, with a good size tent on his front that he half-hoped Lavi actually did see. Halfway through the memory, Lavi interupted him. "No peeking until I say you can, okay?"

Allen closed his eyes and waited. He felt a little tug, then realized his jeans just got unbuttoned. Then a zip... Why is Lavi unzipping my pants?... then a rustle... Oh no... Then his boxers were pulled off. "You can look now," Lavi said in a quiet voice. As Allen looked down, he saw that his cock had somehow gotten larger and longer than it usually was. Lavi smiled. "Remember that water I gave you earlier that tasted a little odd? That's cause it was a little bit more than water." With that, Lavi took Allen's dick in his mouth until his lips were touching Allen's balls. Then he gave Allen the best blowjob of his life. After wiping a stray bit of cum off the side of his mouth, Lavi told Allen to lie down on the bed, face up. Then he produced a rope and tied Allen to the bed, one limb stuck to each bedpost. Then he took some glue, and glued all of Allen's fingers and toes together so the most movement he could do was to arch his back. Then Lavi went to the bathroom.

~About 5 minutes later~

Lavi returned, Allen still totally naked, mostly immobile, and tied to the bed. But there was one change: Lavi was just as naked as Allen. He crouched over Allen on the bed and slowly inseted his cock into Allen's mouth. This is so wrong!, Allen thought, but apparently his body won out and he moved his head up and down (as much as he could) until Lavi came into Allen's mouth. He swallowed, marveling at how sweet Lavi was. Lavi then moved down Allen body. Allen tried to protest, wanting to taste more of Lavi, until Lavi impaled himself on Allen's still-hard penis. Allen moaned in delight. They continued like this, Lavi just bouncing up and down on Allen, until Kanda walked in.

"YOU IDIOTS!!!!," he raged. "YOU'RE DOING IT ALL WRONG! Lavi, get

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