No way! Why of all people, is his seat next to mine? Hinata thought nervously.

"Yo, Sasuke, why weren't you at the assembly?" the guy with the pineapple hair style punched him on his shoulder. "I was working," he replied casually. The guys continued talking while Hinata kept complaining worriedly in her head. "Wanna play basketball after school? We got our usual bet with the guys from the Northside."

"How does 60-40 share sound? You get 60."

"Nah, it's gotta be 70-30."

What am I going to do?

I don't like this guy…!

"Damn you!"

"Fine, just team up with some other guy."

"You're a sadist! And you call yourself a friend!"

I wonder if he remembers me?

"Hey, everyone, get in our seats!" The teacher yelled, stopping the conversations of the class abruptly.

It was only a few seconds that we met, maybe he won't remember… Hinata turned her head to look at Sasuke nervously.

Sasuke, feeling like he was being watched, turned to her. Please, god. Make him forget who I am. His eyes widened, "Oh," he pointed at me.

Hinata turned her head back down. She was sweating, scared of this guy. "Hey," he continued to call her, "You, you remember me? We met at that park yesterday."

A voice suddenly far away spoke "Quiet! I'm taking attendance."

Sasuke persisted on talking to Hinata, while attendance is being called. "No way! I didn't know you went to this school."

"Hyuuga?" Hinata kept her head down, right now, she wanted nothing more than to disappear. Her life is already bad enough as it is.

"Hyuuga Hinata?!" She looked up, realizing that she was being called, "H-h" she swallowed, "Here!"

"Hinata?" Sasuke, realizing she won't speak to her, started poking her head and making beeping sound. "How do you write that? Hey, hey, c'mon, don't ignore me."



Sasuke groaned and said, "Here!" What am I going to do? Everyone's watching me, plus, the teacher's here as well… "You remember me? The handsome man you drew a map of the way to the hospital at the park…" How rude of him! "On the back of the map, there was a…" Don't talk to me! Sasuke, holding her front of her ponytail, turned her head to look at him. "Ow!"

"Hey, why are you ignoring me?" Hinata stared at his face, terrified of the irritation creeping up to his eyes.

"Uchiha, what the devil do you think you're doing?" He threw a chalkboard eraser at him. Noticing the flying figure aiming at his head, he ducked, and the eraser hit the head of the pineapple guy. He didn't even bother looking up, like her was used to this, paying the consequences of his best friend Sasuke. "Hey, Casanova! The school year barely started, and you're already hitting on girls!"


"Ugh, why is it always me? Paying for your mistakes!" the pineapple guy bent his head down at the faucet in the sink and washed the chalk out of his hair. "It's going to take forever getting all this chalk out!" he said regretfully.

Sasuke patted his back playfully, "Sorry, man. Who knew that sensei had such good aim?"

"Well whatever," he lifted his head up, giving up on washing the chalk out of his hair. "But Sasuke, whatever you were doing to Hinata, don't do it. She's not that type of girl."

"Oh, you know her."

"Yeah, we went to junior high together."


Toshi- hey, how'd think of the chapter? it's prettty short n i tried not to go as the book, but the computer wuz lik realy slow the this chap can b vry crappie... i didnt actually finish the whole series yet eiter, im on vol 11. so i hav different versions ofteh end n story n stuff... Hey, does n-e 1 kno Sai's surname?1

I'm alsos writing another fic of MARS too, the actual series... but i didnt kno if i should update it cuz i usually get bored easily...

4 those of u who's read Lisa n M don't worry im still continuing it. I'm continuing all of my stories except probably the OURAN HIGH SCHOOL HOST CLUB one...

n i got another question does n-e1 kno 可米小子 (COMIC BOYZ), cuz they're my current favorite band at this moment...

R&R plz