A/N: I dunno what got into me actually but this scene just came to me while I was taking out the garbage. Hahaha. So I thought I'd write it down and see what comes from it. If you are reading this means that I've decided to post it up. In that case, enjoy this 145 words drabble-ish one shot thing. I'm currently stuck on/obsessed with the idea of secret relationships and that's how this came about. I might actually add in other scenes depicting moments that show this two are in a secret relationship. I can't promise that I would ever add more stuff here (which is why it's marked as complete), but I will if random muses struck me again. And I haven't abandoned my other story "The Beginning at the End." It is just on a super long hiatus but I shall have it completed before the end of the year at least, that's for sure. There's like 2-3 chapters left. In the meantime, enjoy!!

Disclaimer: Takeshi Konomi owns everything about Prince of Tennis. I'm just a fan who's borrowing elements of it to entertain herself and fellow fans.

Title: His smile.

Rating: K+

Word Count: 145

"Ryoma-kun! Gambatte!" Sakuno Ryuzaki's voice can be heard cheering on the player walking into the courts.

Her cheers were echoed by her best friend, Tomoka Osakada and all the other members of the Echizen Ryoma fanclub, Tokyo Chapter. "Kyaa!! Ryoma-sama!! Gambatte!!"

Characteristic smirk in place, Echizen Ryoma raised his hand up in a wave to his fans. Just for a quick moment though, as his eyes met that special girl, his expression changed ever so slightly from the smirk to a sweet smile so fleeting, it may seem like nothing more than one's imagination.

Sakuno knows better because that smile was her smile, only meant for her, in exchange for her having to share his smirk and wave with everyone else. Just that secret smile is enough for her since that is the nature of their relationship anyway, one that is secret from everyone else.

A/N: Thanks for reading. Please do remember to leave a review!