

Link stood in the Mirror Chamber. It had been an entire week since he had last heard Midna's voice: 'Link...I...See you later.' Had it been a lie?

He had returned to the chamber after returning home to Ordon and making an attempt at returning to his regular peace-filled lifestyle. However, he could not control his thoughts continuing to stray back to her. It was impossible to get her out of his head.

It had been only a few days when he was out taking a walk through Faron Woods one night when he swore he had heard Midna's familiar giggle. He did not sleep that night, for he had attempted to find her, but was saddened and angered to find Trill, the sales-parrot repeating the laugh he had heard on Link and Midna's adventure. He cursed the bird and threw a rock at it (which it easily dodged) before returning to his home near Ordon Village.

Ilia had tried talking to him when he first returned, but he always seemed to be lost deep in his thoughts and memories when he did speak to her. All of the other villagers seemed to agree that his adventure had changed Link dramatically. Rusl, too, had tried to cheer up Link by retelling the story of the first real adventure he'd been on, but Link left him with a look that said, simply 'You just don't understand...'

Even Princess Zelda had come to offer Link a position in Hyrule Castle as the Hyrulian Captain of the Guard. However, Zelda could see something was wrong when Link turned down the honor. She made an attempt to console him.
"She knew she had to, Link. It was best for both worlds this way. That and I think you also knew it had to be this way." she said.

Link just shrugged his shoulders. He did have a feeling that it might happen after hearing Midna's words...

'You know we could be assembling something truly terrible here...
It could be something that we'll ultimately have to destroy...'

Zelda could tell she was not getting through to him and decided it was best to let Link sort things out for himself. She left him with her final words of advice:

"Perhaps you ought to go back to the Chamber. Who knows? Maybe you'll find an answer there..."

Link pondered her words for a few days before finally deciding to take her advice. He packed all his belongings, left a note telling the villagers where he would be going, and in the morning, he and Epona were gone.

So now Link had set up a camp in the Mirror Chamber and decided that he would wait here until he found a way to repair the Mirror of Twilight.

He had been worried about getting food out here in the desert until King Bulblin had appeared. Link had long forgotten about the camp below to be his, and, after Link had proven himself in a duel against King Bulblin in his last adventure, King Bulblin was more than willing to help Link obtain the necessary provisions. So, he made it a routine of coming to check on Link at least once daily. Link appreciated this very much.

The Sages were also helpful by giving Link all the information and knowledge they had about the Mirror as well as keeping Link up to date on the daily happenings in Hyrule. Link also appreciated this. He never realized how much he would depend on so many others. But he was glad to have them all helping him now.

King Bulblin had already made his appearance on this particular evening and now Link sat, alone, with a fire burning brightly nearby, his bright blue eyes fixed on where the Mirror had once stood, and he thought about all he and Midna had been through. How she had rescued him from Hyrule Castle after he had been turned into his beast form. How he had carried her as fast as his four legs would take him after she had been mortally wounded by Zant. How they had said good-bye for good not more than a week ago.

He saw a drop of water fall and hit the ground and realized that it was a tear from his own eye. He dried it with his hand and when he looked back at the ground, he saw a pair of black boots.

Link jumped up on his feet and looked straight into the eyes of a man he had never seen before. Indeed he was staring at his eyes, because that was all he could see of the stranger, for he was wrapped tightly in a dark hooded cloak. The man's piercing green eyes shone out from the hood.

Link reached for the Ordon sword that lay just a few feet away from him. The man saw him reach for it and spoke.

"Wait, I have a proposal I wish to discuss with you."

Link stopped, turned, and listened, apparently deciding that, since the man appeared unarmed, he spoke the truth.

"Thank you." the stranger said "As I said, I wish to make you an offer. I will give you what you seek..."

At these words, the man raised a cloaked arm toward the Mirror of Twilight's stand, and Link saw every last shard of the Mirror returning to the base in small flashes and before long, the Mirror was whole once more.

Link could only stand there, mouth agape.

"Yes, I know what it is you have searched for. It can be yours. However, there will be payment required, certainly." Link had turned suddenly at this; the man laughed "Surely you did not think I would simply let you have the Mirror back? However, I will give you a day in the Twilight Realm to let you think about what it is you really want. When the day is up, I will return you here and we will discuss my terms..." the man explained "But, for now, go to her. She's waiting for you."

Then a strong wind forced Link to cover his face momentarily, and when he looked back at where the strange man had once stood, the figure was gone, but the Mirror remained, completely intact.

Link stared at it. It had seemed too easy. Generally this sort of generosity did not come at a simple price. The cost would be heavy. But, what did he mean by 'payment'? What could the man possibly want from Link? But, more importantly, who in the Heavens was he? Link hesitated a moment by the Mirror, until the man's words returned to him: ' day...'

Link shook off any last thoughts of doubt and decided that he would rather take the risk than stay here and stew in his madness any longer. He rushed to where he had stood once before, and felt the familiar sensation of dissolving away into the Twilight. A moment later and Link was gone.