(A/n: Gah! I've had this crazy little idea for a long time. Yu Yu Hakusho/Charmed...weird. I din't really know where to put the thing so I settled for the Yu Yu Hakusho archive...not gonna get many hits here...but even less in Charmed. Forgive me for oocness. I haven't watched Charmed in a long time...like...several months...but I think I did ok regardless!

Bob: It's crap.

Anono: Bob! I'm wounded already.

Bob: What!? It's the truth!

Anono: I know -snif-...you don't have to rub it in. And THAT'S why I took the liberty of re-writing it! Sorry to the people who wanted another chappie...I'll get that up asap. Anyways! Enjoy the cra- I mean fic.

Disclaimer: I no own. period. Now get off my back.

On With the Fic!!!

Someone, somewhere, was having a glorious day. Paige Halliwell, Headmistress of Magic School, was not that someone. Which is why she was going to personally hunt that someone down and strangle them. She'd cackle with glee like the witch she was while doing it too.

However, being half White Lighter as well, guardian of witches and future white lighters, she was a natural pacifist. So Paige decided to use alternative methods to vent her frustration.

'BAM, BAM, BAM...'

"Professor Halliwell?"

'BAM, BAM, BAM...'



"Professor PLEASE stop mutilating yourself." Halfway regretting the end to her quest for permanent brain damage(and putting a dent in her desk)Paige lifted her head and looked at the cause of her frustration.

Her "promising" White Lighter apprentice, Shaw, had just informed her that she had miss-used a spell. Apparently Shaw didn't even know what the spell was supposed to do. The spell had been in Elfin of all things, and all they knew was it said something about death. How delightful.

The ever prestigious headmistress stared at her, half pitying, half annoyed. Then every once in a while she'd glance at the fire truck red haired demon, standing about ten feet to the left of Shaw, with really, REALLY long pointed ears, a small horn in the middle of his forehead, and wearing...That's not even HALF a shirt! Seriously...Two bands of white cloth crossed across his well defined torso... Did I just say that out loud?


ANYWHO...So Paige was annoyed. Maybe going a little insane. The head banging couldn't have been good for her. It didn't help that she started talking to herself.

"What in the Hell is wrong here!" .....Make that yelling to herself.

A small cough brought her attention to the demon, "Pardon me ma'rm, but the little missie might be able to' answer yer question," he said while half gesturing to Shaw.

While Paige was busy getting over the Irish accent of the demon, "Little Missie" gritted her teeth, "Don't. Call me that. Demon."

The demon held up his hands in defense, "Alright, alright. Tis' only fair though when ah don't know yer name."

Shaw crossed her arms over her chest and shot back, "You should give your own name when asking for someone else's."

"Oh! Fergive me manners. Tis' only right ye hafta give ta get ay?", he said smiling a smile that could break any unsuspecting young woman's heart. Over at the desk Paige blushed. The smile seemed to have no effect on Shaw. Damn. Completely un-phased the demon continued, "Name's Jin. Jin the Wind Master at yer se'rvice." As if to prove it Jin tipped an invisible hat and lifted his feet to sit Indian style three feet in the air. And he still had that SMILE.

Ya' know with the billowy white pants and blue cuffs on his wrists he looked kinda like a genie. In a twisted, bubbly, demonic sense of course.

Shaw just huffed and turned back towards Paige, "Claire Barnett."

"Claire?" Jin dramatically studied her, chin in hand, "Ye don't look like a Claire ta me."

After silently watching the exchange Paige decided to get to the bottom of this. "She's not a Claire," Paige started by explaining Shaw's name, "That's why we call her by her middle name, Shaw."

Jin gave a silent oh. Shaw did seem to fit the spit-fire better.

"Okay! Pleasantries are over. Now someone please tell me what the Hell is going on."

"Ah'm a little confused meself ma'rm. The missy should probably tell it."

"It's Shaw!"

Jin smirked at his small triumph showing off some large canines. Paige just shook her head at the unasked plea to vanquish poor Jin shining in Shaw's eyes.

"Please Professor?"

"Not until after I know what all's going on. Now, start explaining."

Shaw sighed in defeat. "Fine, I got into a fight with HIM,", she jabbed her thumb at Jin harshly, "normal spells wouldn't work, so I used one I KNEW was powerful. What more is there to explain?"

"Shaw," Paige closed her eyes, as if blocking out the sight would ease the stress, "You were unconscious! AMY had to drag you here!"

The younger witch/White Lighter shifted uncomfortably. Mumbling she said, "I don't see why she had to drag HIM along too."

"Fer YOUR infermation Missy, ah drug meself here."

At the same time both Paige and Shaw questioned him, "Why?"

Jin, slightly unnerved at their timing, crossed his arms and hotly answered back, "Cause the lass didn't go 50 ya'rds with Missy an' ah was on me knees in agony."

Shaw sighed, "That's gotta be from the spell." Paige had an odd look. A look that said "I think I know something but I'm afraid to say it". This look made the girl do a double take.

"Professor what do you know?"

She didn't answer immediately. "I'm not so sure. I think that spell was some kind of bind."

Two voices rang out in unison. "WHAT?!" Again they rang at the same time, but with different tunes.

"You mean I'm stuck with HIM?!"

"Mama always told me never te mess with a witch. Ah don't wanna be BOUND to one!"

Paige held up her hands in defense. "For the record Shaw it's YOUR fault you're stuck with Jin. Jin I'm sorry about your situation, but there's not much I can do about it. I hope we can come to an agreement of sorts while this is fixed."

Defeated, Shaw simply crossed her arms and pursed her lips. Jin however, looked pleased.

"Well, Touya an' Chu were plannin' a vacation anyways! So if ye don't mind me stayin' here, ah don't mind it much."

If at nothing else, the professor had to smile at his spunk. Hey! No matter WHAT the Elders say there ARE good demons out there.

Shaw sighed, again. She got the feeling she'd be doing a lot of it. "So I can't vanquish him?"

Paige shook her head. "It might do something to you too."

Another sigh, as she thought about earlier events. "Today was most definitely NOT my day."

(Cue almighty flashback)

Shaw, her roommate Jessie, and Paige's sister Phoebe were sitting in the living room of Shaw and Jessie's apartment a little after Dawn enjoying coffee. Shaw brought her mug up to her nose, inhaled deeply, and let out a satisfied sigh.

"Ahhh...Nothing like a good cup of French Roast in the morning."

Phoebe laughed,"We need it this early. How did we get to be the only early birds in this place?"

Jesse scoffed, "The only reason I'm up this early is because my boyfriend makes me get up. Now it's a habit."

Phoebe reached over to turn on the brand new Sirius Radio.

"Didn't he tell you you needed to lose weight?"

Jessie nodded, "That's why he gets me up. To jog."

1'You need that boy,

like a bowling ball,

dropped on your head,

which means not at all.'

The radio blasted out. Phoebe scrambled for the remote and turned it down. Now you could still hear the words, but the music was just in the background.

"Oops...Sorry," Phoebe pitifully apologized.

Jessie stared at the radio in amazement.

"You know," she started, still amazed, "I was thinking of breaking up with him."

'You have too much to give, to live,

to waste your time on him.'

Shaw smirked at the radio, "Do it girl. He's not worth it."

Jessie turned to Shaw with an inquisitive look, "Speaking of breakups..."

"You're on dangerous ground here Jess."

"I was just wondering if you were sad at all!"

Phoebe almost slapped her, "Why should she be?! The guy was a jerk."

Shaw really did slap Jessie, "HELL no. Course I wasn't sad. The jerk played me. I was pissed."

"Okay, I was just curious. You did seem to like him a lot," Jesse said, rubbing her arm.

Shaw didn't look ready to forgive her. "That was three weeks ago Jess. Quit bringing it up." She sighed loudly, "If they don't play you they try to control you. Why do they all turn out like that?"

2'Caaan anybodyyyy?

Find meeee,

Somebody tooo looooove.'

Jesse, Phoebe, Shaw, and Paige, who just came in, stared open mouthed at the Sirius Radio.

"Jesse, your radio is possessed."

Jesse jumped, spilling her coffee(she hadn't noticed Paige enter the room). While Jesse cursed and ran to the kitchen for stain remover, Phoebe gave her little sister a cheery, "Good morning!", and Shaw waved.

"Yeah, by Cupid," said Shaw as she poured herself more coffee.

Phoebe rolled her eyes at the stab at her husband, "I'll be sure to tell Coop to leave it alone."

"So!" Shaw ignored Phoebe and addressed her headmaster, "Sit, drink, explain why you are here at this God forsaken hour." Then she handed over a fresh cup. Jesse came back from the kitchen, and all waited patiently while Paige downed the caffeine.

"Ahhhh, that hits the spot," she said then turned to her apprentice.

"I came to ask if anything unusual has happened to any of your charges."

"Unusual?" The young White Lighter was a little put off. "You mean besides getting attacked by demons unusual?"

Jesse added her two cents, "What's much more unusual than a demon attack?"

"A lot," countered Phoebe, "but, most incidents almost always have a demon behind them."

"Exactly," Paige took another swig of coffee, "One of my charges woke up in the park this morning."

"Did she feel incredibly satisfied or dirty and used?"

Paige sent her sister a scowl, but ignored her for the most part.

"Neither, just confused. She was walking home last night and just remembers waking up in the park."

"So she doesn't even remember when she stopped remembering?" asked Shaw. This was most definitely worth investigating. She could already feel the excitement of a challenge.

"Yeah, walking through the park then waking up. I don't think she was drunk either."

"Well of course she wasn't drunk," reassured Shaw, "Then she wouldn't even be able to remember the park."

"That is true," said Jesse.

"So you want to know if this is a target on your charge, or something a little more widespread, am I right?" Paige nodded to her sister.

"So have you checked your charges Shaw?"

Shaw mentally checked her charge's auras.

"Well, no one's called me," she began to list off everything that could've gone wrong, "I haven't sensed anyone in pain, panicking, in danger, or just needing me." She froze. Panic spread through her and a sliver of dread ran down her spine.

Oh shit.

"Shaw? Are you okay?" Jesse asked. Paige waved her hand in front of Shaw's face.

"Hellooo...", The unnerved girl caught Paige's hand.

"I can't sense Amy. Shit!"

Paige pulled her hand free, "I'll show you where I found my charge."

Jesse looked a little confused, "What, you think it's related?"

Shaw stood up, "I don't know but it's the best clue we've got right now. Lead the way Professor."

"Right, follow me. Oh, and could you contact Magic School to get a sub, Phoebe? Thanks, I love you Sis," and they both orbed out.

Phoebe set down her mug, "You know Amy, right Jesse?"

"Yeah, she used to live in the compound here."

Phoebe began to move towards Jesse and Shaw's hidden workshop with Jesse following behind.

"We should see if we can find her on the map with a crystal." They reached the room and began their search.

Amy stared at the oddly colored landscape, and even weirder demons before her. There were five of them, five LARGE demons, with equally large teeth. One looked remotely human while the rest had different things like tentacles, tales, and horns.

Even with her power to clone herself, Amy didn't think she could take them down. Ordinary spells probably wouldn't work either. Somehow she knew these were no ordinary demons. This wasn't good.

"Looky here Boss. We got ourselves a little lost lamb." The biggest one with tusks coming out of his mouth stepped closer to Amy.

One with a big lizard tail eyed Amy appreciatively, "Boss, we could have some fun with this one."

The human looking one (Amy guessed that he was the boss) laughed, "Now, now Taros. You know I get first dibs."

Crap, if the demons didn't kill her then Shaw definitely would. It wasn't her fault really. She was just jogging and fell through some kind of hole to this place.

Just when Amy was about to retreat to a dark little corner of despair, the smallest demon spoke up.

"If the patrols catch us we could get in big trouble." Yes! They might not want to deal with her for fear of the 'patrols'. Amy knew she at least had a chance against Shaw.

Boss hit the 'small' demon, "Shut up Grov. They just passed through here. There aren't any comin' 'round for a few hours."

Shit! Amy began to go back to her corner of despair, but stopped herself. "No!", she thought, "If I give up now Shaw would never let me hear the end of it. Even in the afterlife. I'm not going down without a fight." Amy stood up straight and tried to school her features into what she hoped was a fierce look.

"Oh ho!" Boss noticed Amy's change, "I think this one wants to fight!"

Taros licked his lizard claw, "She won't be disappointed."

Amy created two clones for each demon. It would confuse them, but not for long. Saying a small prayer, she pulled out a few simple explosion potions. Why she had them when she was jogging I don't really know. Maybe she's just a little paranoid. I guess now she has a good reason.

Amy prepared to throw the potions at the approaching demons. "Shaw," she called out to her White Lighter, "Please get here soon."

(A/n: Aaaand CUT! That's a wrap. Thank you for coming everyone! Song number 1...Bowling Ball by...something or other. Number 2 is Queen's "Somebody to Love" (my favorite-).

Bob: You should've let ME write it! Now they're all oc!

Anono: Shut up...You haven't watched Charmed in a long time either. Forgive me people...I know it's crap and you want to kill me...but it gets better! I promise!

Bob: We'll be watching more Charmed episodes, so the characters won't be as ooc next chapter. You can count on that.

Anono: The Halliwell sisters are kinda hard to write anyways. Now without further ado...REVIEW DARN IT!

Bob: We welcome flames! We need something to roast marshmallows on.

Anono: Damnit Bob! Now I'm hungry! Anyways please review and tell me WHY I suck if I do okay? Pointing out typos and grammar errors is welcome too.