A/N: Final chapter! I hope you all enjoyed the story as much as I enjoyed writing it!

A/N 2: Thank you, everyone, for the great reviews! And thank you, Salysha, for all the help! This story is dedicated to you, my friend!

Disclaimer: I do not own Tekken.

Chapter 20

It's Over, and We Lost


Several days passed since the twins were confronted. They had dropped out of the tournament the following day and were forced to stay with Lee and everyone until everything was over. It was Lei's idea, as they had given out information they could get killed for.

Hwoarang disagreed, suggesting they should turn them in to Lucci in packages as an early Christmas present, but he was overruled by the others, who thought that the twins could be some help when things would start to unfold later on; in other words, when the real danger would begin.

Now, Hwoarang and Jin were in the middle of their second match. Hwoarang had tagged Jin to fight and sat down to watch the end of the fight. The redhead wasn't as into it as he had been at the beginning, now that he had found out that the whole thing was basically a scam to lure him out. He agreed to do the match that morning only because it would be good practice and he might get a glimpse of "Winder." He wanted to see for himself if the man was Lucci or not. He was still having trouble believing it, and he wondered how he missed it earlier.

Hwoarang sighed and removed the headband from his forehead, letting his hair fall loose to the side. The match was over: Jin had won, and Kuma had been KO'd. It hadn't been the easiest match, but it hadn't been the most difficult fight he had fought, either. All in all, Hwoarang was bored.

"About time, Kazama. You sure went easy on him," Hwoarang said as the other man approached him. He smiled and stood to his feet.

Jin returned the smile and stood in front of Hwoarang, arms folded over his bare, sweaty chest. "Sorry, I wanted to give him a little bit of a chance," he said. His smile turned into a cocky smirk.

Hwoarang grinned and admired Jin's torso with roaming eyes. The man was a sexy beast and teasing him. "You've been hanging out with me too much," Hwoarang commented and turned around. "Let's go home and 'celebrate.'"


Hwoarang pushed Jin into the room, their lips locked in a heated kiss. Jin quickly took control, pushing Hwoarang back and into the door, closing it in the process. After returning from the tournament and realizing no one was home, Hwoarang had talked to Jin. The two hadn't stopped kissing since; both of them were fighting for the upper hand.

Now, Jin was pressing Hwoarang tightly against the bedroom door, with one hand squeezing his butt in a tight grip while the other strayed into his hair. Their tongues moved in rhythm together until Jin pulled away. He smiled, and his breathing hitched. "I need a shower."

"Was that an invitation?" Hwoarang asked, watching Jin's every movement.

Jin smirked at the redhead and removed his shirt, tossing it to the floor. He then slowly made his way to the bathroom door, resting a hand on the doorknob. He glanced at Hwoarang over his shoulder. His smirk never left. "Maybe."

Hwoarang didn't hesitate as he ran over to Jin, grabbing his shoulder and spinning him around, locking their lips once again. Hwoarang pushed Jin into the bathroom, and Jin took control, pushing Hwoarang off. He stared at the redhead with lust-filled eyes and grinned.

"You're a tease, Kazama!" Hwoarang protested, pouting playfully.

Jin chuckled and pulled at Hwoarang's vest, pulling at the zipper. "I know." The sound of a zipper echoed in the bathroom followed by the sound of Hwoarang's vest dropping to the floor. Jin then grabbed Hwoarang by the hips and lifted him up onto the counter. He grabbed the buckles of his leather chaps, undoing them one by one.

Hwoarang watched him with a bit of amusement, amazed at how fast Jin could work when he wanted something. He jumped when he felt something wet by his navel and glanced down, seeing Jin licking abdomen as he worked on his belt. "Damn, Kazama. Slow down and take a breath," he chuckled, running his fingers through Jin's hair.

Jin looked up and smiled, pulling Hwoarang down from the counter once more and pulling at the jeans, finally sliding them off. "No."

Hwoarang laughed, grabbing Jin's shoulder as he stepped out of his pants and kicked them to the side. He was now standing only in his red silk boxers.

Jin gave him a once-over, and turned around to step over to the tub. He turned the shower on, adjusting the water so that it was just right. He then turned to Hwoarang, who had done the honors of removing the last bit of his clothing. Jin whistled.

"Your turn," Hwoarang said, a twinkle in his eyes as he took the small step over to Jin and grabbed his flame pants. "Come on, Jinny-kins, take them off and wiggle that fine ass!"

"Get in the tub, and I just might," Jin said, moving away from Hwoarang and over by the sink. He folded his arms over his chest, smirking at the redhead.

Hwoarang was a bit shocked at Jin's actions. He had never pictured the normally quiet and well-behaved Kazama to be so demanding. He liked it. "Okay," he said, moving the clear curtain to the side and stepping into the hot shower. He sighed heavily, tilting his head back and letting the water hit his face.

Less than a minute later, Hwoarang felt strong hands touch his shoulders and gently run down his back. He leaned back into the touch and closed his eyes. Jin's touch was comforting and it made him feel more relaxed. He groaned, feeling Jin's lips against his neck, and tilted his head back, letting out a low moan.

Jin smirked into Hwoarang's neck, nibbling down the soft skin. He gently squeezed Hwoarang's hips and turned the redhead around so they facing each other. He leaned forward, kissing the redhead roughly and sliding a hand over his ass, squeezing it playfully.

Hwoarang let out a low moan. Jin was driving him nuts with his touches and kisses. He could feel his member growing erect and he rubbed it against Jin's.

Jin hummed from pleasure, taking Hwoarang's lips with his, and gently pushed Hwoarang into the bathroom wall. He then pulled away with a grin, moving away from the redhead and turning around.

Hwoarang took a deep breath, watching Jin from where he stood. His body was hot and not just from the spray of water. He ran a hand through his wet hair, trying to calm down. He knew that if he didn't cool, even a little, he would come far too quickly.

Hwoarang's grin grew when he saw Jin grab the conditioner, and he watched with mesmerized eyes as the other man rubbed it onto his hard member. Hwoarang knew what was coming and he couldn't wait.

As soon as Jin finished rubbing the conditioner onto his penis, he turned to Hwoarang with a smirk, grabbing the redhead by the hips and turning him around. He smacked Hwoarang's ass playfully and leaned forward, kissing him on the neck gently. "Ready?" he whispered.

Hwoarang's head nearly banged on the wall when Jin spun him around, but he caught himself with his hands. He shivered, feeling Jin's kisses down his neck and the gentle touch to his back. He could feel Jin's erection teasing at his entrance, and it was driving him mad.

"Don't tease, just fuck me," Hwoarang said, grinding his teeth. He could feel Jin slowly start to enter him, and he gasped. He could never get used to that feeling, and boy, did he love it.


After the shower, Hwoarang and Jin rested on Hwoarang's bed. Hwoarang was in a pair of shorts and covered with a light blanket. His head rested against a pillow, and there was a smile on his face. "Damn, Kazama, I feel so good. Sex after a winning match? Yeah, must be my birthday," he chuckled.

Jin was lying next to Hwoarang, sideways so he was facing him, his head lying on his arm. "I agree," he said, reaching a hand over and brushing some red hair from Hwoarang's face. "It has been a good day."

Hwoarang turned so he was facing Jin and nodded. "Mmm, was. Make it better if I had some beer and another grope here on the bed," he said, winking.

Jin smiled. Hwoarang could so crude sometimes. He loved it when they were alone like this. He leaned forward and kissed him. "Yeah, maybe a little later. Steve and Lee will be returning soon."

Hwoarang kissed Jin back and sighed, sitting up. "Yeah, along with Nick and Corey. Might as well make something to eat, maybe order in. Get some beer and, later, we can have some fun again," Hwoarang said, getting up from the bed and throwing on a T-shirt.

"Yeah," Jin agreed, sliding off the bed and throwing on a pair of black sweatpants. "What should we eat?"

Hwoarang rested a hand on the door and glanced at Jin. "If it was up to me, I would have Jin à la mode," he said with a smirk and left the room.

Jin blushed a pretty shade of pink and followed after his lover. "How about some Mexican food?"

"You eat Mexican food? That has a lot of meat, usually," Hwoarang said, walking down the stairs and into the kitchen. He stopped at the fridge, resting one hand against it.

"I like the veggie bowl," Jin said, sitting down at the table.

"Oh," Hwoarang turned the fridge and opened it. "Can we order in or do we need to pick it up?" he took out two cans of soda and offered one to Jin, sitting next to him with a smile.

Jin shook his head. "I can ask Lee to pick it up on his way home if I order now," he said and took the offered can.


"Sir, he's here," Winder said as he walked into his boss' office.

"Good. Send him in," Lord Kaji said and smiled.

Winder nodded and stepped out once again, returning a moment later with another man.

The second man was tall and he had a wavy blond hair and blue eyes. He was thin but well-built and had a plain look on his face. He bowed to Lord Kaji and removed his jacket, handing it to Winder. "So, what's my job this time?"

Lord Kaji stood to his feet and crossed the room to his filing cabinet. "I need you to capture someone for me," he said as he took out a file. He opened it and went back over to his desk, sitting down.

"Is that all?" the new man said, looking bored and sounding disappointed. "You couldn't get someone else to do it?"

Lord Kaji shook his head. "So far, everyone has failed," he said and slid a photo across the table.

The man took two steps over to the desk and picked up photo, looking at it. "Isn't he from the tournament?"

Lord Kaji nodded. "Yes, he is. Will you need help?"

The man shook his head and pocketed the picture. "No, just gas money for my car."

Lord Kaji chuckled and took out his wallet. "All right."

"When do you want me to do this?" the man said, taking the money.

"As soon as possible. I am tired of waiting. Just make sure everyone else is out of the house. Or far enough, so you don't get caught."

The man grinned and turned to leave, taking his coat from Winder and throwing it on. He stopped just outside the door and glanced at Lord Kaji. "I never get caught. I demand the same payment."

The door shut as soon as the man walked away. Winder turned and looked at his boss. "Any arrangements I need to make?"

"Just tell our baker to have a dozen lemon pies hot and fresh out of the oven by tomorrow afternoon."

Winder raised a brow, but didn't question his boss. "Will do, sir."


"So, what's the plan for tomorrow?" Hwoarang asked Jin, Steve, and Lee as he entered the living room, a beer in hand. "What are we doing?"

"I have class in the afternoon," Jin answered, putting the book he had been reading down on the coffee table.

Hwoarang frowned and sat next to Steve on the couch. "Really? Bummer. I was hoping the four of us could go and play some paintball."

"Sorry, Hwoarang. I need to run some errands. Maybe another time," Lee said.

"I'll be here tomorrow, mate. I reckon the twins will be, too. We can always play with them," Steve said with a shrug.

"Steve, that sounded so wrong," Hwoarang said, hiding a smirk.

"What? Why, what did I say?"

"Well, you didn't hear me say, 'Hey, you guys. Want to go and play with each other?' No, I said, 'To play paintball.' So when you said—" his smirk was rising, "—'we can always play with them,' it sounded like you were suggesting us to 'play' with them."

Steve blinked. "Dude… you have perverted problems, you know that?"

Hwoarang laughed. "Hey, you said it. Not me. Anyway, yeah, we can play paintball with them, maybe. I might change my mind. Never know. I still can't stand those two."

"Well, just let me know if you do, then. This way, I'll know to make some plans for tomorrow or not," Steve said with a smile.

"Yeah, whatever. I'm going to bed. Good night, my lovely 'ladies!'" Hwoarang said cheerfully and hopped off the couch, taking his beer with him as he went to bed.

The other three just rolled their eyes at him and continued their quiet activities.


Hwoarang's eyes opened when he felt a gentle but strong hand on his bare back. He smiled and turned, looking up at Jin with a grin. He brought his arms up and around Jin's neck. The two were kissing in seconds.

Jin took a hold of Hwoarang's hips and rolled himself onto the bed, pulling Hwoarang on top of him, breaking their kiss for a second before their lips connected once again. There was no small talk as Jin slid Hwoarang's boxers off his waist and, slowly, off.

Hwoarang smirked at Jin as he lay naked under the other man, bringing his arms behind his head, letting Jin lead.

Jin's hand slowly slid up Hwoarang's leg, over his thigh, and up to his limp member. Hwoarang let out a hiss of pleasure. He watched Jin grip his penis and let out another moan, feeling it become hard. "D-damn…."

Jin grinned when Hwoarang's penis was fully erect and he slid up the Korean's body slowly, kissing up his chest, stopping as he got to Hwoarang's chin. He smiled, looking at Hwoarang and running a hand through his hair.

Hwoarang smiled back and cupped Jin's face, kissing his lover gently as his breathing became heavy. He pulled away form the kiss, his face slightly flushed. "You know…," he whispered. "Despite all the shit, I think I'm pretty happy."

Jin smiled at Hwoarang and ran a finger down the redhead's chin. "I agree. I am, too," he said and once more captured Hwoarang's mouth with his, sharing a deep and lust-filled kiss.

The rest of the night turned into a blur of passion, heat, and love.


The next afternoon, Hwoarang was sitting by himself in the living room, waiting for Jin to get home from school. He was still wearing his jeans from the paintball fight, which hadn't been as fun as he had hoped. It had ended a bit short due to the rain, and now he was bored stiff. Steve had gone upstairs for a nap, and he didn't have a clue where the twins had gone. He didn't care much, anyway.

Now it was the middle of the afternoon, it was raining, and he was stuck inside, bored with not much to do. It seemed like the minutes were going by very slowly, as he watched the clock on the wall.

It's odd how the last couple of months have been. When I got here, I was afraid of commitment, and now I'm doing just that… being with Jin and only Jin…. I must admit even I am shocked by it all,he thought to himself, grinning a bit and lying back on the couch. I'm still scared on the idea, though… but I am happy.

Just as he was about to close his eyes for a nap, he heard the sound of a glass breaking from the other room. He grunted some and got up from the couch, going into the other room. He didn't know what happened after that: he was smacked with a blunt object to the back of the head. He slumped over and was caught by strong arms.

The man smirked and brought Hwoarang over his shoulder and headed for the broken window. Shortly after, there was the sound of a car driving off.

"Hwoarang?" Steve said as he made his way down the stairs. "Hwoarang, are you around?" he said looking into the living room and then down the hall, spotting the broken glass. "Hwoarang… oh, bloody hell!"


Jin, Steve, Lee, Nick, and Corey stood in front of the large temple, most of them quiet. Lee was pacing and on the phone.

Jin had a blank stare on his face as he sat. He couldn't believe Hwoarang was missing. His bike was still there, which suggested that he had not left, but… he was nowhere to be found.

He's probably hiding from you.

No. I know he's not. Something's wrong.

I bet you made him sick last night. Maybe he realized how wrong you are. You are, after all, a monster.

No! I'm not! Hwoarang is not like that!

Are you sure? You barely know him. He is probably watching you right now. Watching you from the distance and thinking how sick you are.

No! That's not true! It's not true! I know Hwoarang… he…

He's what? Crude? Doesn't care? He's often used women for sex before. What makes you believe he didn't use you?

Because Hwoarang isn't like that! He… he said himself that he loved me.

Once, but neither of you said it again. How do you know it was true? He kissed Steve.

What? No. You are lying! I don't believe you!

It's true. He kissed Steve. Ask the blondie. He'll tell you.

You're lying. Stop it! Get out of my head!

Jin grabbed a hold of his head and screamed out, "STOP IT!" making everyone around him to stare at him.

"Jin, what's wrong?" Lee asked, closing his cell phone and shoving it in his pocket. "It's not… bothering you… is it?"

Jin shook his head. "Any word on Hwoarang?" he asked, worry in his tone, trying to block out all of the devil's thoughts.

Lee shook his head. "Baek is out looking for him now; Bea said he hasn't seen him all day. Steve, you said the glass was broken, like someone had broken in, and you found a chunk of wood on the floor?"

Steve nodded. "Yeah, I reckon someone broke in while I was napping and knocked Hwoarang out when he went to investigate."

Lee sighed. "Yeah. Lei is going to investigate as soon as he and Baek finish searching. I told him the same thing, and he believes it, too. Damn, I'm just afraid that whoever is after Hwoarang might have grabbed him."

Jin groaned, covering his face with his hands. What was he going to do? How was he going to find Hwoarang?


A few hours later, there was still no sign of Hwoarang, and there were no fingerprints of the intruder or any signs that someone had been there except the broken glass and the block of wood.

Everyone was searching for Hwoarang now as they are starting to get worried. Lei had questions the twins, and took them with him for the search.

Jin was standing on the roof, letting the rain fall over his body. He was staring up at the midnight blue sky with a sad expression on his face. I must find him…. I must know the truth.

And take revenge for the lie.

Laughter echoed in Jin's mind, and his eyes glowed red. Black-feathered wings spread from his back, and he flew into the sky, as black feathers fell from the air, landing on the roof. A single white one followed thereafter.

Lighting flashed.

The End…

.For Now

High above in a dark room, chains hung from the ceiling. The light from the lightning shined through the window, showing a glimpse of red hair.

A door opened from below, and three men walked in.

"Hello, Hwoarang. It's good to see you again," the leader said.

The chains wrapped around Hwoarang's arms, chest, and legs rattled as he lifted his head. His eyes widened. "It can't be!" he gasped.

Lord Kaji nodded with a smirk. "Oh, but it can…"

To Be Continued…

A/N: Well, it's over: RLT is complete. I would like to say now that there will be a sequel, but it will be a little while before I start it. I want to finish a few of my other stories first and start a new project. I do plan on writing the sequel soon, though. Say… in about… three or four months? :)

Thank you all for reading!