AN: Each letter is a story/stub INDEPENDENT from the others, Balance doesn't continue Addict etc. Nickledime17 did this A-Z thing for DA and I thought I'd give it a go for BTVS. A is set sometime in season 6, B is set early season 5, C is lateish season 5. Requests, ideas, input, criticism –all welcome.

-Addict– Spike? A bad influence? Never.

-Balance– Sacrifices must be made.

-Chocolate – Standard chic flick appeal

Rated M – there could be sex, violence, references, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera

Disclaimer: I am ownershipless. If you want to branch from one of these thingies, let me know.



"What do you mean 'no'?"

"No you can't come in"

Buffy stood in the doorway with a look of utter determination of her face.

"Any particular reason why not?"

"You're a negative impact on Dawn."

He stared at her. "You must be joking!"

"I'm really not."

"So that's it then. Lock me out for no bloody reason?"

"There's a reason."


She sighed and leaned against the doorframe. "Dawn was caught smoking at school today."

"And what does that have to do with me?"

"I asked her why, and she said why not, and I said it's wrong, and she said Spike does it."

He chuckled and she raised her eyebrows. "Sorry pet, just thought that was too good an opportunity to beat me down. Kind of surprised you didn't take it."

"Oh I did"


"I told her you were wrong. For some reason she doesn't agree."

"Smart girl"

Her smile didn't reach her eyes. "'Night Spike"

The door slammed shut and Spike turned around and lit up. Bitch.

A small figure dropped down beside him. "Sorry to get you in trouble."

"'S ok, I'm always in trouble with that hell beast."

"I'm still sorry"

He looked down and smiled at Dawn, slinging an arm around her shoulders. "I'm a vampire love"

She bit her lip. "So, your supreme evilness guards you against the nagging?"

"Nothing guards against that" he paused. "'cept maybe a spell. Should probably look into that."

"Then your point of telling me you're a vampire was…"

He twisted around and gripped her by the shoulders. "I'm already dead, smoking's not going to kill me. Might kill you 'though."

"It could kill you. With the fire I mean."


She rolled her eyes. "Yeah. I know, I know. No more smoking."

"That's my girl"

The front door opened again and Buffy glared out. "Dawn. In. Now."

Dawn wrapped her arms around him. "Can Spike come too?"

"No. Spike's busy"

"Doing what?" he asked.

She glared harder. "Decomposing."


Dawn kissed him on the cheek and ran through the door and up the stairs. Buffy's glare softened as he came closer until he was leaning in the doorway. He reached his fingers forward and brushed them up from wrist to shoulder and around her neck. Her heart rate accelerated and her breath hitched. He leaned forward until his lips barely brushed against hers and skimmed along her jaw line, resting beside her ear. "I'm not the only addict here, love." He pulled back and shrugged at her annoyance, turning and walking down the path. "You know, the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem!" he called over his shoulder as he disappeared into the night.


Buffy felt an instant twitch in her nerves when she entered the room. The walls were laced with rich silk drapes in blues and greens. There was a woman in the centre of the room dressed in typical gypsy garb, which should have indicated how much of a crazy idea going to a fortune teller was. He, he the slayer visits a fortune teller. That's one for the books.

She sat down opposite the woman and waited for her to open her eyes. Gnarled hands flew forward and gripped her wrists, holding her to the table and when the old woman opened her eyes, any cause to struggle was drained from her blood. The woman's eyes were white and a trace of black script shifted over them in a language she couldn't read.

"Slayer" The woman whispered.


"You are the vampire slayer." Her voice was a dull tone in her head.

"I don't…"

She chuckled. "You don't have to admit it child. I know what you are."

"Okay, kind of creepy now, I should be…"

"You are facing much adversity"

"Isn't that always the way. I really should…"

"Someone will die."

She froze. "What? Who will die?"

The woman paused for a moment before softening her voice. "The balance is askew. You must…"

"Who will die?" Buffy yelled.

The woman smiled. "That is your decision to make. Many will die, or one will die."

"Oookay, I'd be going with one."

"The consequence is unavoidable. But you may choose for one you hold dear, or one you loathe."

"Again, the choice really isn't difficult."

"I see a name…"

"This should be good."


"Not gonna happen. Door number two please."

"The other…William"

"So let me get this straight. I get to dust my worst enemy, save the world and prevent a messy ending for my sister."

The woman nodded and Buffy's face split into a grin. She paid her and flounced out the door, ignorant the wicked gleam in the woman's eye.


She smelled the smoke before he even entered the door. Oh great.

"'Lo kitten, what cha watching?"

She looked up at the vampire breathing hard from his run through the sunshine. "How to lose a guy in 10 days"

He groaned and plonked down beside her. "You can't be serious?"

"Hey! You watch 'Passions'"

"That's different innit? Passions has plot, unlike this fluffy poof fest with men who wouldn't know seduction if it bit them where their balls used to be."

She opened her mouth to argue. Shut it and shook her head. So not worth it. She snapped some chocolate off the block and bit down angrily, turning back to the screen. Spike's hand moved for the packet and she slapped it away.

"Slayer" he growled.

"Not a chance Methuselah"

He folded his arms across his chest and Buffy enjoyed five minutes of Spike sulk time before he groaned louder and waved at the screen. "How can you watch this shit?"

"Oh c'mon, it's cute and romantic."

He stared at her.

"What? It is."

More staring.

"Oh, shutup"

"That's not romance. That's what happens when someone animates Barbie and Ken."

She bit back a laugh and focused a glare. "So says the vampire. Whose last fling was with a complete loon"

"Yeah, and I romanced her every day"

"Oh please"

He went back to sulking and Buffy kept watching the movie. A kiss came on screen and Spike smirked. Her head whipped around. "What's so funny?"

"Nothin'. I just think I worked out why you like this crap."

She raised her eyebrows. "And why is that?"

"Because that guy is exactly like your ex. Watching this loser kiss must make you feel better about the lack of chemistry on your part."

"Angel and I had tons of chemistry. We had chemistry to burn. It was a friggin' chemical meltdown."

He snorted a pure look of horror on his face. "Not the old man! The other one. Captain America. What's his name…Riley"

She pouted and mumbled under her breath.

"What was that?"

"I said, it's better than kissing a corpse with no sense of style and a disturbing obsession with bleach."

"Have we kissed, pet?"

"Ha, you wish"

"Well then you're not one to judge, are you?"

She glared again and turned to focus on the movie. It ended with the guy getting the girl and she couldn't hold back the small happy sigh. Spike shook his head in disgust. "What?"

"You've never been kissed"

"Are you insane?"

"Tell me true, did you ever feel fire at the brush of skin or have all your boys been as clean cut as that?" he nodded towards the screen.

"Angel was…"

"I'm not talking about love, pet. Love is a cute little fluttery ball of fluff. I'm talking about passion, heat, blood."

"I had that with…"

"We all know what happens when my sire gets some action so don't try and tell me he fulfilled every need."

"You bas…"

"Yeah, yeah. I know. Don't touch the sacred topic. He was a god. A big lanky, abnormally foreheaded god."

"You have no right to…"

"Spare me." He got up and stalked towards the door. She stalked after him and turned him to face her. "Sorry, did I leave out the pms?"

Her eyes flashed and she threw a punch. He caught her wrist and trapped the other one before she could move, backing her into the wall and pressing his body against hers. She started lifting her legs to swing out and he pressed his leg between them, rubbing her through the pants. She gasped and he moved forward to capture her lips with his.

He was gentle and soft, and totally unexpected. His teeth slid over her bottom lip until her breath hitched and he took it into his mouth. Her body relaxed against him, forcing her to hold onto his shoulders as he kissed her deeper and slipped his tongue inside. The burn intensified and his hand slid under the back of the top, caressing the small of her back before shifting lower and pressing her closer into him. She moaned against his mouth, her body instinctively moving against his. The kiss broke when he drew back, the smirk broken by the darkened eyes and hardening against her.

"Now, you've been kissed." He said and headed out the door.

Please review, bash or behead. I love to hear it all. Blue button. It makes me happy.