"Kyouya?" Haruhi's tone was not accusing nor afraid, just calm. She was so damn unpredictable, messing with Kyouya's mind. He liked things orderly and obvious. Haruhi was one giant mindfuck. Much unlike the customers at the host club, he could practically read their minds, so shallow and materialistic, at least he could profit from them.

She walked in, not taking her eyes off the tall black-haired boy sitting in the chair by the glass wall, overlooking the sea. Kyouya waved his hand over the seat beside him and asked her to sit, she walked past the chair and stood in front of him, blocking his view of the waves. Kyouya studied her approvingly from the tops of his glasses, "Please, sit." he motioned towards the chair beside him again.

"Umm was there anything you wanted Senpai?" she asked politely as she sat.

"Haruhi, there is something we need to talk about."

"What do we need to talk about, Kyouya-Senpai?" She sounded confused. "Is it my debt?" she sighed "Has it gone up again?"

"No, Haruhi. But it is something I would rather discuss over dinner" he turned his head to observe her reaction.

Haruhi was surprised, but unsure of how to answer.

Would it upset Kaoru if I went to dinner with Kyouya senpai? I mean I don't think we're an official couple, are we? And its not a date, is it? No, no, Kyouya senpai would not ask me on a date.

"Okay, when?"

it can't be a date, it must be my debt, Liar.

"Tomorrow evening, a car will pick you up at seven." he got up and walked out the door.

The next day all Haruhi could think about was what she could have possibly done to deserve a dinner with the host club's manipulative shadow king.

On the other hand Kyouya had spent the day on the beach playing out fictional scenarios in his head and trying to figure out how to capture the heart of a girl who's heart does not wish to be captured. Not once did the feeling of the other member cross his mind, he had a goal and nothing would stop him achieving it. Kyouya was selfish, and selfish people succeed.

He decided that the seduction would not be too hard. She was rather frail for a girl so stubborn. The fact that Haruhi seemed so emotionless made the whole thing a lot easier.

6:00 came around and Haruhi was surprised that Kyouya had sent a stylist to her room, although she was nothing like the playful maids that Hikaru and Kaoru were constantly sending her. She did not tell Haruhi her name, instead she just passed her different sets of clothes, and muttered to herself about what the outfit lacked while Haruhi stood there like a living mannequin. Finally she settled on a deep green dress, and a long brown wig with spiral curls and bangs that framed her face. As Haruhi stared at her reflection she wondered why she was so dressed up to simply chat with her fellow host club member over dinner.

Kyouya was already in the car when Haruhi got in. She hadn't expected him to be riding with her. Haruhi was beginning to wonder if this was really a business dinner.
Kyouya's eyes scanned her body as if he could see right through her dress. Haruhi shivered with discomfort, and tried to focus on the fact that she should be back in her room in 4 hours. Alone. If this is just a "business dinner". And it wasn't really looking much like a business dinner.

They didn't talk on the ride to the restaurant, Kyouya was stuck in his head, smoothing out the details of the plan.

Haruhi did not recognise the name of the restaurant but she could tell it was posh by the large queue of couples outside. Women dressed in fur coats and men in fancy suits. She wondered whether any of these people would have to worry about the exorbitant prices this restaurant was sure to charge.

Instead of joining the queue, Kyouya led Haruhi up to the front door and had a quiet word with the host.
"Ah Master Ootori! What a wonderful surprise! Which table would you like tonight?"
"Booth 7, if you could."

"Of course, right this way!"

They were led to a room with low lighting, and a red glow. Haruhi couldn't help but realise the sakura blossom petals scattered around the many candles in the room. There were also numerous booths with Soji screens closing them off. She and Kyouya were directed into the last booth on the right.
Inside the booth she instantly realised how intimate it was, the air was filled with Kyouya's aftershave. She couldn't decide whether this atmosphere was meant to be erotic or intimidating. Either way she felt both scared and rather sexy.
Kyouya ordered a bottle of their "finest champagne", Rich bastard! Thought Haruhi, though she still drained her glass, wondering whether that one glass could pay for her weekly food shop.
"So what did you want to talk to me about, Kyouya-Senpai?" Haruhi finally asked after starting on her second glass of her weekly food money.
"You, Haruhi. I want to talk about you."

"Eh? Me, Senpai? Why?"

He had his excuse already thought out.
"Just a simple check up on how you're doing. Now you've been working as a host for quite some time I thought I'd get to know a little more about you. Of course I've had the same discussion with all the other hosts."

Haruhi wasn't to sure.
This doesn't seem like Kyouya, but he said that he's done this with the other hosts. Maybe I'm just being paranoid.

Throughout the evening Haruhi answered Kyouya's questions, which all seemed to be rather frivolous. He asked her about her work in school (which Haruhi was positive he already had extensive knowledge on that), about favourite foods and music, all in all information that seemed useless to a practical guy like Kyouya. Whatever the real reason he wanted this knowledge, Haruhi noticed how interested he seemed, his eyes fixated on hers. Even through dinner Haruhi noticed him stealing glances at her when he thought she wasn't looking.

Kyouya spent the evening trying to do the impossible. He was trying to figure out Haruhi Fujioka. Not even her father has managed that yet.

He got her talking about all sorts of subjects, but her face stayed blank, unreadable. Fixated in that state that made Kyouya felt like she was the one analysing him.

He had spent an entire evening dedicated to trying to understand her, and use this information to find a way to win her over.

Without noticing he'd drank a lot more champagne than he had meant to. It was the end of the night and he was finding it hard to focus.

He paid and alerted the driver that they were about to leave. His head spun as they walked back through the restaurant, he struggled to maintain his posture, but managed to leave without stumbling.

When they got into the car, Kyouya put up the sound-proof separation glass to prevent the driver from seeing them. This made Haruhi a little uneasy, she could tell Kyouya had a bit too much to drink.
Kyouya decided this could be his last chance, and he was going to give it everything he had.
The journey back to the mansion was silent, though Kyouya placed his hand a little too close to Haruhi's thigh. As the car came to a stop Kyouya, spoke Haruhi's name softly to prevent her from leaving. She turned to look at him with that same damn confused look on her face.

In a flash Kyouya pulled Haruhi's body towards his, snaked his hand up her back and brought her in for a kiss.

Haruhi pushed him away, thinking of Kaoru, feeling guilty for a crime she had not willingly committed.

Kyouya did not resist, he was feeling weak, pathetic. He had failed his father, and now the only girl he ever truly admired, would think of him as a perverted idiot. He decided he should just tell her the truth.

Haruhi had already left the car, he got out after her, followed her, and caught her up right outside of her door.
"Haruhi, wait" it was not an order, it was a request.

She turned to him, and put her room key back in her purse.

"My father."

"What?" she no longer seemed mad.

"My father. He asked me to have you engaged to me by the time I turn 18. I'm sorry."

Kyouya's attempt to keep his voice in a business tone was not working.
After a few moments, she replied.

"Is that what you want?" her eyes searching his.

Kyouya was thrown aback by this question, but he decided it was best to be honest.

"Well, you are smart, and beautiful. I've never met anyone like you. And if I had to pick a bride out of all the girls I know, you would be the most practical choice."

Haruhi took this in, and waited a while before finally saying,

"I'll think about it."


"I'll think about it." and with that she went into her room, leaving Kyouya speechless.

reviews would be appreciated!