Disclaimer: I don't own Wallflower.

Note: You probably think I'm dead. Obviously, I'm not, and I'm willing to make a sequel (finally) of Oh, To Satisfy… and hopefully it would get positive feedback just like its predecessor. Oh, and if major drama isn't your cup of tea, I suggest you don't read this. Also, unlike its prequel, this one has highly OOC characters.


The Aftertaste of Strawberries and Lovemaking

"Say it to me again, then. I like it when you say nonsense like that."

She stared at him, evident stun on her pale face. And then she was trembling again, all the deep longing in her swelling up, ready to tear and claw at her until she was nothing but putrid, rancid flesh.

He knelt before her, his school slacks wrinkling subtly like the whisper of the devil to the ear of a tempted mortal's soul. "Hmm…?" she hated him all the more for prodding her fragile state of mind with that deliciously deep voice of his.

Was she feeling remorse now, with what she did with him? She didn't know, so all she could say was "I hate you", her voice holding no conviction whatsoever even if she stated it as loudly as she could. In spite of herself, she sought refuge in the biology laboratory. She wanted to think clearly and it didn't help that he kept on intruding her quiet with that sarcastic tone of his.

He laughed. But there was nothing worth this expression of amusement. He just laughed for the sake of laughing.

"Sunako-chan, Sunako-chan," he chanted once more.

Mockery… he always resorted to it. When did he ever think that situations that were as discomforting as this concerned hilarity? Was she just a notch in his bedpost now? Was that why he was laughing? Cacophonic mumbles and random shrieks entered her mind, beads of cold sweat making her shiver. She was utterly confused yet he wasn't relieving her.

He grabbed the anatomical model she was desperately clutching onto before throwing it aside. And just as fast as he let out his melodious laugh, a grave seriousness painted itself on his face. The dim light of the lab made her see this sudden change of expression but what scared her more was this terrible concealed anger from him that she sensed.

She hissed out her dislike towards him again.

"Shut up." He cupped her face in a rather harsh way. "And stop being such an idiot." She tried to writhe out of his grasp. All at once, she felt like a worm struggling out of the beautiful glimmer of a spider's web. Through her eyelashes, she saw his exquisite features… so much dazzle to fall upon a single person. He was as lovely as the glint of a mischievous child's eyes; terrifying yet tempting, very much. She started to envision the icy malice of the stars as they danced around the black shadow of the night, eternally doomed to adorn the sky like she was eternally doomed to love her dark.

Come back to me, my dark.

But Kyohei was her dark. He was also her light. He held all things she ultimately loved; ultimately yearned for. Why she would say that she hated him was completely on impulse. Defense as well, in a way.

His free hand grabbed her left shoulder. "You've been hiding for seven days now. I think it's time for you to start showing yourself to me more often." She had been avoiding him like nothing happened to them at all. "You know… if I had known that you'd hide around like some stupid little coward after we had…"

"Stop it, stop it, stop it! Shut up!" she was like a madman now. She wanted to scream, the familiar desire of his body against hers beginning to make her blood rush and her mind dizzy. She didn't understand it and it was humiliating yet all she wanted was to feel his lips against hers like the gentle passing of a warm breeze by the cold stone of emptiness that was her life.

All she could see was her blood as it spread on the white sheets of his bed… red liquid that marked the end of her purity. All she could hear were sounds that resembled humans but not humans.

The sound… oh, yes, the sound.

They were like violins that screeched out in their own bizarre way, sawing out their tale in a frenzied, desperate wail, crying out their pleas but in vain. He didn't understand how overwhelming this all was for her. He never would. He was probably making fun of her in his thoughts right now, throwing back his pretty head in maddening humor.

Unbeknownst to her, Kyohei Takano felt just as confused as she did. But as he glared at her to try to see her as ugly, he couldn't. Even if she ignored him just as a brat would upon a week-old doll, he couldn't. His heart ached for her and all he could think of doing was ravage her with kisses.

So that, he did: kisses around her face and on her neck and finally on her lips. Oh, how much he hated her at that moment for being such an enticement to his weak carnal soul.

She simply whimpered before timidly returning his frantic kissing. And once again, he loved her. His hands raked through her hair, the tips of his fingers caressing her scalp. He was getting drunk with devastating desire. Even if he heard her grunt as a sign of wanting to break free, he didn't dare let go of her taste.

The lean build of Kyohei's body loomed over Sunako's. She gasped out for air as he finally decided to fuss over her neck now. Her arms still lay at her sides with the likeness of the limp posture of burnt statues in their lacquered splendor.

Darkness was enshrouding her twice as much as before. She would like to think that it was because of Kyohei. As he held her thin frame with all the controlled gentleness that he could muster, she grew even more afraid of this. She really didn't know what 'this' was, exactly.

Yet she savored whatever 'this' was. That is, until he broke the spell, casting one long look of indescribable emotion towards her.

And as the lab door clicked to a close as he exited the place, a contemplative Sunako Nakahara crawled towards the briefly forgotten anatomical model to caress its shiny plastic head.


He was like a puppet, dangling onto every single word that she uttered out of those damned lips of rose she had. And she was the puppeteer, ready to be humored by the dazzle of his seductive movements.

They were meant for each other: the puppet and the puppeteer. It was only a matter of time before they realized that.

After all, there would be no act if either one were not to show up.




All the thrashing, all the madness in her mind… yet all that came out of her lips was a whisper.

The stars seemed to be licked by the torment of flames rising from the ground. And she could almost feel these persistent flames upon her hair; upon her ivory skin. She could almost taste her flesh as her skin was being burnt, the smell of his sweat in all its oddly sweet magnificence enshrouding her senses once more as the heat of their bodies made her hear nothing more but his moans.

And then she woke up, eyes wide with terror.

How could she possibly find these nightmares of hers so disturbingly beautiful?

Emptiness here; the cold of the night told her so as the sheets of her bed made her feel naked with shame. The sudden realization of it all gnawed its way inside of her like a hungry beast: she wanted him.

How plain and simple it was.

Her bare feet found their way towards the iciness of the marbled floor. She heard her true loves whisper out their own language to her, their teeth chattering loosely from their bony jaws and hollow eyes. Come to the darkness. Who was this wretched soul controlling her every move? No, she didn't want to go to him. Never again, she had vowed. She felt fear like it had never presented itself to her before.

It was her very own desire which made her move her way towards her delicious sin, this gorgeous sin with the deceptive charm like those of cherubic angels and golden locks like that of the fountain of fragrant tendrils upon Aphrodite's head.

Little by little, she found herself closer and closer to his bedroom door, and when she would just turn the knob then…

"Couldn't sleep?" her lavender eyes met his own as he uttered those two words, the sudden opening of the door making her freeze in her position.

…Then that very sin would be hers.

Nobody else's but hers.

Kyohei Takano grabbed the small of her back, his tone of voice mocking as always when he muttered an almost inaudible "Idiot."

And then they kissed, the act of their doing so making her hands tremble and his knees weak. It was like liquid thunder, this kiss that they shared. It made all things new and appreciated, even for that few seconds of rarity that they showed their desperation to be together. It was that desperation that ultimately binds them; that desperation that made her accept that, yes, this was Kyohei Takano. He was Kyohei Takano, and she didn't mind that fact one bit anymore.

"Close the door." His voice was breathy with desire. She did as she was told before being cornered by Kyohei, his left hand leaning beside her head and his free one guiding her face to his, their lips clashing together with this uncontrollable hunger that would put any pure person to shame.

Oh, how the exquisiteness of the moment made their eyes close with sheer ecstasy.

But not all stories end this happily.


A trembling hand was placed on the wooden door, ear pressed against the cold surface. Could he had possibly heard right? Perhaps the lustful moans of his as he cradled one of his lovers in the dead of the night were still ringing in his mind. Sunako Nakahara and Kyohei Takano…? It was simply impossible.

Scarlet tendrils ran through thin fingers as muddled images of his housemates' limbs intertwined with each other entered his thoughts, the well known rhythm of sex making the bed creak and the sheets wrinkle with the shape of their bodies.

His mouth opened with shock upon hearing the sudden jolt of muffled screams, the incessant sound of flesh against flesh making the hairs at the back of his neck stand up. A look of hesitation crossed the delicate features of the lad. He couldn't move even if he wanted to. And then what he would like to think of as a hallucination stopped, evident attempt to silence their voices as they reached their climax making him strain his hearing.

Perhaps he shouldn't have cravings for tea during the night next time.


After Note: Some of you probably want to beat me with a stick for not updating right away, and I'm really, really sorry for the delay (hey, that rhymed!). Now most of you would probably feed me to meat-eating unicorns for saying this, but I might update monthly instead of my usual preference of updating after every three days since I have been extremely busy nowadays. College is hard.