Hey fanfic goers

Hey fanfic goers! Well, I'm starting this new story, and hopefully it will be a success.

It's a MelloXMatt yaoi thingy-ma-jig, and it takes place at the Wammy Orphanage.

Mello is 10 at the beginning, Matt is 8 or 9 at the beginning, and I'll just go from there until the story seems like it can finish.

The chapters to the story will be song titles from The Beatles, 'cuz they're cool and I'm quite fond of the idea. So read and review, because this will be awesome!!

I do NOT own Death Note or the characters that are in it.

They first met each other on a hot August day. All the genius children were playing outside, enjoying the remainder of the day, while others sat and chatted with each other about studies, other kids, and other things kids talk about.

Mello at this time was 8 and was damn proud. He was the top student, which ment that he would be the successor of his, along with everyone else at the orphanage, idol. The famous L. Girls, and even some of the boys, loved him, the younger kids looked up to him as if he was L, and he even had some haters. You know you're awesome when people hate you.

"Hey Mello!" A girl named Linda, one of Mellos admirers called out. "Get away from the gate! Rogers coming!"

Mello quickly turned around to see a large black car coming up the road, meaning the soccer game would have to wait. The blond went over to a bench to get out of the way and to see the new kid. He knew that a new kid was in that car because 1) Roger rarely went anywhere because of his responsibility with the children and 2) He could see the small figure of a kid in the car, so it was quite obvious.

As kids went inside while some gathered out of curiosity, Watari stepped out and went over to the back door, where Roger emerged, and behind him a tiny redheaded…boy.

Well well, it's a boy, Mello thought to himself. Wonder what he's here for…

The redhead held on tightly to Wataris' hand while Roger went in front of the two to announce the new arrival. He coughed a couple of times so everyone that was there was able to hear, but the kids were already silent to hear the news about the 'new kid', so there was really no point.

"Attention," Roger called out. "I need all your undivided attention please." Another pause. " Thank you. Now as you can all see we have a new student here at the orphanage, and his name is…" Roger stopped to look at the new boy for his name. The boy murmured something and Roger spoke again. "Matt. He goes by the name of Matt. Now he is here because he has an excellent mind along with great hacking abilities." He looked around for a moment and then, unexpectedly, pulled Matt up to where the kids could see him. This made Matt look down at his feet and blush.

Hee…cute. Was the first thing that the blond thought.

"Now he is new and he still needs to learn more about life here. So…" Roger gave a firm look at Mello. " I expect all of you to help him out. Maybe the top student could help out."

All the kids looked at Mello, lazily sitting on the bench. He had a reputation of not doing what he was told to do, being rude, and causing ruckus.

After Rogers' speech, Watari went back into the car and left Roger to do the rest. Roger gently told Matt to come with him, and the redhead slowly followed. He could feel all the kids star at him, and that made him more uncomfortable than he already was. He hated being stared at…

"Mello," Roger told the blond. "You are the only one in this orphanage without a room mate." Mello new were this was going. "Matt will need some guidance, so you will share a room with him. I suggest that if he needs any help, you help him."

Mello frowned at the thought of having a roommate, especially one that was younger than him. Matt shyly looked up from the ground he was staring at and looked at his new roommate. He gasped at the sight of the older blond, and looked down at the ground again. The thought of sharing a room with the top student, who was older than him, made him even more nervous. And the hot weather outside didn't make it better.

"Hey, I'm Mello and I'm 8… and you?"

Matt was way to hot. His face was beat red and he was scared to look up. What a strange kid.

"Um, hello? I asked how old you are! You could at least answer me properly!"

This made the redhead tremble, and finally he said "Um….I-I'm M-matt, and s-si- six years-…old… ha- hai…" He then realized he was holding his breath, and let out a sigh.

The blond just looked at him like he was a freak. Still he was 6 and had just come to an orphanage. His family must be gone, which made Mello pity him. He sighed and gave the tiny boy a pat on the head, while he stood up.

"Hello Matt…" Mello began with a soft smile. "Would you like to see your new room?"