Chapter Seven

Justin's POV

I don't think it sunk in yet, because if it did Brian would be freaking out. Or, I guess he could be accepting everything, I don't know. I guess if you grew up with a weirdness like ours, getting the story behind all the weirdness wouldn't be as weird as it normally would be…that was weird. Sigh. The things I think about to pass the time until I get to the diner…

The moment I walk into the diner I'm bombarded with the sights and sounds of all the bustle. Silverware is clanking, coffee is brewing, waitresses are laughing and taking orders, fryers are crackling, stoves are sizzling, cooks are shouting, people are talking, and in the midst of all this is the loud red haired woman who seems to be the center of the entire well oiled machine that is the Liberty Diner.

"Deb! My coffee while I'm still young if at all possible." A familiar voice cuts through the blur of colors and scents like a ray of sunlight in the dark, making me smile.

"Keep your pants on asshole, I've only got two arms here." The redhead bellows as she grabs a pot of coffee. "Happy?" she demands once she fills up Brian's cup and plonks the put onto the table.

"That's all I asked for." Brian said back, getting a pop on the head before the redhead moved to the next table. As I stood there with people walking around and through me I could see that Brian was not alone in his booth. I recognized Michael, not much really changed about him in twelve years, and the other two I'd come to know the day before when I shadowed Brian. Emmett and Ted, almost polar opposites.

I'd just started forward when a loud voice screeches right behind me, "Dadda!" and next thing I knew I was flat against the ceiling and looking down at the diner from above. Way to go Taylor, now I'm scared of a kid. Great.

Wait, did the kid say dadda to Brian? Holy shit! Is that the mom? Is Brian straight?! I just had a depressing thought. I'm a ghost floating near the ceiling of a diner and silently freaking out over a guy maybe being straight. This is what I died for.

"Hey Bri, Gus was asking for you so Mel and I were thinking you could watch him this morning?" the blonde woman asked as she handed the eager kid over to Brian.

"Why not? I'm always happy to have my sonnyboy with me while I get my dick sucked. They're never too young to learn good techniques, isn't that right Gus?" Brian asked with an evil smirk, making the other guys in the booth snort in amusement while the blonde woman looked far from amused. In fact she looked like she had a stick permanently up her ass, she must be in the country club crowd.

"Brian, you know how Mel and I feel about you exposing indecency-"

"Relax Linds, you know I wouldn't do that. Or if I did I sure as hell wouldn't tell you I'm going to." Brian took a sip of coffee to avoid meeting the glare aimed at him. Yep, definitely country club.

"Andel!" The boy, Gus, suddenly shouted out happily, and when I turned to look at him his wide eyes were staring right back.

"What Gus?" The woman looked a bit worried about her son's sanity as she glanced up but saw nothing.

"Andel!" Gus exclaimed again, clapping his hands in excitement. Brian glanced up at me and smirked at my shell-shocked expression.

"Now where did you learn the word angel sonnyboy?" he turned back to his son.

"This is a sign!" Emmett exclaimed. "He's going to be gay!"

"How the hell do you get that from one word?" Ted looked over at Emmett with a cynical look.

"Ooh, I know the perfect lullaby to sing him!" Emmett ignored Ted, his eyes bright. "It goes a little like this. Hush little homo don't say a word, your sugar daddy's going to buy you a big dildo. And if that dildo don't make you scream, sugar daddy's going to buy you a leather cock ring. And with that cock ring should you cum, sugar daddy's going to buy you-"

"Emmett!" the woman cut off Emmett's singing, her hands over Gus' ears with a horrified look on her face.

"What kind of sick wacko sang you to sleep with that?" Ted demanded.

"I like it." Brian grinned.

Once the woman left (was it Lindsay?) Debbie came over to see Gus. "Hey sweetie, how are you?" she cooed.

"Andel!" Gus' vocabulary seemed to have shrunken down to that one word, making Brian roll his eyes.

"Well, that's weird." Debbie straightened up with a perplexed expression.

"Maybe if the thing he wanted stopped being a drama princess and came down from the ceiling he'd talk normally again." Brian shot me a look, making me grin sheepishly as I drifted down.

"I think the drugs have finally fried your brain." Ted observed, earning a glare from Brian's hazel eyes.

I rested lightly on the top of the booth's back, right behind Brian. Gus started reaching for me so I leaned over Brian's shoulder and let the little boy pat his hands over my face and hair.

"Be nice to Angel." Brian said gently to his son.

"Andel!" Gus giggled.

"How did he come around?" I asked into Brian's ear as I lightly ran a finger over Gus' cheek.

Brian glanced at me before turning to Gus. "Hey Sonnyboy, how about I tell you how you got here so that when you ask me later on I can say I already told you?"

"Brian," I noticed Michael hadn't lost the whininess in his voice.

"When daddy went to college he met mommy, mommy wanted daddy to stick his dick in her."


"But daddy told her that he was gay and had already given someone else lifetime access to his dick. Then mommy turned into a pussy eating lesbo and wanted to have you, so she made me jerk off into a dish and the doctors shot it up into her." Gus was just staring at his daddy with a smile, obviously not comprehending a word Brian said. I on the other hand had my eyebrows raised at the way Brian chose to answer my question.

"You just couldn't put that delicately could you?" Debbie gave Brian another smack on the head before walking away.

"The giving someone lifetime access to your dick was a new addition to the speech." Ted noted with a smirk.

"What did you mean by that?" by Michael's tone I guessed he still hadn't lost his crush on Brian. Oy.

"Just what you think it means." Brian grinned as I kissed the back of his neck.

His friends didn't know the real him, and judging by their attitudes around him they weren't ready to yet. I guess I'd just have to make them see.