Gaara's childhood

Disclaimer: I don't own anything Naruto, or anyone who appears here.

A/N: Chapter 10

Chapter 10: Gifts for you

An autumn morning at the academy gates

Gaara was outside the gates waiting for Yashamaru. Yashamaru was teaching first-aid at the school. Gaara made Aloe nudge him.

"Wh-who am I thinking about? Nobody!!" Gaara looked down self-conscious. Aloe nudge him some more as if asking him who.

"Okay..." He leaned over to Aloe and made her lean over too. "I… like Yashamaru. Don't tell anyone alright? Promise?" He held out a pinky for her. He made Aloe grab it. "I trust you Aloe!" Gaara smiled at her. Gaara looked at the sun. "Yeah, we have to wait only 7 more minuets…" Gaara was used to looking at the sun for the time. Gaara had spent a lot of time outside because he disliked being inside with nobody around. Gaara stood up and then quickly hid behind the wall.

"Aloe, I know your confused about why we are hiding, but its Kankuro! He tricked me a few days ago into thinking Yashamaru didn't love me… We have to spy on him now! I, I want to know why…" Gaara looked at her with sad eyes and picked her up. "Why doesn't he like me…? I wonder if there is anything I can do for him? Alright Aloe?" Gaara made Aloe smile and nod. Gaara smiled and hid more in the shadow.

Kankuro was with Sandki as usual. "Ah, I'm glad we got out early today, why can't every day be like this?" Gaara heard him lean on the wall and Sandki next to him.

"You know what? I think I'll give dad another gift. Everyone likes gifts. Maybe dad won't be so angry at me." Kankuro said.

Gaara could feel Sandki shift to look at Kankuro. "Hey, your dad loves you no matter what. He is just angry because he thought his weapon was gone forever. Gaara is important for the future even thought he is so scary. Why was he even born?"

Gaara closed his eyes. "…"

"I know I don't even think of him as family, he is just different. Oh, hey! Its my uncle!" Kankuro observed.

"I don't think he would talk to you, you know." Sandki as-a-matter-of-factly.

"I'll try anyway. Hey Uncle Yashamaru! How are you doing lately?" Kankuro smiled at his uncle.

"Ah. Good morning Kankuro, Sandki. Up to your usual tricks and bad deeds?" Yashamaru wasn't happy.

"… Ah come on." Kankuro shuffled his feet. "He deserved it…" Kankuro explained to himself to make himself feel better.

"I am looking for Gaara-sama, have you seen him? I thought he was around here somewhere…" Yashamaru looked around. "Gaara-sama? Where is he?"

Aloe came around the corner. Looks like Gaara made the sand move her feet. Yashamaru picked her up. "Why hello Aloe! Does that mean Gaara-sama is here?" Yashamaru looked around eagerly. "I'm doing fine today too! You look wonderful today Aloe!"

"That monster is here!? Where?" Kankuro looked around, "And why are you talking to that bear?"

"Don't call Gaara that you bully! How dare you! As for the bear, you need to be a very kind person to hear what a doll has to say!" Yashamaru frowned at him. Yashamaru started to walk away when Gaara cuddle him. "Oh! Gaara-sama, how good to see you!"

"Yashamaru! I see Aloe found you first! She looks pretty today isn't she?" Yashamaru nodded. Gaara snuggled against him. I'll surprise him by saying I love him! He won't see it coming! Gaara looked up at Yashamaru and tugged him. Yashamaru looked down at Gaara. Looks like Yashamaru was thinking of something. He smiled at Gaara.

"I love you Yashamaru!" "I love your Gaara-sama!"

Gaara and Yashamaru both blinked because they had said that at the same time. Gaara was surprised. He felt that happy feeling again. Yashamaru lifted Gaara up to get a better look at him. Yashamaru doesn't care he is doing this in front of them? He said he loved me the exact time. "That was magical, Yashamaru" Gaara hadn't realized he said it out loud.

"What was so magical about it? You say it so often so of course he would know when to say it!" Kankuro shook his head.

"Nothing magical at all! He knows all your tricks, he is there so you don't destroy the whole village!" Sandki added.

Gaara looked at them hurt then looked away to pretend they didn't say it.

"Gaara-sama, I thought it was magical too." He let Gaara closer to his face. "Don't listen to what they say, I love you so much Gaara-sama. I was so happy when we said that at the same time!"

The pain disappeared then. Gaara put his hands on Yashamaru's shoulders. "Yashamaru…" Gaara smiled.

Yashamaru shifted Aloe so he can hug Gaara. "Gaara-sama is too cute! Your very nice to be near Gaara-sama."

Gaara looked at Aloe. He said quietly. "No, you don't have to leave us alone!" Gaara was very embarrassed at his friend. Gaara gave a nervous chuckle. "Y-Yashamaru pay no mind to her! She just teasing!" He looked at her again then at Yashamaru. Shoot! Aloe is really making me look bad in front of Yashamaru! Kankuro and Sandki are looking at me weird but I don't care.

"Gaara-sama?" Yashamaru was smiling. "Lets take Aloe's advice and go somewhere, ne?"

Gaara was flustered. "Um, Yashamaru r-really!, A-Aloe didn't mean it!" Gaara looked at her. I really got to stop stuttering, it's so embarrassing.

Yashamaru was still smiling. "Gaara-- Yes? Looks like Aloe has something to say." He put Gaara down and held Aloe to her ear. "You mean…?" Yashamaru looked at Gaara and walked a little away so Gaara couldn't 'hear' their conversation. Gaara tucked his head in wondering what Aloe was saying.

Gaara was still embarrassed and wondering what Aloe was saying to Yashamaru. Gaara held his breath out of habit. To him if someone said something bad the air would take the impact to the heart and it wouldn't hurt so bad, also it was to keep his tension in.

Yashamaru came over and looked back at Aloe. Aloe 'nodded' her head. (Yashamaru put chakra into her) "If you say so Aloe!" Yashamaru looked over at Gaara. "I'll tell him!"

"Gaara-sama, Aloe says she must retire for the day but would like us to go on for her. Are you alright with that Gaara-sama?" Yashamaru was smiling at Gaara.

Gaara was red. Aloe is such a nice friend! She is always thinking of me… "Yes, lets bring her home Yashamaru." Gaara picked up Aloe and shyly held out his hand.

"As if! Dolls can't talk!" Kankuro said walking in front of Gaara. "He is just lying to get on your good side!"

Sanki nudged Kankuro. "You don't want to say that right now Kankuro." He bowed to the Kazekage.

Kankuro turned around. Why does he always come when I am saying bad things about The Monster? "Father…" Kankuro frowned and did his tough stance. "Its true! Suna has been researching how to give puppets and such life! His doll is certainly NOT alive! Prove to me other wise!"

"Look over there Kankuro." Kazekage-sama pointed at the doll, who was in a fighter's stance.

"How cute!" Sandki said smiling. Kankuro looked at him, Sandki cleared his throat, "I mean how appalling!"

"A bear is going to knock me out? Ha!" Kankuro walked over to Aloe who was still in a fighters stance.

The bear jumped up and punched Kankuro in the jaw and in one swift movement, Aloe jumped over him and landed on the other side. She got back in her stance.

"Owie! Ooh! Your SO dead!" Kankuro shifted chakra strings at her but Aloe dodged them all with skill and grace. She continued to deliver blows and kicks of such fury, that kankuro actually had to block them. Kankuro backed up and look at his dad. "I give! Stop the bear! Peace, uncle, Gee!"

"You are going to lose to a bear? Everyone is going to hear about this." The Kazekage held out his arm and Aloe ran and flipped up to his arm. "What was that?" Aloe looked at him and back at Kankuro. "She says you were far to easy even though you were supposed to have the advantage. She also says she is worn out and would like to come home while Gaara takes her place. Hear that Gaara?" He put Aloe in Gaara's arms.

"Yes Daddy!" Gaara was happy that Aloe had fought for him. "Thanks daddy for coming!"

"How could I pass you up Gaara? Your very special to me. Now go on time is ticking." Kazekage-sama smiled at Gaara then turned around back at Kankuro. "Now what should I do with you?" He crossed his arms.

"So what were you doing here anyway?" Kankuro sat next to the wall while Sandki helped Kankuro.

"I came here to see Temari, is she around?" Just the school bell rang. Kids quickly bowed as they went pass the Kazekage. "Temari!" He wave her over.

Temari excused herself and ran to her father. "Here it is." She handed him some papers. "From what he told me, everything is good but need more supplies."

"Da…" Kazekage saw all the kids. "Dan-n-n-n-g it…" He rolled his eyes. "Thank you Temari you can all go now." He got the paper and left.

Temari noticed Kankuro was beat up. "Someone finally beat you? You aren't as good as I thought." She helped him up.

"It was dad alright?" Kankuro wearily stood up and leaned on the wall.

"Oh, I knew you were stupid all ready, challenging dad is very stupid. You didn't have to test your stupidity." Temari sneered.

"No, I didn't fight dad, I fought a bear that was controlled by him! That bear beat me good!" Kankuro frowned. "Its not fair if he is the kazekage!"

Sandki looked at Temari then at Kankuro. "So… Are you ready for lunch?"

Kankuro though about it. "Yeah, I'm ready."

With Gaara and Yashamaru

I can't take it out of my mind. Kankuro said people like gifts. If I give everyone gift would everyone like me? I'll be sneaky and ask everyone what they like! "Um, Yashamaru?" Gaara shrugged.

"Gaara-sama?" Yashamaru looked at Gaara. He was behaving different.

"You know, if you could have um, anything --he shrugged again-- what would it be Yashamaru?" Gaara looked up at him.

"Hmm, lets see… How about you forever!" He hugged Gaara.

"N-no, anything I… that daddy could get for you Yashamaru!"

"Um… I guess…" He stopped to think about it. "Why not baking supplies! Perfume, or maybe a new scroll for you and a new kit!" Yashamaru clapped his hands thinking about it.

"Okay." I got to get all those for Yashamaru!

Gaara-sama isn't too good at being sneaky is he? I'll play along, it would be cute to see Gaara-sama thinking he was sneaky! "Why would you ask Gaara-sama?" Yashamaru thought about, just wondering what Gaara-sama could be planning.

He really doesn't know! Good, I was afraid he would catch on! Now I will have to ask daddy what he wants and Baki and Temari and Kankuro and his friends! "Oh, no reason." Gaara didn't realize he was looking guilty at Yashamaru for telling a lie. "Its nothing Yashamaru, just asking to make talk." Gaara quickly added.

"I see." Yashamaru smiled at Gaara because he was to cute! "What do you want to do today Gaara-sama?"

"Um… I don't know. Um… H-how about the b-beach…? You can swim and I can make sand castles, we would have fun together! I-if you want…" I HAVE to stop stuttering… will I ever grow out of this? Gaara looked up at him.

"Why not? Your dad absolutely forbids you from even touching the water, ne?" Yashamaru leaned closed to his face to make sure Gaara understands that.

"I know that, Yashamaru… All right, this sh-should be fun!" Gaara tugged his uncle's hand and ran to the beach.

At the beach…

Gaara sighed and looked down at his sand castle. He looked over at Yashamaru. I bet Yashamaru could make a wonderful sandcastle with just his hands… Gaara looked down sad at his crumbling sand castle. Sand slipped past his hands as he grabbed it. I can't do it, m-maybe everyone is right, I- Gaara- don't belong here, cause I am not a human…

A shadow came over Gaara. Gaara looked up to see Yashamaru standing over him. "Yashamaru! How are you d-d-d…" Gaara looked away. Can't I be any more embarrassing? Yashamaru stated laughing. Oh no! He is laughing at me! Gaara could feel himself grow red.

"Gaara-sama, don't take it the wrong way, its just you were so cute stuttering. I find stutter's very adorable!" He hugged Gaara from behind. Gaara could feel Yashamaru lean on Gaara to look at the sand castle. "Your sandcastle looks horrible Gaara-sama." Yashamaru said looking at it.

I knew it. I can't do a simple task right for Yashamaru… Gaara was closing his eyes to keep his feelings in.

"Gaara-sama, there are some skills everyone is good at." He picked Gaara up and put him in front of him. He held some sand in his hand. "Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Everyone Gaara-sama. Even though its not as good as everyone else's if you practice you will get better Gaara-sama."

Gaara blinked. "… What if that is wrong…? What if I…" Gaara looked away. "Why couldn't I have been born a human? Then everyone wouldn't hate me a-and mommy wouldn't have died and my family wouldn't have to isolate me from everyone! I HATE it!" Gaara was leaning on Yashamaru, his shoulders were shaking. "Its just so hard, I'm so tired of it Yashamaru, I want it to stop…"

Yashamaru hugged Gaara. "Gaara, you are not a monster. You are a very strong person for taking this much, a lot of people would break after about two years of not being that popular."

"That's because I am so desperate for people to like me. I want that attention Yashamaru… I'm not strong at all, don't try to twist it Yashamaru… I'm sorry but I am nothing to everyone… No one really likes me…"

"Gaara," Yashamaru put his hands on Gaara's cheek and gently made him look up. "I like you Gaara. Gaara, you may not be the best in sandcastles, running or drawing but you have other talents only the other Kazekage's had. Not because of what was put inside you, its because of something else."

"Is it daddy skill's?"

Yashamaru shook his head. "Your unbelievably strong will, its only you. Only you can decide to take it or give up. Gaara-sama, even if you can't do some things, I know you can do others. You have a wonderful ability to think of something and the sand can make it." He held Gaara's hands. "Together Gaara-sama, we will show everyone that Gaara-sama is special and he can make beautiful things!"

"I… I lo-" Yashamaru held Gaara closer and kissed him on the forehead.

"I know Gaara-sama, I know." He held Gaara close to him and started to rock him. Gaara started to cry just because he felt so relieved and needed to let it out. Gaara held Yashamaru closer and cried harder. Yashamaru continued to rock him saying words of comfort. "I love you Gaara-sama… I love you."

The wind brushed past Gaara's stained face. He looked at the sun, it was around 4:00PM. Gaara sighed and leaned on Yashamaru again. Gaara adjusted himself so he could be more comfortable in Yashamaru's arms.

Yashamaru held me the whole time? Gaara closed his eyes as Yashamaru stroked Gaara's hair down to his cheek. Gaara had a little smile on his face. Yashamaru will always love me and care for me… Maybe I can hold on a little longer for Yashamaru. Yes, I will for him I can and will do anything for Yashamaru. He is right, I can't just focus at my weak points then I would never be good at anything. If I can't see myself then who will. I'm so in love with Yashamaru. Gaara widened his eyes. Did I just say that!? I hope he doesn't know!

"Gaara-sama? Are you alright? Your heart was beating faster?" He put a hand on Gaara's chest. "Yep, its definitely faster."

"Um… Th-thank you Yashamaru for staying with me and telling me that I don't need to be someone else to be loved, I will be me—Gaara— No one is going to tell me different Yashamaru."

"That's my Gaara-sama. Do you like to finish our sandcastle?" Yashamaru stood up and offered a hand to Gaara.

"Mm!" Gaara couldn't help but smile. "Draw it and I'll do my best Yashamaru!"

"All right then Gaara-sama, we will make one that everyone will envy!"

Around dinner time…

"Were home Aloe!" Gaara announced as they went inside. "Yashamaru I'll see if she is alright now." Gaara took off his shoes.

"Oh, Gaara-sama, come here, I have something to give you." Gaara walked over diffidently. He gave him a kiss on the cheek. "There you can go now!"

As Gaara was walking to Aloe he could hear Yashamaru saying just how cute Gaara-sama was.

Gaara opened the door to find his dad in there. "Ahh!"

Yashamaru ran over straight away. "Gaara-sama! What is it!? Kazekage-sama!! Didn't anyone teach you to announce yourself when you are a guest?" Yashamaru picked up Gaara out of habit.

"… Well, I own all of Suna, I don't have to announce myself! Anyway, Gaara I heard you wanted to see me?" He got Gaara from Yashamaru and put Gaara on the bed. "What is it, do you want something?"

"Yes Daddy! I want--," Gaara whispered to his dad. Yashamaru titled his head a little to play along, so Gaara thought he got away with it. "Okay Daddy? Ask them too! Thanks Daddy!" Gaara hugged his dad.

"I do it because I love you, Gaara." He ruffled Gaara's hair. He stood up to leave.

"Wait! D-d-d…" Kazekage-sama turned around to Gaara. "Um… Sorry about stuttering…" The father shook his head. "Um… oh, Eat with us, I want you to relax all day tomorrow!"

"… All right, I'll tell the elders that's what you want so they won't complain. Thanks for the day off Gaara!" He picked his son up. "What's there to eat?"

In the morning of the next day….

"Gaara-sama and his father left in a hurry today, I wonder why?" Yashamaru said picking everything up. He found something wrapped up in very many layers of wrapping paper and ribbons. "?" He picked it up. A note was sitting under it. "From Gaara, A gift to you for all your hard work, you deserve it! P.S You'll never guess what's in it! Love Gaara." Yashamaru looked at it. "From the way its wrapped I never will… How will I get all of this off if I don't want to ruin it?" Yashamaru sat on the couch to think about it.

A/N: Another lesson for Gaara and a new resolve! But how long can that last!? Meanwhile, what's stirring in his dad's busy life? What was Gaara's gift? Well, whatever the odds, stay tuned! (Spin around and points at you!) P.S Tell me if I need to improve or give any type of feed back!