A/N: Well, here is another story which I am begining! I hope all of you will enjoy. This fic is dedicated to Gaara'skitten!! W00T!! XD I hope you like it Gaara'skitten, and, of course, the rest of you readers.

Please leave me reviews! I always try to give those that review first the chance to request anything - So hurry and review!! Lol

Chapter one

As he walked, he heard the distinct sound of a metal trash can being knocked to the ground to his right. Curios of the cause, Matt walked into the alley to see a dead end, a trash can rolling on the floor, and noting in sight. Just when he was about to walk away, the red head heard a hiss which didn't sound human, but more like an animals'.

Matt stood the trash can up and saw something dash away in the corner of his eyes, then there, previously hidden by the trash can, was a yellow cat with light brown patches of fur lying on its' side. It seemed to be trying to stand, but was either to weak or badly injured.

Finally sensing the presence of someone or something behind him, the cat lifted his head to see a red haired man with goggles perched on his head, dressed in a stripped black and white long sleeved shirt and torn jeans tucked into his black boots. Hissing at the human, the cat couldn't help but think how unlucky he was that day. 'Great, not only am I half dead here, but a human finds me! And one that stinks like those things...what are they called?...oh yeah, cigarettes!' The blond cat scrunched up his nose at the smell that clung to the humans body.

"Hey there little guy." Matt said crouching down near the cat and examining it. "Hmm...you seem to be injured."

'No shit sherlock!' The cat wanted to shout but knew the human wouldn't be able to understand him, no human ever could.

"Ah, I get it! That thing that I saw flash by me was another cat wasn't it? I bet it was him that did this to you." Matt was proud of himself for figuring it out quickly.

The cat just starred at him with blank eyes. 'Great, I've got myself a genius.' He thought sarcastically.

As if sensing the cats sarcasm, Matt turned to it with a pout. "Don't look at me like that, I don't want to think you hate me without even knowing me." Matt continued and, if the cat could fall over, he would have.

'What the hell?' The cat wondered bemused. This human, he was...very strange to say the least. Yelping, the cat stared wide eyed at the red head that now held hi in his arms. He hadn't only yelped in surprise but in slight pain.

Matt turned ad walked out of the alley, ignoring the struggling cat in his grasp. After a while, he felt the cat give up and lay still in his arms. Matt stroked the silent cat as he started to his home, which mind you, wasn't too far away.

Speaking of his house, there it was! A one story house made entirely of wood, a porch on the front with a chair sitting on the corner. Lush green grass adorned the patio, small trees grew in the sides of the house.

Pulling his keys out of his right pocket, Matt unlocked the door and walked in. The second he stepped into the house he kicked off his boots and then made his way to the bathroom. Laying the injured cat on the commode lid, Matt went in search for his first aid kit in the cabinets within the bathroom.

The cat took this opportunity to look around the bathroom and nodded his approval. 'At least the guys clean.' He thought taking in the spotless bathroom.

"Ah, here we go." He heard the guy mumble, and turned to see the red head walking towards him with a small white box with a small red cross on it. He wondered what it was, but scrunched up his nose at the foul smell that emitted from inside the box as it was open. It stunk of chemicals. Was the red head human trying to poison him??

Matt looked through the box and pulled a few things out such as wrapping bandages, and an antibiotic. Opening the antibiotic, Matt looked up and spotted the slightly fearful cat. Chuckling, Matt crouched next to the cat and looked at it.

"It's going to hurt, but just for a bit ok?" Not waiting for a response, knowing he wouldn't get any, Matt grabbed an injured paw and sprayed the medicine on.

Hissing, the cat glared daggers at the human that was bringing him the stinging pain to his already pulsing pain. He was really trying to kill him wasn't he? Why not just make him swallow the painful concoction?

After a few seconds, the pain was gone, and the cat blinked once, twice, and looked at Matt. 'Eh?' He wanted to ask but stopped as Matt began to wrap bandages around his injuries. Looking away, the cat couldn't help but think 'Well...I guess he isn't that bad...' He thought haughty.

Once Matt was done with the cat, he put everything way, making sure to keep everything neat and tidy. "See, that wasn't so bad now was it?" Matt asked and the cat rolled its eyes.

'Why do I get the feeling he only asks questions I already answered?' The cat wondered.

"Now come on, I have a house to show you." Matt chirped up and picked up the cat, not noticing the cat twitch at his manhandling.

Matt showed the cat around, telling him which rooms were what, where he could go, and what not to touch; never did he think the cat couldn't understand him. Cats were smart, he was sure the cat would know to follow his rules.

In the mean time, the cat was just staring with boredom at the rooms shown to him. 'Am I suppose to care? Really, what the hell?!' The yellow and light brown cat thought. He was a cat, why was this human telling him things he had no need to know? Then again, even if he did need to know them, he wouldn't follow them.

Loud music filtered the house causing the cat to jump startled. Matt too jumped slightly, and sighed once it stopped. "Darn it, I have to go work." Matt cursed under his breath as he ran his free hand through his red hair. "Sorry bud, I have to go. See you later tonight." Matt said settling the cat down.

Just when he was about to leave, Matt turned and gave the cat a playful glare. "I better not come back and see that you left me a present." Matt warned and left leaving the cat huffing behind.

'I'm not that barbaric.' He sniffed. Giving the place one more look around, the cat rested his head in his paws and fell asleep in the couch, hoping to hurry and regain his energy.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed it! Especially you Gaara'skitten!! It is just the first chapter, and I promise, the second chapter will be so much better!! So please, I hope all of you reading this will stay with me. Review if you can!! X3