Chapter 1 "The Decision"

Deidara was full of different thoughts and feelings. He had not been looking forward to telling his boyfriend. Knowing that Sasori could be pretty harsh, he had actually considered not telling him at all.

After spending all afternoon at this café waiting for Sasori to get off work, he had gone through all kinds of scenarios of Sasori's reactions, how he should tell him. In the end he decided to just tell him straight out.

"I'm… Pregnant, un." The words hit Sasori like a five ton brick in the chest. "You're.. WHAT?!" was the redhead's shocked reply. Deidara, who was sitting at the other side of the table now looked down. "You gotta be joking. How is that even possible?" Sasori asked him. "You're a… guy!" This had to be a joke. And a bad one. Though Deidara's face was serious, and filled with anxiety. Was he telling the truth? He couldn't be! He knew Deidara could be a drama queen but for him to go to this extend there had to be something to what Deidara had just said…

The blond sighed and met Sasori's eyes. "It's true. And… There's something I haven't told you, un." he said silently. Though they were sitting in a pretty empty café, Deidara took his precautions before he spoke any further. "I'm… a hermaphrodite. Meaning I have two sexual organs. I never really gave it much thought, so I never thought it could be possible for me to… Get pregnant." Deidara sighed again. His hands were shaking slightly around the cup of coffee he was clenching. Sasori just stared at him.

Sasori had thought that Deidara was a perfectly normal male when he first met him… And when they after a few backs and forth's had started a relationship a few months earlier, he could never have dreamt that he would find himself in a situation like this. The redhead took a deep sigh.

"So you're telling me, that I… Made you…" he said, looking at the blond, who nodded and went back to his attempt to stare through his coffee. Sasori was still in shock. This sure was something he had never expected.

"So… What happens now?" the redhead asked out in the air. He looked over at Deidara. "I mean, when did you find out about this?" The blonde looked up. "Do you remember how I complained over stomachache and nausea all month? Well, I took your advice and went to the Doctor this morning, un. That's when I found out… I'm three weeks… Pregnant, un." The word was still new to Deidara. Worried about Sasori's reaction, Deidara silently held his breath.

"I don't know what to say." Sasori said after a while, which seemed as hours to Deidara, who felt his eyes blurring up with tears. "I never really expected this to happen. And I've never thought the thought of me being a… Father…" Sasori repeated the word in his mind. Him, a father… Deidara's weak voice broke his little line of thought.

"So you don't want it, then…"

Sasori looked at Deidara and his eyes widened slightly at both the comment and the silent tears now running down his boyfriend's cheeks. "No! It's not that! I just… This is all new to me… You know, we've only been together for like, three months, and now suddenly this. But it's not like I don't want it. I'm just… Confused." Sasori told Deidara and grabbed Deidara's hand. "I just need a little time to settle this in my mind, ok?" The redhead said and caught Deidara's eyes.

The blonde nodded. "So you're not mad at me?" Deidara looked at his boyfriend with teary azure blue eyes. Sasori smiled faintly. "Of course I'm not. How can I be mad when after all, I have a part in this too. Let's take some time to let this sink in. And then we need to decide whether or not to keep it." Deidara nodded. "Un." He wasn't sure about Sasori's reaction, but at least he wasn't angry or leaving. The two of them sat in the café for a little while longer before returning to their different apartments.

-Later that night-

Sasori sat in his couch, zapping through the different TV channels. To himself, he pretended to be interested in the different programs but all he could think of was what Deidara had told him earlier. He loved Deidara. But this matter had never been as much as thought of in their relationship. Never had they discussed it. And now they were going to have a baby… Though, of course, abortion would be one way… If Deidara had an abortion, their lives and their relationship would be back to normal. Or would it?

Just as Sasori was thinking this, the remote control fell off the couch. It landed hard on the floor, causing the TV to change channel. Sasori swore under his breath and picked it up. When he glanced at the TV again, his body stiffened. There was a movie on, showing a family out on a picnic. The mother had long blonde hair, the father had dark reddish hair and the little child was running around playing with the family dog. Sasori's eyes widened and he quickly turned the TV off.

The room was filled with silence. What he had just seen repeated in Sasori's mind over and over. He started visualizing himself as the father, Deidara as the mother and the little child… THEIR little child… After a few minutes, Sasori realized that he was sitting there, actually smiling. His heart was suddenly filled with this strange warm feeling… Excitement? Joy? Whatever it was, it was a quite nice feeling.

He knew that he was going to be a dad. And it had just dawned on him that maybe he actually WANTED to be a dad. Sasori laughed to himself and quickly got to his feet. He got his coat and his car keys and hurried out of his apartment.

In his apartment, Deidara had just made himself a cup of tea before going to bed. It had really taken him a lot to dare to tell Sasori about the news. He didn't know what to think. Sasori had told him he needed time to think. What if his conclusion was that he didn't want the child? Would Deidara be able to go through with an abortion? All sorts of questions filled his head. He sat down by his kitchen table. What would he do if Sasori left him? Deidara felt the tears run down his cheeks again, followed by a few sobs. He had been crying most of the afternoon and evening.

Suddenly he heard a firm knocking at the front door. The blonde quickly wiped his tears away and checked his face in the hall mirror before opening. It was… Sasori? "But.. What are you doing here?" Deidara asked in surprise. He got even more puzzled when he saw the wide smile across his boyfriend's face. "Oh, so you've not gone to bed yet? Good!" Sasori said and took a step inside.

"I was just about to though. Has something happened?" Deidara wondered. "No. I mean, yes! I just… I wanted to tell you this. I've been thinking about earlier…" Deidara's heart skipped a beat as he head those words. "And I just thought… If you want to, I want to be a… a DAD." Sasori said and suddenly got serious. Deidara's eyes lighted up for a moment before he burst into tears. Sasori got a puzzled look, afraid that he'd said anything wrong.

"I'm s-sorry, un," Deidara said and buried his face into Sasori's chest. It felt as though a heavy burden was off his shoulders. "I've been thinking about this all evening, I was so worried of your reaction! And I… I want to as well! I want to keep it!" Deidara looked his boyfriend in the eyes and smiled. Sasori smiled too, seeing Deidara right now made the warm feeling from before even stronger, and Sasori was even more certain that this was what he wanted.

"Let's keep it." Sasori smiled and kissed his lover.