Disclaimer: see chapter one

I can't believe how many people are staying with the story! To everyone who has and hasn't reviewed but is reading the story anyway, I thank you for sticking with it through the highs and lows.

THIS IS THE FINAL CHAPTER! This chapter is going to prove I suck at endings....

MANY THANKS TO babyreaper, ApplePieeLovver, charming2drew, for sticking with me and reviewing since the beginning! And to everyone else who reviewed and stuck with the story!

Enjoy chapter twenty, the final chap!

"Big brother?" Sam said.

"You're not Sam!" Dean growled.

He did that awful smile again. "No, but I'm wearing his meat."

"You son of a bitch... I swear you're going to regret the day you ever came after us!"

"Aw... Dean don't be such a drama queen! It really doesn't suit you."

It was too freaky for words. Seeing Sam's body acting in a mocking manner was just downright freaky. Dean could hear his father mutter something under his breath and he hoped to god it was an exorcism.

"You get out of my brother, right... now."

The demon chuckled. "Now why would I do that. Sam has already agreed to do whatever I ask of him." He placed a hand over Sam's crotch and started to molest. "And I gotta say he feels sooo good!"

"Stop it!" Dean yelled angrily. God, please tell me Sammy can't feel any of this!

The demon chuckled again and complied with a nod. Dean could already see the erection starting to grow in Sam's pants.

Yellow Eyes leaned a little and saw John chanting. "Aw... John, what are you up to?" he asked teasingly.

John smiled. "I'm sending your ass back to hell."

Yellow Eyes' smug smile disappeared as he stood straight, and with a flick of his arms, pinned John and Dean to the walls. "That was a mistake, Johnny boy!" he said angrily, his yellow eyes flickering with agitation. After he calmed down, the smug smile returned. "Time for another punishment, huh John?"

John's eyes widened in horror. "No, please! Not in that body! You can do whatever you like to me, just use another body!" he begged.

Having seen the Yellow Eyed Demon's punishments already, Dean had a pretty good idea of what he had in mind for his family. "Use me!" Dean yelled. "Use me, please! You've done so much to Sam already! He's not much good to you brain damaged, is he!?"

The demon seemed to consider this. "Nah! Sam's a strong boy! I've made sure of it! He'll be fine when the end game comes around."

"We're not going to let it happen!" John shouted. Dean looked at his father for a moment. Does Dad know what the 'End Game' is?

Yellow Eyes just shook his head as he lowered John to kneeling position and zipped down Sam's pants. "Open wide, John!" He grabbed John's jaw, forcing it open and thrust Sam's member into John's throat. The demon thrust back and forth fast in John's mouth. "Doesn't it taste good, John? Make sure you get a good taste of your beloved Sam!"

Tears started to fall down John's face as he was forced to give his son a blow job. He closed his eyes and prayed that Sam wasn't awake through all this.

The demon suddenly extracted himself and turned around in horror.

Dean followed the demon's gaze and saw Bobby and Caleb standing in the door way. Bobby was quickly reciting the exorcism as Caleb flung holy water at Yellow Eyes.. He screamed as the water burned him and Bobby finished the chant. His head reared back and a long thick cloud of black smoke erupted from his mouth and disappeared as it was teleported to hell.

Dean and John were released from their hold. John fell and immediately started to vomit. Dean quickly got up and ran to where his brother's body lay. "Sammy!" Dean gave Sam a once over before quickly zipping his pants back up. "It's okay, Sammy... It over."

Once John was done, he stumbled over to his sons. "Dad?"

"What is it, Dean?"

"Do you know what Yellow Eyes meant by 'end game?'"

John shook his head. "No, I don't."


After I passed out, I was only aware of a few things. Feelings of being violated were most prominent. Pure evil was riding me and it was painful. I wanted nothing more than to rip it out!

And then it was gone. The next thing I feel is a pile of warm blankets covering me and a voice calling me from the void.


"Sammy! You there?"

I squinted my eyes open and nodded. "Wasn't aware I left..."

Dean smiled. "How you feeling?"

"Surprisingly hungry, as a matter of fact... Dean, what happened?"

"What do you remember?"

"Just... pain. A lot of pain. Than waking up."

Dean nodded as he bent over and swept me up in a hug.

At first I stiffened in the sudden embrace but than I quickly melted in.

"You were possessed."

I stiffened again. "I-I was."

"Yeah, Yellow Eyes thought he'd take you for a joy ride," Dean spat out angrily.

"H-How... I-I m-m-mean d-did I hurt anyone?"

"No. Bobby sent the bastard to hell before he could do anything."

I leaned back away from Dean's embrace so I could see his face. "So... he's gone."

"Dean smiled. "Yeah, Sammy. He's gone."


Even though the Yellow Eyed Demon was gone I was still scared about his 'end game.' What if getting rid of him didn't stop it from coming in motion. That's when I decided the that safest thing for everyone would be for me to stop hunting. To become normal and live a normal life so I don't turn into a monster. Though Dad didn't really agree with me. He seemed to think the opposite.

But I didn't care. When I was eighteen I ran off to Stanford where I had gotten a full ride. I met a beautiful woman named Jessica, proving to Dean that I could pick up pretty girls. I was gonna marry her. I wanted to spend the rest of my normal life with her.

I never anticipated how short that normal life would be.

Drip. Drip.
