A/N: This chapter is a continuation of my beginning from the second chapter. Yoshiyuki Ly wrote this, so all credits go to her :) Make sure to thank her! That's an order :p

"Fleur, wait a minute..."

Fleur hung her head in slight irritation; waiting a minute to show Hermione, feel Hermione…what was the need for the hold up?

Ah – exactly. There was no need. Hermione was just being shy.

Fleur chose to smirk to herself and instead moved her head to Hermione's, not making eye contact with her at all. She pretended to listen to the girl's pleas, but in actuality, she was far too busy inching one hand across Hermione's thighs. The other was quite preoccupied with placing a long finger over the girl's lips in a calm effort to silence her.

Words were stymied; Hermione finally stopped her incessant mumbling and found them turning into shallow groans, escalating and decreasing in volume with her breathing. Fleur looked up at her and smiled; Hermione's eyes fluttered closed the second she felt a hand inching up, finally settling on removing the annoying skirt.

Fingers kept inching up, and another set started its journey down. Fleur kept her mouth by Hermione's ear, whispering every single word that came to mind as it flashed across her mind. Sensual images that never even crossed her thoughts began swirling everywhere, and not just in her head.

They shot through her hands and shocked Hermione, eliciting wonderful gasps for both of them to enjoy. Fleur kept thinking and pondering exactly how to make Hermione want her even more. Breaking her authority and turning her into a wanton lover, even if just in private, was making Fleur smile her lips right off of her face. Fleur settled on exposing a second pair of lips with a swift hook and rip down Hermione's thighs and legs, throwing the silly fabric to the side.

The look of horror and anticipation on Hermione's face was indeed priceless.

But she decided to wait a moment. This was too good to pass up. Besides, she could use this as the first step in her developing fetish.

"You were saying, 'Ermione?"

Hermione felt her mouth stiffen as she tried to keep it from hanging open like her wide eyes. Fleur was snorting with laughter, only further infuriating Hermione underneath her. Fleur's hand had finally started to remove Hermione's shirt, while her other hand was dangerously close to a distinctive source of warmth. Now that she was this close, she was choosing to listen to her hesitations that had died long ago?

That smile of hers was just too suspicious, albeit, very, very corporeal.

"Nothing…just forget it…"

"Non, please tell me. I respect your…wishes. Tell me."

"I don't remember what I was on about…"

"Mmm…exactly. Zat is what I like to 'ear. But zere are ozzer zings I'd like to 'ear…"

Hermione watched with ever-widening eyes as Fleur casually stood up, feet planted right in between her legs. Fleur folded her arms over her chest, looking down at Hermione's meek expression with glee. Hermione eventually found the energy, and sense, to scowl at Fleur for a second.

The second passed faster than light; Fleur inched her hands down and removed her shirt with ease, making sure to take a long time, but not too long. Just long enough to revel in watching Hermione's eyesight follow her shirt go across her breasts, then stop right there.

Fleur was very happy that she was too lazy to put a bra on that evening.

Hermione felt a strange pressure prodding her head as she lay right underneath a shirtless Fleur. Her shirtless Fleur, really. She suddenly didn't care about her reputation or upholding anything for herself, despite the alcohol; the sight of Fleur eyeing in between her legs made her feel something quite unfamiliar. Unfamiliar, but not unwanted.

Not by a long-shot…

"And just what would you like to hear, Fleur?"

Fleur felt a small chill run through her arms; she had no idea Hermione could make her voice sound almost like a purr. She knew Hermione noticed her surprise, and decided to quickly turn the tables. Hermione could have her moment, but it most certainly was not now.

"I'd like to 'ear you tell me every little zing zat runs zrough your mind while I do zis. Your words are my signal to keep going, non? You stop and I stop, too. Among ozzer zings…"

Hermione didn't have much time to let the rules set in; Fleur settled her hips right over her chest, too close and too far away from her face. Tears of joy were blinding her almost as much as Fleur herself was. And the situation…

Fleur placed her hands on her skirt, practically waiting for permission from Hermione to remove it. Hermione found that her voice didn't want to work, but she rather wanted her voice, her mouth, her nose…right in between the expanse. The expanse that was right in front of her, just barely covered by a shadow from the dark room and Fleur's annoying skirt.

Hermione sighed her dignity away and licked her lips, quite unable to keep her mind from imagining another pair of lips. She never thought this moment would come so soon, but good things come to those who wait…

"Take it off…"

"'Ow, exactly…? You're smart; be creative."

"And I want you to be creative, too. Just do it slowly. And…"

"Rock closer to you?"

Fleur strangely answered her own question without waiting; Hermione's long sigh from the first rock was yes enough. Fleur slipped her thumbs inside her skirt at either side of her, slowly leaning back and tickling Hermione's legs with her silvery-blonde tresses. Her hips and thumbs rocked the skirt off, slowly, while attracting Hermione's oh so curious nose as close as it would get to the forbidden fruit right in front of her.

More thoughts began swarming through Fleur's mind. Curiosities made her mind roam free, making her imagine Hermione do something strangely like this. Was Hermione really wild? Fleur desperately wanted to find out.

If not, Hermione could most certainly learn. Fleur was very willing to teach.

Hermione felt like she was in pure torture; Fleur had lodged her legs in the crook of her neck at either side of her head, forcing her skirt to stay plastered over her eyes. Fleur had indeed rocked closer to her, and Hermione chanced inching her tongue out from the cage of her mouth, fearing it would drown if she didn't do this. She was rewarded with being able to latch onto a bit of fabric, with Fleur still rocking into her all the while.

Further in her tongue moved, and further still Fleur moved into her, both of their backs arching in surprise and wonderment. Hermione felt very much like a dog with a sun-visor on; Fleur's skirt was still over her face, screening her of the rest of her surroundings, but radiating so much sexual heat into her mouth, onto her nose and face...it was blinding.

But just as Hermione found the most interesting bit of warmth to latch onto, Fleur gasped and involuntarily backed away. Hermione groaned in irritation and moved her neck out as far as it would go and bit at Fleur's lips a little harder than intended.

"I didn't say you could get away from me…"

"You never said anyzing at all—"

"Come here. Please…"

Hermione's pleading made Fleur feel a sensual warmth boil in her stomach, settling nicely in between her legs; it was a strange fetish she was developing… Fleur sighed deeply and gave up any protests, instead inching her fingers down and removing her thong, leaving it right on Hermione's face, blinding her even more.

Hermione didn't mind at all. Fleur tangled her fingers in Hermione's hair, bringing her head up as far as it would go as she leaned back with pleasure. It was just like eating the softest, sweetest, warmest slices of any food anyone could ever worship and treasure. The smell whirled and twirled up and through Hermione's nose, filling her head with a dizzy goodness as she let her tongue gently explore the woman she never let herself believe she could ever have.

"Do you know…how long I've wanted this? Hated myself for wanting…but wanted anyway…"

"Mmm…I can feel it… Your want. Zat is all zat matters, 'Ermione…so don't stop…"

The impossibilities becoming reality in such a simple way, through a silly game, made Hermione positively giddy as she sucked and nipped at what she always told herself she didn't want. The goodness began to fuse with her fantasies, and she felt own insides exploding with pleasure as she let Fleur's groans sidle through her longing ears.

Hermione started tasting a curious sugar…a liquid sugar. It was coming at full force, and, strangely, Hermione found herself growing an unruly desire to taste more and all of this wonderful liquor pouring right through the path she ached for so long to be able to tread…

"You taste…so…"

"Good, hm…?"

"No…not at all."

Fleur found herself laughing in between moans, right along with Hermione who was giggling in between her legs, continuing her explorations with much more ease and relaxation now. Her teeth tickled, her lips fit over hers perfectly, and her tongue…

Her tongue was hitting just the right spot…

Hermione noticed Fleur's squirms and escalating moans all of a sudden. It caught her off guard, but Fleur's cries made her ears perk up with a wonderful curiosity and fulfillment. Pleasing Fleur was almost too good to be true. The thought of Fleur doing this to her seemed minimal compared to this.

"Rock some more, please. I want more…more."

Any concern about sounding demanding and hungry didn't even cross her mind; Fleur obliged with ease, making Hermione press harder and faster against the elusive spot that was making Fleur so animated and aroused. She felt her own legs moisten, or, rather, finally realized that they were indeed wet, as she continued licking away every bit of liquid sugar in between the warm vastness that was Fleur's sex.

"Are you a freak, 'Ermione…?"


Fleur smirked and allowed herself to let her climax spill from her throat and legs, ripping the night air with her cries and moans, making them both shiver. Hermione was obviously contemplating Fleur's sudden question; she was moving slower, but the sudden change in tempo only pleased Fleur even further.

Once Fleur couldn't take it anymore, she slipped herself from Hermione's reach and smiled. She crawled over to where her wand lay forgotten and swished it in Hermione's direction. Fleur decided she'd had enough of the authority.

She was desperately curious to see just how Hermione could handle her.

Fleur pounced Hermione and made the girl topple her while she removed the silly clothing from her head and tossed them aside. Removing her shirt was in order, and it was done all too fast. Fleur made sure to never let Hermione's eyes leave hers as she lay underneath her, watching a bit of fear and apprehension swirl inside of them as she reached her bra.

"I guess you wouldn't know if you are or not, I suppose. Zat is fine. But I 'ave ze slightest feeling zat you are."

"I don't think so—"

Fleur narrowed her eyes momentarily and removed Hermione's bra and tossed it aside before she shattered the space in between their lips with reckless abandon. Hermione was surprised by her daring; Fleur must have really wanted her. That in and of itself sparked a strange confidence Hermione never knew she had while she returned Fleur's kiss with everything she had.

Feeling Fleur's excited hitches underneath her breasts made Hermione groan involuntarily. Her hands searched about Fleur's body frivolously, demanding answers and satisfaction from how milky-smooth her skin was. Her tact begged to be filled with approval over and over again for how inhumanely silk-soft Fleur's hair was as she weaved her fingers through every lock she could reach.

But more needed to be done…Hermione felt an excitement erupting in her insides while Fleur continued her savage, desire-filled exploration of her mouth. It was so wonderful to be wanted by such a beauty…so fulfilling to be loved in this way by someone who she would have forever deemed to be out of her league.

The tension and passion was building, building…finally releasing itself in the form of small whines and moans with Fleur conveniently there to swallow them right up. Ever-reigning disbelief at having this fantasy fulfilled made her scream with bewilderment.

Although, Fleur inching her fingers in between her legs may have had something to do with that…

"Mhm…show me some more, ma chere. More, more, more…"

Hermione's breathing picked up considerably, and sweat was starting to form over both of their foreheads and necks from the heat swarming around incessantly in between their bodies. Hermione felt oddly edgy while she moved her hips at just the right time to make Fleur slip her finger right inside. Her body was calling for Fleur to do more. So much more… Fleur was hardly doing much; she just kept her hand still, letting Hermione move her hips every which way, still crashing and slamming their lips together in between minute gasps for breath.

The air in Hermione's lungs suddenly congealed and strangely began to evaporate; she was suddenly guiding Fleur's head down her neck, craning her own head up in bliss as Fleur kissed and sucked her way down. Hermione kept rocking still, never slowing, just like Fleur's finger that finally found the sense to move into the stretch of Hermione's willful sex.

Fleur felt absolutely giddy at Hermione's energy. Seeing her let go completely was enough to turn her on over and over again, never stopping to take a break. It was sending sensual rushes of nerves to her head and stomach, finally flowing through to her hand as she pushed and pushed harder and faster into Hermione as she continued inching down her body, stopping for a moment to guzzle at the amazement that was her breasts.

"'Ow bad do you want zis, hm…?"

"So bad that it hurts and makes me feel so good at the same time…and you're wasting time talking…"

"But what do you want, exactly…? I'd love to know…"

"I want you underneath me…I want your gorgeous blue eyes to swallow me whole… I want you to swallow me more, tell me I'm the one you adore, and never ever stop—"

Fleur nipped at Hermione's breast one last time before sliding her body so that her mouth and hand were perfectly aligned. Hermione shivered and let out a rough moan, coming right from her navel, making Fleur blush as she parted Hermione's lips with her fingers and let her eyes and mouth start with the swallowing.

Fleur thought Hermione was doing an amazing job of keeping a degree of authority about herself, even in such a submissive state. Not that Fleur minded the submission; the mere thought of making Hermione so agitated with want and need made her squirm.

She more than felt Hermione guiding Fleur's ministrations as she rocked her hips around and up and down, putting a crazy pressure on Fleur's face every time she was rewarded with her movements. More rewards couldn't hurt; tasting Hermione's warm lips was so ethereal and sensual, but more needed to be done…

"'Ermione, you are a freak… All zat energy you spend keeping your perfect little image…comes out full blown wiz me right now… I should 'ave known you were ze type…

"See what you're doing to me now? Your moaning and groaning and hissing and whining gets me so warm and wet. Your energy makes me shiver; it makes me smile wiz fulfillment. You 'ide so much from ze world zat you 'ave no problem letting out wiz me…and I love you for it…"

Hermione threw her head back and blushed as she felt her hips shake with something more than her voluntary movement. Fleur was so honest and true…that on top of the orgasm she felt was sending her beyond every height both imaginable and un, making her back arch and her nails dig deep into the sheets in front of her.

She wanted to say more, but she knew her loud whimpering and moaning was indeed enough for Fleur's attentive ears. She gasped and hitched, trying desperately to fill her lungs with air, but failing miserably. Fleur was quite pleased, as was Hermione.

Fulfillment in the face of an overdue fantasy finally coming true, despite old fears and hesitations, or upholding silly standards, felt so good to them that they laughed again. Hermione felt more delirious than anything, but it still felt all too good. So unbelievably good that she leaned back and played in between Fleur's legs with her hands, still going on with her climax in between both of their long guttural groans and moans.

Seeing and feeling their desires come true was so indescribable that they couldn't help but ride each other over and over and over again, never stopping and never slowing.

They were swimming on top of the clouds, drowning on top of an ocean, and forever sailing a restless sea on top of the other, neither caring which side was the sky or the ground. Nothing else mattered, and that was all that mattered.
