Disclaimer: I'm half-Mexican enough said.

Chapter 1: Sorting Through the Scents

They say your brain shuts down in cryo, every one says that, all the normal people say that. Huh, no wonder I'm unable sleep. I've never been normal, names like freak, abomination, a stain on the good folk of society are the norm for me. Just cause I killed a few thousand soldiers when they invaded my home planet, I mean what's the big deal, maybe its cause I slaughtered them while I was asleep.

Ah good times good times. Now to figure out where this ship is going, I'm pretty sure we are taking the ghost lanes. My merc won't want too many stops, less chance for me to escape, less chance for me to kill him. Paranoid little fucker ain't he?

Inhaling deeply all kinds of scents assault my nose. Hmm, free settlers, they travel where the money goes, but which planet? Huh a nervous speck of a man, smuggler type, hustler of rare goods, that gives me 5 choices of planets.

Taking another breath I catch three boys and one man that has Holy coming out his every pore. That leaves me with one place New Mecca, the place of pilgrimages, the planet Helion Prime, and since we are on a ghost lane we will probably head through the Tangiers system, a system of 10 planets: 6 unknowns, 3 uninhabitable ones, and only one that barely sustains life, second in the system and dubbed T2.

Wondering how I know all this shit? Well I was born on the planet Tigriser, yeah I know weird ass name, but it was named aptly. That is what ruled the planet before the Humes came along and took over. But I Digress, its tucked away in the corner of the Mial System.

Apart from being the farthest from the sun, it's the most technologically advanced planet in the Multiverse. We unlocked the Physics of subspace, and use capsules to control the energies. No other planet has advanced that far yet. Any way my parents held the position of head researchers on the Capsule Projects, smart cookies, them.

That position and the title Heir to the Hunter, a title of great respect, gave me all the resources I needed to pass through the education system as blood through the heart. That's how I know this shit . . . ooh, I just got the tinglies all down my spine, something A LOT more dangerous than I, just got aboard this ship. Feels like controlled Primal Rage all directed at one person. This trip just got even more interesting!

End Chapter One

Serin Sykes

Yeah sorry no name for the Mysterious Person yet, Next chapter preview:

"WHAT! What do you mean that you were escorting Amelius Wick!"

"For your information Richard, you don't scare me." " Really, then why is your heart racing?" "Because you amuse me."

"Peek-a-boo Bitch!!" "aaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuggggggggghhhhhhhhhllll" THUD

Never underestimate the power of a psychopath with sugar.

Edit note: i added somethings and hopefuly made the paragraphs a little easier to read.