Woot! Here it is the final chapter! This part contains sex between two boys so if you don't want to read it then just skip past that part in the ending.

Sasuke: Psh, if they didn't like they shouldn't be reading this story in the first place.

New York City, 2008

Naruto felt like he had just been hit by a truck and the shaking that someone was doing to him wasn't making him feel any better.

"Naruto! Oh my God, Naruto are you okay?!"

Naruto opened his eyes to see the worried faces of Hinata, the director, and various other cast members hovering over him.

"Are you alright?" The director asked anxiously.

"Ugh, I think so…" Naruto groaned, easing himself up.

He heard the sound of hurried footsteps and the cast members hurriedly moved aside as a voice called out, "Excuse me, make way please!"

A man made his way into Naruto's field of vision and the instant his dark eyes locked with Naruto's something happened to the blonde.

He was suddenly breathless and his heart was beating out of control. He felt like he knew this man better than he had ever known anyone before but that wasn't possible…was it?

The man looked relieved as Hinata helped Naruto to his feet. "Thank God your alright," He said. "I thought we lost the star of our show there for a minute."

"Oh, Mr. Uzumaki," The director said, "this is our producer, Sasuke Fantomu(1)."

"I guess that makes me an authority on how you'll be spending your time for awhile," Sasuke chuckled.

Naruto shook his head in confusion. "I don't understand," He said.

Sasuke's lips turned up into a small smile. "Naruto, the part is yours," He said. "Your our star, unless your accident changed your mind."

At this, Hinata cleared her throat and stepped forward. "I represent Mr. Uzumaki," She said, "and before we start anything I want something in writing."

Sasuke nodded to the director who moved forward to take Hinata by the arm and lead her off to the side discuss business matters.

"They'll be haggling terms for hours," Sasuke said, turning to Naruto. "You look like you could use a drink. Why don't you come over to my place?"

Naruto knew that it probably wasn't the best idea to go to the house of someone who he had just met but since his heart was still racing he couldn't help saying yes.

Naruto felt completely comfortable lounging on the couch of Sasuke's luxurious apartment, savoring the wine that Sasuke had poured for them. He smiled as Sasuke lifted his glass to him.

"To you, Naruto," He said. "You'll have all of New York at your feet."

Naruto laughed as he clinked his glass against Sasuke's. "I'm not so sure I'll be able to pull of a performance that good," He said.

"You've done it before," Sasuke said.

"Huh?" Naruto blinked. "What did you say?"

Sasuke set his glass down on the lacquered surface of the coffee table and rose from the couch, beckoning to Naruto with his fingers. "Come with me," He said. "I have something to show you."

With his curiosity mounting, Naruto set his glass down next to Sasuke's and stood up to follow the other man into a room close to the living room.

The room was filled with various recording instruments and a state of the art computer into which Sasuke slid a small blue file.

The computer screen instantly flared to life, revealing a musical score that's melody began to filter through the room.

Naruto's mouth fell open as he recognized the music as the song that he had been singing only a few hours ago. But how could Sasuke have it? It was more then a hundred something years old.

And suddenly, everything came rushing back to him.

He had been the singer that the infamous composer had been so obsessed with. He hadn't disappeared; he'd died trying to stop the man he loved from killing another. And that man had been…

Naruto turned to Sasuke, wondering if this was actually real. "You're him," He whispered. "Aren't you?"

Sasuke's lips curved up into a small, satisfied smile. "I've waited a long time for you to return to me," He said.

"But how…"

"Don't you remember what I told you?" Sasuke asked. "Love and music are forever."

And before Naruto could say anything in reply, Sasuke's lips crashed down on his.

Naruto forgot about trying to make sense of what was happening and let his feelings overtake him. He wound his arms around Sasuke's neck so that he could kiss him deeper, wanting to make up for all the time that had passed between them.

When Sasuke pulled away, he let out a mewl of disappoint that made the other laugh.

Sasuke moved his lips down to Naruto's ear, giving it a small nip before whispering hotly into its cove, "Let's take this to the bedroom shall we?"

Naruto shuddered and hurriedly followed Sasuke to the bedroom in a flurry of rapidly removing clothes.

When they reached the bedroom, Naruto fell down onto the large bed with Sasuke on top of him, covering his chest in a series of licks and bites. He dipped his tongue down once into Naruto's navel and then moved down to trail his lips along his lover's aching length.

"Nngh, Sasuke don't tease me," Naruto groaned. "I can't stand it."

Sasuke gave into the boy's pleading with a smirk and took the member into his mouth. He had to place his hands on Naruto's hips to stop his bucking as he worked up a steady pace, taking Naruto as deeply into his mouth as was possible.

Naruto's back arched up off the bed, his fingers tangling in the raven's hair as he felt his cock disappear into that hot, wet space again and again.

Soon Sasuke felt Naruto tensing under his hands and knowing what was coming, he rubbed his fingers gently across Naruto's balls.

Naruto gave a small cry as he came hard into Sasuke's mouth and then fell back on the bed panting as Sasuke swallowed up all of his come.

Finally Sasuke pulled back, licking his lips, and opened a drawer on the nearby nightstand to remove the lube he kept there, spreading it over three of his fingers.

"One of the many marvels of this age," He chuckled as he slid a slick finger inside of Naruto.

Naruto squirmed in discomfort at first, trying to get use to the strange probing feeling, but then Sasuke's finger brushed against something that made him see stars.

He moaned as Sasuke hit that place repeatedly, so lost in pleasure that he hardly noticed as Sasuke slipped a second and then a third finger inside of him.

Suddenly Sasuke's fingers disappeared and Naruto frowned up at him, thrusting his hips upward. Then he stiffened as he felt something much longer and harder press against his entrance

"Just relax," Sasuke told him. "It will only hurt for a moment."

He kissed Naruto softly as he slid inside of him and then deepened the kiss as Naruto tensed beneath him.

Naruto shifted his hips as he got use to feeling so full. It wasn't that it hurt, it was just uncomfortable.

Slowly but surely, the discomfort disappeared and a low moan escaped from his lips. "Sasuke, move," He said.

"Hm, are you sure you're ready?" Sasuke smirked. He moved teasingly slow inside of Naruto, who thrust his hips upward, trying to take more of Sasuke in.

"I'm ready!" Naruto said. "Now move!"

"As you wish."

Naruto threw his head back against the pillow as Sasuke thrust inside of him hard. He wrapped his legs around Sasuke's waist, pushing himself up to meet each sharp thrust.

His moans deepened as Sasuke hit that special spot inside of him again and again. "Mm…Sasuke, I'm going to…" He groaned.

"Go ahead," Sasuke said. He took hold Naruto's cock and jerked his hand up and down it.

That was it all it took for Naruto whose mouth fell open in a silent scream as he shot his pleasure out onto Sasuke's hand.

Sasuke lasted only a few seconds longer before coming deeply inside of Naruto.

They lay there panting for a few moments then Sasuke slid out of Naruto and sat down on the side of the bed to open up the nightstand's drawer again. But this time he pulled out something much more important then lube.

Naruto's eyes widened when he saw the infamous ring.

"Since my last proposal was ruined by a certain Hyuuga boy," Sasuke said, "I thought I should try again. So, Naruto, will you marry me?"

Naruto's face broke out into a huge grin and he practically tackled Sasuke in his joy. "Do you even have to ask me that?" He asked. "I mean, you would have thought you'd have known the answer by now."

"True," Sasuke laughed. He slid the ring onto Naruto's finger and then brushed his lips gently across it. "I'm never going to lose you again," He said. "You're mine forever."

Naruto smiled and pressed his lips to his beloved's.

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

The End

And there's the happy ending I promised. -sniffles-I can't believe the story's over.

Naruto: -hands me a tissue-I'm just glad I didn't really die! But I have a question...

Me: -looks up from blowing nose-What is it?

Naruto: How did Sasuke stay alive for the 127 between 1881 and 2008.

Sasuke and Me: .......


Me: Um...Its an author's loop hole, Naru-chan!

Sasuke: Erm, yeah, what she said!

Naruto: Hey, don't try to cover it up! Tell me the truth!

Ah, some mysteries will never be fully explained lol...

1-Sasuke's last name means "Phantom" in Japanese.