Rikki POV

I woke up about an hour later to have four faces hovering over me, one I knew only too well

"Zane?" I croaked

"Hey Rikki." Zane said softly.

"Wait you two know each other?!" asked a very confused and somewhat upset Alex.

"Yeah Rikki is my girlfriend." Zane said awkwardly.

"Yeah… any who what happened?" I asked now I was the confused one.

"You passed out babe." Zane replied.

"Yeah Zane I got that but why!?" I asked a bit impatiently.

"I asked if you had seen a mermaid." Max asked innocently.

Zane and I looked at each other in pure shock before I choked out the words "No there is no such things as mermaids."

"Then why were you stuttering?" Max retorted.

"I was not!" I snapped back.

"Rikki," Zane snapped, and then more softly, "enough.

"Fine … well I'm going shopping who wants to come?" I said as I looked around the room.

"I'll go!" shouted Alex, Justin and Zane. Max just shrugged and walked away.

After and hour of shopping Zane and I snuck off to find a secluded beach where we could swim at. It took a while but we found one with an island a hundred miles off shore. It looked deserted so of course I wanted to go but Zane wouldn't let me.

"But Zane I'm a god damn mermaid I can swim out there!"

"NO Rikki I don't want you to go alone!" Zane yelled back at me.

"Then come with me!!"

"No it could be dangerous!" His voice softened, "I don't want to lose you."

"Fine." I would just sneak out and swim there later. Suddenly Zane grabbed my waist then he lifted me and slung me over his shoulder. He charged towards the waves as the water hit my leg he just dropped me and my tail formed. Ten seconds after I grew my tail Alex and Justin appeared.

"Hide Rikki!" Zane whisper-yelled at me.

Oh no where to hide?!

"The island!" I thought out loud oh crude bad idea.

"NO NOT THERE!" Zane yelled. "Behind a rock….. There!" Zane said while pointing at a big rock.

I pretended to swim there bit I kept going toward the island.