Disclaimer: I own neither Scorpius, nor Roxanne, nor the elder Malfoys, nor the Potters.

Falling in love with Scorpius Malfoy was one thing. Having people accept their relationship was a whole other thing, and she knew that better than anyone. After all, she had to prove herself to the Malfoys, which probably would have a scared any normal witch.

But then, she was a Weasley, and most certainly not a normal witch, not with a family like hers. She knew a Malfoy was supposed to be proper and dignified—she was bubbly and reckless, and she didn't look anything like a Malfoy wife. She wasn't some delicate blond like Narcissa, or an exotic beauty like Astoria. She was red-haired, brown-eyed, and lived above a joke shop.

Still, she wanted to try to befriend Scorp's family, if only to see the looks on their faces when they realize what she was like (she had George Weasley for a father, after all).

Astoria was amazing, not at all stuffy and bitter. She was probably the happiest, most personable Slytherin around, which wasn't much of an accomplishment, but still. Astoria welcomed her easily enough, but it was the other Malfoys, those she had heard stories about from her family, that were challenging. But if she was up for anything, it was a challenge.

Draco wasn't as furious as she had expected, he was more just uncomfortable with the relationship. He wasn't openly hostile to her, but he went out of his way to avoid her. It was only after their engagement that he began to loosen up. It was quite a surprise to find out that Draco 'evil Death Eater' Malfoy made mouth-watering ice cream.

Narcissa Malfoy was also surprisingly accepting of the news, and she never found out exactly why, but she appreciated it all the same. Narcissa worked hard, almost harden then herself, to make the wedding as amazing as it could possibly. Plus, it was Narcissa who had given her 'something borrowed' for her wedding.

Lucius was a whole other story compared to his wife, son, and daughter-in-law. He hated her, she could easily see, hated her merely on the principle that she was a Weasley. It was near impossible to make him see reason, so she didn't try. She couldn't change how he felt, and she wouldn't change herself. Scorpius told her he was proud of her, but she still sometimes felt that she should have tried harder.

She couldn't change the past, though, and now she found herself wondering about the future. She wasn't housewife-material, she knew that. She preferred action, preferred going out and doing something as opposed to staying at home and taking care of the house. But Malfoy brides weren't supposed to like action, they were supposed to raise the heirs and throw tea parties.

She knew Scorpius would never expect her to give up all her dreams to be the 'woman of the house', but she still wondered if she should. She wanted to raise her children, and she didn't want to just leave them to a nanny, but she wanted to be a Quidditch player too. And she couldn't very well watch her children grow up if she was traveling all across the world.

She finally decided to ask Aunt Ginny about it. After all, Aunt Ginny had given up her Quidditch dreams to raise James and Al and Lily. She approached her aunt one sunny afternoon at the Burrow, and asked if she regretted quitting Quidditch.

It took Aunt Ginny a while to answer the question. Obviously, no one had asked her this before. Finally, she looked her niece in the eye and said carefully, "I don't regret a single moment of it. Not marrying Uncle Harry, not giving birth to my children, not raising them to adulthood."

She had nodded and prepared to leave, more uncertain then ever, but Aunt Ginny wasn't finished. "But that doesn't mean I would advise you to give up being a Quidditch player just to have a family. You can do both. I did, and so have many others. Just remember," she had grinned, "always retire on a high note."

She had smiled back and thanked her, uncertainty replaced with confidence. Aunt Ginny was a role model to her, and it wasn't bragging to say she was a lock for at least two different British teams. Scorpius hadn't minded waiting; he had dreams of his own to pursue before children, and after graduated and getting married, she had joined the Holyhead Harpies, carrying on the Weasley legacy of the team.

Several years down the road, she had been blessed with a legendary career, four darling children, and the best husband she could have possibly wished for. And once every year, she looks through photo albums, remembering the times when they were insecure teenagers, head over heels in love, but unsure if their relationship would last.

And she thinks that, of course, they lasted. There was nothing stopping them.

Author's Notes: Well, it's the end of the road for this one, folks! I hope you enjoyed that, please review and tell me if you did (or didn't). Check out some of my one-shots, too!