This is it, ENJOY!

Less then an hour ago, he was being kidnapped by a perverted, silver haired Jounin with a mask. And caller ID. For that, he blamed two people: Naruto for calling Kakashi in the first place, and Neji for not only daring him, but for his uncharacteristic colored phone and ringtone to match. Now he was running through the streets, looking for a place to hide, as well as dodge the sand that was being thrown at him repeatedly.

He had a list of people to blame for that one. First, it was Kakashi for allowing himself to be caught off guard by Temari's attack. Then it was Temari's fault for beating Kakashi up and rescuing him. Troublesome woman. He didn't know who to blame for allowing them, himself, to…um, well, you know.

Shikamaru sighed and mentally rubbed his temples. He was getting a headache, and for that, he blamed the guy that was throwing sand in his general direction.


"Well, how do I look?"

"Like I said the last time you tried it on, you look fine."

"Hey! You can't blame me."

"Blame you? You've tried that dress on four times in counting."

"I can't decide. Pink or blue?"

"I don't care! Just pick one already. I think that girl at the cash register is giving me a look."

"What kind of look? A hey-good-looking-wanna-go-out-sometime-look?"

"No. More like a when-will-his-friend-let-him-leave-look."

Actually, the girl at the cash register was trying to answer her own question 'Is that a girl or a boy?'


Sasuke was at the end of the line, or land rather. He was on the edge of a cliff and there was no where else for him to go. And surrounding him was every fangirl in the Hidden Leaf Village. Sasuke looked down, he couldn't see the bottom. Sakura and Ino looked on from a distance, wondering what he might do next.

He jumped.

The rabid girls fallowed.

Ino and Sakura fainted.

No one really knows what happened to Sasuke that day. Some say he died. Who wouldn't after jumping off a cliff? Others say he preformed some exclusive jutsu and went off and joined Orochimaru, claiming that maybe he couldn't take all the attention anymore. Another, smaller group, think that he's hiding out at Ino and Sakura's homes. Why? Because the author said so. Whatever the reason, Sasuke will not be reappearing in this story. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Before Shino could do his dare, a female ANBU with long brown hair appeared in front of him. "Aburame?" Shino nodded.

She held out a scroll and then disappeared in a poof of smoke. Shino opened it and his unseen eyes twitched. The scroll revealed his families heating bill, which, even though Shino was never the one to pay for it, he was sure that the bill was at least twice as much as it should. And so, after sending his bugs out to do a little detective work, he sunk into the shadows to seek out the puppet user.

Kiba and Choji just sat there, shivered at their friend's creepiness, then turned back to the pile of BBQ wings that lay in front of them.


"That was good, huh Hinata?" Naruto asked after patting his bloated stomach. The empty bowls that had once been full of ramen were piled high, making Hinata's single finished bowl look small and unworthy. Nevertheless, the girl nodded and made to pay for their meal. At the same time, Naruto pulled out his own frog wallet. Either he had finally learned some manners, or the countless times that Sakura had hit him were starting to make a difference.

"D-don't worry, N-n-naruto. I can p-pay for it."

"Don't be silly, Hinata." Naruto said, grabbing her hand, making her gasp.

It would be nice to say that they then fell in love and lived happily ever after. But that would be a lie. Though, give me a break, its Naruto. Give him a year at the most and he might get an idea.

"But if you insist, Hinata. You can pay."

Or not.


Lee woke up feeling…different. Peculiar, maybe even weird. But heaven forbid unyouthful. He observed his surroundings.


He was on soft. Or, maybe more correct, he was on a bed.

The only thing Lee could remember was being bored then screams then black. He got off the bed and opened the door.

A wave of heat hit him and his body started to sweat. It was also then that he noticed something else.


*Bows* Yeah, I think this is it. I had to end it with Lee waking up. See what happens when you leave them alone on a rainy day? Well, see you all next time! If you have any questions, lemme know and I will gladly answer. Bye!
