A/N: There was a marathon of House today so I remembered I haven't updated and being Turkey day and all I decided to update this story. This is EXTREMELY SAPPY in the second half of the story so I'm sorry if I kill you from it. :/

Bleachfangirl162: Thank you! And Yes he is ;P It's terribly obvious, I have no subtlety. Lol

Lunacat13: :D I really do hope I get to finish this one since I have yet to finish ANY story lol XD but thanks I'm happy you like it :)

Wallflowerxiii:That he is :/ well he's more considerate in this chapter….but you still can't take the jerk out of him XD

WishForADandelion: thanks!…Too bad you had to wait so long : (

Crimson Quincy: Thank you so much! :D Is this the same Crimson Quincy that drew that Awesome Ichiruki pic of Rukia leaning on Ichigo's shoulder? Because if so I LOVE it! :3 if not….um well you should go see that drawing! Lol

Anonymous: A CONTINUATION IT IS!!! Thanks for your support X3

Chappirio: Thank you :D –hug-

ChApPy-ApRiL: Hmmm I haven't seen that movie before, is it good? :3 and yes, I did continue! –uber glompage-

CJ: 8D I was thinking the same thing. I'm not sure if the child should come out looking like 'him' and this whole dorama happens, or to opt to a nonidentical baby XD and yes, Inoue is a doctor. Sorry I wasn't specific enough but I was too anxious to get to the ichiruki interaction that I just put her there for a couple of sentences :P and Thank you! : )

Angelic93: Thanks ;) and oh don't worry, she gets her revenge.

Rukichigo93: Thank you so much! And yes I did!

SerenityxAngel: Thanks, I hope I don't disappoint you this chapter.

Niham: YES! It was the inspiration of this story XD I love how he's a total ass to everybody, it's great. And thanks much -hug-

AnimeLuver221: Glad you did and thanks! This chapter is far longer than the first so enjoy!

Doctor Knows Best


Rukia angrily shoved the car door open and slammed it viciously, already having paid the cab driver, as she headed toward the hospital. She would be lying if she said she was looking forward to her appointment. Her doctor was a complete bastard, and obviously had no courtesy. Her heels clicked to the pavement angrily as her feet quickly carried her into the hospital entrance, the faster she gets it over with the better. The moment she entered the sterile white lobby her violet eyes narrowed at the sight of an orange mop headed doctor with an envelope. Almost like he could feel her eyes burning holes into his head he turned around and greeted her with his infamous furrowed brows.

"Hey," Rukia, being raised from the prestigious Kuchiki, gave him her most stoic expression.

"Hello, Doctor," Orihime who was on the other side of the receptionist's desk stared in bewilderment as neither party moved from their respectable spot. Finally Ichigo turned his back to the fuming midget and began walking down the expanse hallway.

"Follow me please Ms. Kuchiki, I'm sure you want to know what your results are," She nodded silently and followed him, leaving behind a confused strawberry blond woman. Neither of the two tried to utter a single syllable, making the walk slightly uncomfortable.

The minute they entered the room however Ichigo muttered two words that he never thought he was capable of saying.

"I'm sorry," Rukia looked up in surprise but remained silent, her violet eyes searching his own amber orbs for any traces of lying, which she found none. Ichigo gave a long insufferable sigh, his hand reaching to scratch the back of his head from habit, eyes glancing away from her from nervousness.

"It was really none of my business and I shouldn't have assumed anything," he glanced back when nothing but silence answered him, and saw the midget staring at him questionably. Placing his hand back to his side, his infamous scowl returned tenfold. 'Damn bitch, thinks she's so great.'

"Hey! I just apologized, this is the place where you say 'I accept' or 'I forgive you!'" He growled angrily. Anybody on the receiving end of the Kurosaki anger would cower under the nearest table, but this was Rukia Kuchiki, and her temper was not to be taken lightly either. Nobody talks to her in such a manner.

"What if I don't? Who the hell gave you the right to justify my feelings prick?!" This was going downhill quick. The berry doctor's hands clenched and stalked forward until they were face to face.

"You better accept my damn apology if you want to know your results bitch!" With that he took the folder he was holding with her results and thrust them to the highest cabinet, knowing she could never reach it.

"What kind of tyrannical apology is this?! You just can't blackmail me into accepting it!"

"Well sorry Princess, but all of your opinions are rejected until you forgive me!"

"I'll let you know-,"

"Kurosaki! What is going on in here?!" Ichigo froze and quickly directed his glare toward the intruder.

"What do you want Uryuu?" The four eyed doctor simply raised his glasses from his nose with his middle finger before responding coolly.

"With all the commotion going on, I just automatically knew it somehow had to be related with your idiotic ass." Despite Ichigo knowing fully well that he was speaking to him, he couldn't resist to turn to his petite patient with a snicker.

"Did you hear that? You've only been here two days and he can already tell you're an idiot," Rukia in turn did not trust what colorful language her lips would spew out so she opted with hitting his shin, hard.

"OW! Mother f-I'm supposed to be the doctor not the patient!" He growled through gritted teeth as he clutched onto his throbbing limb. Rukia and Uryuu both smirked having to find great amusement by his pain.

"I think I like this patient," he chuckled good naturally and extended his arm to introduce himself.

"Hello, I'm Uryuu Ishida, my father along with this bastard's father own this hospital," Rukia took his arm warmly but her eyes widened in astonishment and disbelief.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Rukia Kuchiki," Snidely, she turned toward the recovering doctor and snorted.

"I can see why he got the job here; being that his father takes pity on him and all," before Uryuu can retort with an equally nasty remark about him, Ichigo stood up and grabbed the envelope he left on the top cabinet and snatched Rukia's wrist, easily dragging her out of the room.

"Oi! What are you doing jackass! Let me go!" She screamed, barring her teeth in a form of resistance and warning that she was willing to bite his hand off of he didn't follow her orders.

"That is highly uncouth Kurosaki," Uryuu commented wryly, watching the odd scene that unfolded in front of him. In fact it was no secret that any patient and doctor that owned a pair of ears can hear their squabbling.

"Kiss my ass," Ichigo yelled from the other side of the hallway, already entering an empty room. He tossed Rukia inside as if she were yesterday's garbage in a restaurant. Ichigo didn't even bother to look at her as he swiftly turned around to lock the door behind him, earning him yet another furious glare form Rukia.

"Why are you locking the door, pervert?!" Ichigo gave her an are-you-shitting-me look before turning around fully and rolling his brown eyes.

"Honestly, you must have a pretty large ego if you think I want to do anything with you, mosquito bite boobs," Unfortunately for Ichigo, he just managed to hit Rukia's biggest nerve, and paid for it.

"SON OF A- would you quit breaking my shins with your hoofs?!"

"SHUT UP!" Rukia remarked in a no nonsense tone.

"Just…unlock it," Ichigo eyed her warily and snapped back nonchalantly.

"Not until you forgive me,"

Rukia was to the point of popping a gasket and breaking her teeth from the angry grinding. She drew in a breath and decided that perhaps it was level headedness that was the best way to deal with this bastard.

"I thought," she started with an eerily happy voice, "you said that I had to forgive you for you to give me the results, not unlocking the door," Ichigo scrunched up his nose from the disturbingly sweet pitch but shrugged his shoulders in response.

"Well, now the deal has changed," the midget's smile plummeted fast and her eyes shone darkly. Oh to hell with being civilized, obviously this caveman had no way to be reasoned with.

"FINE! I forgive you, it's done, now can I have the results and have the door unlocked?!" She watched in horror as he shook his head with that stupid smirk adorning his face.

"Tsk. Tsk Miss Kuchiki, what's the magic word?" He had to fight the urge to laugh at sight of her clenching her tiny fists to gain control of her temper. He just couldn't help but find her amusing and downright adorable. He mentally slapped himself for thinking such an atrocity of even thinking such a little beast can be adorable. Apparently he's been around to many chemicals today to the point of hallucination.

"Fuck you," Ichigo sighed and decided that was the closest it was going to get. As if it were a game show, he slowly undid the knot of the envelope, smugly knowing that Rukia was beyond anxious to hear the results. Said woman eyed the lithe paper that teasingly came out in front in her, and gulped in reflex. Ichigo barely looked at it since he knew the results the moment he read her report.

"So, when are you planning the baby shower?" He asked as if he were commenting the weather. Rukia's eyes immediately became watery and snatched the results from his hands. Ichigo wisely chose to shut his mouth for once, watching in silence as her perfect brows knitted together in anguish.

"I-I have to go, thank you for the test," she choked just above a whisper. Ichigo's amber eyes softened and grabbed her shoulder to stop her from bolting out of the door.

"You're emotionally unstable, let me take you home," Rukia shook her head vigorously, trying desperately to keep her tears from falling in front of her doctor.

"No, I have cash for a c-cab," Ichigo on the other hand refused to accept her excuse; against her will, he pushed her toward the entrance of the hospital, his hand traveled to the small of her back.

"I told you I'm rejecting your opinion," he warmly reminded. Rukia looked up in wonder to see if Ichigo was actually the same bastard she was fighting with less than five minutes ago.

"Hey Fruit Cake!" Ichigo called out as they approached closer to the automatic double doors, "Cover for me, you owe me after leaving me for watching that gay sewing show!" He didn't hear the black haired doctor retort a variety amount of insults, mostly attacking his name, because he was out the door and making his way into the parking lot. She barely registered that they made it to their destination, a black Corvette Stingray. Rukia remained silent, waiting patiently for him to unlock the door for her to get in. The moment she did she couldn't help but blurt out,

"Why are you doing this?" Ichigo, who had just turned on the ignition, was shocked by her question. In all honesty he wanted to know the answer too. He never gave a damn about his patients (in a personal level) so why was she so different? He did not answer immediately, still mulling over the question and peeled off the parking lot.

"I live in the Mashiba district, the apartments near the metro," Rukia informed quietly and Ichigo nodded. The ride was silent, Rukia believed that he had forgot her question entirely and decided not to ask again, her dull eyes staring out the window.

"I…know how it feels to lose someone that you love," the orange haired man finally said sorrowfully, his focus still on the road in front of him. Rukia turned in slight bewilderment and swallowed her question, not knowing if she should ask him for details.

"She was my mother, and even if it's an entirely different kind of love that you felt for that man, it was devastating none the less," his hollow tone gave her the hint that it he was still scarred from her death, so she did not reply on the subject. Yet, because he confessed such a personal aspect about himself, she felt as if he would listen to her as well without passing judgment.

"We…Kaien and I, have been trying to have a baby even if weren't married," She began, desperately keeping her sobbing to a minimum.

"My Nii-sama wouldn't let me marry him because he wanted to marry me off to some rich family" Rukia was too wrapped in her own depressing memories that she failed to notice Ichigo's tight grip on the steering wheel.

"So if I ended up pregnant, then Nii-sama would have no choice but to let him marry me," Ichigo clenched his jaw, already knowing that her next sentence was anything but good news. However, they had arrived at her apartment complex and she began to cry harder, unable to finish her story.

"I-I'm sorry I-," she gasped when she felt two arms wrap around her small frame.

"Idiot, there's nothing to be sorry about," he patted her soothingly, adding jokingly, "except for bruising and breaking my shins," Rukia felt a smile tug on her lips.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, I should have left you handicap instead," Ichigo pulled back and gave her a playful scowl.

"Che, let's see how nice I'll be to you on your next check-up two weeks from now."

Rukia stared at him as if he just declared that he was secretly Aqua Man.

"Excuse me? Who said I'm coming back to meet you? I'd prefer to go to that other clinic with the crazy man," Ichigo couldn't help but let out a loud chuckle.

"Do as you wish, but a heads up, that man is my father, and from time to time I help out. Like I said, see how nice I'll treat you next time, midget," Rukia growled and unbuckled her seat.

"You jerk! I'm not a midget, you're just too tall, Sasquatch!" Ichigo fumed and all but shoved her out his car.

"Shut your ass up! Is that how you treat somebody who was nice enough to waste their gas to drive your stupid face home?!" Ichigo felt his veins boil at the sight of her middle finger saluting him.

"That bitch," he whispered furiously, but he didn't leave until he saw her form disappear behind the complex doors.



Sorry for the crappiness but I'm trying to get back into writing again. Either way I hope you enjoyed it and happy belated Thanksgiving : )

Don't forget to review! :D -glompage extreme-