Let go: Chapter 6
I don't own anything.
AN: Enjoy.

She ran into her room and fell onto her bed while he followed after. "What this?" She asked in response to the small bag that was on her bed. It looked like a gift.

"You'll open it after you read this." he said suddenly tuning serious ad he passed her a letter that he had hidden in his pocket. It was now all crumbled up but he didn't mind. He knew the words were still readable and that's all that mattered.

She cautiously unfolded it almost scared of what shed find. She bite the bullet and read its content. He enjoyed watching her smile widen the more she read on.

"You got it! Your going to Qu-" she started yelling before he put his hand over her mouth.

"Shut up! No one knows yet!" he told her slowly letting her go.

She smiled. "College...together?" Oh boy, she thought to herself.

"Yup." he reassured her smirking. "Open the bag."

She opened it slowly and pulled out something out. It was soft…clothing? She carefully unfolded it and beamed. It was a Queens hockey jersey with his name on the back.

"You got one already?" she asked shocked.

"Well that ones for you…You know I need you at my games now. No excuses." He said with a genuine smile.

"None at all." she mumbled before crashing her lips onto his.

"This is real. We're really doing this?" she asked nervously biting her bottom lip.

"Unless you changed your mind..then yeah, we are. Are you sure you want to?" he asked. He was hopping she said he knew that being together would be one hell of a bumpy he would do it if she did.

She nodded. "We're doing this." She said before slipping on his jersey."How do I look?"

"Like a hockey girlfriend." He said pulling her into his arms were he had come to realize that she belong.

"Exclusive?" she asked rising an eyebrow pulling away slightly. She wasn't playing games if they did try it.

"Eh…I think I need some convincing for that." He said before bringing his lips down to her.

"I think I can do that." She said before doing a very good job of convincing him.

AN:&Thats, that.Reviews?