The Little Mermaids

Summary: Alex and Max are turned into merpeople and captured when caught in the middle of a feud between Justin's new mermaid friend and an evil sea wizard.

A/N: I've been getting so many WOWP ideas, I figured it's about time I wrote one. Got inspired for this after watching Beware Wolf on Youtube. Also, thanks for the reviews for It's My Quinceanera, I'll Switch If I Want To!

This is going to be somewhat of an episode formula, though as I'm writing it, I realize it may be somewhat longer than I originally planned. Still, it will have the feel of an episode, so maybe a two-parter? Lol. Set in Season 2 after Beware Wolf, so Dean is Alex's "like interest," though not an important part of the story.

Edit: I just realized how short this part really is. Sorry about that, imagine it as a teaser scene. Future parts will be way longer, I promise!

Part I

"So Justin, who are you talking to on WizSpace now?" Alex taunted, passing her brother on the Wizard Computer on her way to get a drink from the apartment kitchen. It was a few weeks since the werewolf incident, and Justin had just regained WizSpace privileges. Their parents, more so their mother, had been so paranoid that Justin would turn into something else that they had forbade him from using the website for two weeks. When he looked up at her, Alex continued, "A leprechaun? A wood nymph? Oh, I know, a faerie! You would look so cute with little butterfly wings! Justin the Faerie…"

"Alex, stop calling me a faerie!" Justin argued. Both of them paused to consider the double meaning of that statement, then shook it off and moved on. "And don't worry, I've learned my lesson. I'm never dating anyone on WizSpace again, that's for sure. Not unless they install a full background check feature."

Alex was slightly disappointed to hear that as she took out a can of soda from the fridge. Justin's romantic cyber mishaps were always good source for amusement. "So, seriously, who are you talking to?"

"My friend, Alyssa," Justin explained while Alex walked over to look over his shoulder, soda can in hand. "She's not into math and stuff…"

"Not a geek? What's she doing talking to you?" Alex teased.

Glaring at her, Justin explained, "I put up pictures from last summer, when I was a lifeguard at that local pool, and she commented on them. She's really into water and thought it was so cool that I was a lifeguard. And we have the same taste in music, books…" He groaned. "Why'd I have to meet her on WizSpace?"

"Why don't you meet her in real life?" Alex suggested, a plan forming in her head. It always happened, whether she or someone else was in troube - it was a gift she used to its full advantage. "You can meet her, make sure she's not half-Bigfoot or something, and then when she's in the clear, introduce her to Mom and Dad. They don't have to know you met her on WizSpace first."

Justin stared at her, considering. "You know…that might work. And then, once I decide if I like her, I can introduce her to Mom and Dad. Maybe she'll be perfectly normal or a wizard like me, and Mom and Dad will relax about WizSpace usage. Thanks, Alex, somehow you always know how to make a situation work for you."

"I'm a genius that way," Alex replied with a shrug. Nodding at the screen, she noted, "Hey, WereBoy, your dream girl messaged you back."

"Alex, Dad told you to stop with the werewolf nicknames!" Justin whined. When she just smirked at him, he sighed and typed back. After a moment, he pumped his fist in victory. "Yes! She lives in the Manhattan area and can meet me tomorrow! This is so cool! And, get this, she suggested walking along the Hudson River! How romantic is that?"

Unable to help herself, Alex remarked, "About as romantic as going to the park to play fetch?"

"You're never going to let me live this down, are you?" Justin replied.

"Maybe," Alex answered. "Depends on how much of a freak this girl is."