


Raph was on the prowl. He strayed far away from his brothers. He didn't
want to cause anymore damage. He had already almost taken out Mikey and all his
brother was trying to do was help him cope. He needed to let lose, to pound
someone, but not his family.

"Damn," he cursed to himself. He didn't understand it. Any other night
these New York City streets would be crawling with baddies, thugs, and wannabe
bad boys, but it seemed that it was all peaceful. Raph was about to give up
hope when he heard it, a scream for help in the far off distance.

"Gotcha." Raph smirked to himself and bolted in direction of the scream.

It seemed some wannabe punk had cornered an innocent girl in an ally way. Raph
waited until the punk went for the girl again then he made his move.
"Don't think so pal!" Raph retorted once he got himself between the girl
and the wannabe.

The punk went to attack but when he saw his new obstacle he couldn't help
but back away from him. He'd never seen anything like this before. "What
are ya? Some kind of freak?"

Raph laughed a loud harsh laugh. If it was one thing you didn't do was call
Raphael a freak, Casey had learned that the hard way from the first time they
met. Now, this kid was going to get a good lesson. What did Casey call it? Oh,
yes: Pain 101 but this time Raph was the instructor.

The kid pulled out a small pocket knife. "Ooh, I'm scared." Raph sang
out. "Let me guess, this is a little game of, I'll show you mine if you
show me yer's right?" he asked him with a smirk. Raph brought out his twin
sais and twirled around them around to show he wasn't playing. "I'll
give ya a hint, this is where ya run and I chase." Raph's smirk widened
when he saw the fear in his eyes. "Boo."

The kid squealed. He didn't get far. Raph got a hold of him before he could
blink. The punk was down and was out cold, now Raph was just using him as a
punching bag. There was nothing wrong with using one's anger against the
city's night time baddies now was there? Hell, no.

The punk wasn't the only one taken aback by Raph's appearance. The girl
in all of this was also shaking. She'd never seen anything like him either.
It was fear that kept her but now curiosity and concern for her rescuer took
over. She couldn't stay here. She followed the sounds of the pounding.

Blood spattered from the guy's face, but Raph didn't care. He wouldn't
stop this until he was gushing, just like Brock had. It was his way of
justifying everything, especially the loss of Brock. Sure, he didn't know her
long but his future self had a good reason for loving her, she took them in,
accepted them for what they were, especially him.

The woman came upon the large green creature again. If she figured right this
thing reminded her of a giant turtle. The sounds of the pounding echoed off
the walls. It caused her to wince at first, but this thing saved her,
something on the inside told her he wasn't to be feared. Instead, she ran up
to him, and tried to pull him away. No matter what or who this thing was it
didn't deserve death on its hands.

"Stop it!" she demanded.

Raph ceased all movement, her voice alone gave away who she was. He turned
and sure if enough, it was her, and yet it wasn't. This was Brock before she
met the hellish world of the future. Then he caught her stare, there was
something there, almost.

"Are you okay?" he asked her.

When the creature turned, she was right. He was a giant turtle. Funny thing
was, he didn't scare her at all. As weird as it was, there was some sort of
comfort zone with him.

"Yeah, sorry I just got this weird feeling of déjà vu." She confessed
to him.

Raph smirked. "Yeah, me too." She really had no idea.

"Thanks for saving me by the way," the girl replied. "I'm Andrea."

Raph all ready knew that, but still he gave his name. "The name is

"Well, nice to meet you," she said.

The feeling was more then mutual.


A/N: WOOT! It's done. This is my first multi chapter in awhile. I'm not
sure if I'm too happy with this ending, I didn't want to make it too
cheesy, but there's nothing wrong with a little cheese and if you're
wondering, don't worry she's alive in future too. Sorry, I'm such a sap
for happy endings. Oh, and before I go, many, many thanks to my beta Matt for
putting up with story! Thanks again!