Once again I remind you guys that this is shit old and as such some characters may be OOC. Forgive me please? :3

Gaara's lessons were two hours long each, and Lee quickly found himself bored.

The other personal servants (there were four, including himself) already knew each other and were chatting quietly. He stayed on the outskirts, watching his master as he tried to paint the flower their teacher had designated as their muse that day.

"Flowers are eternal…and so is their beauty." The teacher, Sasori-Sensei had said in a bored voice. "See if you can capture that beauty."


Lee's head turned quickly to see a boy with spiky brown hair and red tattoos down his face grinning at him.

"What's your name?" He whispered.

"…Lee. Rock, Lee."

"Well, Lee, Rock, Lee. Aren't you gonna come join us?"

Lee bit his lip, then nodded and moved over to the group.

"Sorry I didn't come over…I was a little-"

"Nervous?" The boy grinned. "So was I when I first came here. I'm Kiba by-the-way. My master is Aburame, Shino. He's the guy with the sun-glasses."

"My master is Sabaku no Gaara." Lee replied. "I'm guessing you already know him."

"You serve the Sabakus?" Kiba gave a quiet whistle. "That's gotta be tough. The last guy, Kimimaro, looked like he was ready for a heart attack."

Lee laughed and shook his head. "Not at all. It's only my first day, but Gaara-Sama has been very kind to me."

"No kidding! First day and you're here? That's a real rarity. He must like you, huh?"

Lee gave a sigh. "I hope so." His eyes drifted over to the red head of his master and he smiled.

Kiba grinned. "Ohhh, so that's how it is."

Lee's head jerked up. "How what is?"

Kiba gave a growling chuckle. "Don't worry. You're not the only one. Uchiha, Sasuke and his servant, Uzumaki, Naruto, have been together for years."

Lee gave a gasp. "Did you say Uzumaki, Naruto?"

"Yeah! Crazy kid. You know him?"

Lee beamed. "Yes! He was my best friend!"

"No shit! Well, keep your eyes open next period or around break. You can't exactly miss him."

"Still obsessed with orange then?" Lee laughed.

"Oh yeah! Anyways, where are my manners?" Kiba gestured over to the other servants. "This is Haruno, Sakura. She serves Yamanaka, Ino. And Akimichi, Choji. He serves Nara, Shikamaru."

Both waved at Lee. Sakura was a pretty girl with bright pink hair and green eyes. Choji was a large boy, but it was obviously muscle. He had kind eyes and a sweet smile.

Lee was about to say hello when the bell rang.

"Well, time to go!" Kiba smiled. "If any of us are in the same class again, just come up and talk to us, okay?"

Lee smiled and stood up. "I will. It was nice meeting you all!"

And he walked towards his master.


"Did you enjoy your lesson, Gaara-Sama?" Lee asked as he carried his master's bags across the quad.

"As much as I enjoy anything." Gaara replied. "I prefer sculpting though…especially with sand."

"Oh? Sand huh? Sounds challenging. What-"

Lee was cut off as a voice rose above all the others in the court.

"GEKI MAYUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!"

The next thing Lee knew he was tackled by a blonde and orange flash and was being cuddled half to death.

"Geki Mayu! I can't believe it's you!"

Lee sat up and hugged his friend back.

"I've missed you too, Naruto-Kun!"