Disclaimer: I do NOT own Klavier, Ema, Or the Ace attorney series. Capcom does.

This is my first Ace Attorney Fanfiction. Please be kind. There isn't to much German so I'm not going to put translations unless requested.

Four… in the morning…

Detective Ema Skye was on her way home after a long day, and night, of work.

Work…in three hours…

It was early in the morning and late at night for our poor science nut. She had about three reports due later that day and she had to look over two cases. Instead of taking her work home to do in the comfort of her apartment she chose to finish at work in her swerving chair and unruly desk so she knew she wouldn't forget her papers at home.

She thought about getting a coffee or three and just staying awake until she had to return to the office, then sleeping through her meeting. Ema's red, tired eyes made their way to a café nearby. To Detective Skye's misfortune, there was a fancy 'CLOSED' sign dangling in the window. She sighed inwardly. The little French café was the only one in the area and alas, her coffee machine had broken yesterday morning, as karma would have it. She had about a twenty minute walk left to her house, due to the bus station not being available yet. It's four in the morning from having to work overtime, no source of caffeine, and going to bed would more than likely result in being late for maybe the twelfth time this month. You would think a situation couldn't get much more stressful. But you're not Ema Skye.

Ema wobbled around the corner, passing the station. Suddenly, a pair of head lights turned around the corner right over. Ema paused wondering who on Earth would be up this early.

Besides her.

As the lights neared, Ema could make out that who ever was out was riding a motorcycle. It started to slow down the closer it got. Eventually the rider came to a halt right next to Ema. As the rider removed their helmet, Ema could feel what was left of her soul drift away. The only person in the whole world that could make her day worse had just pulled up next to her.

"Fräulein Detective? I never would have thought you were such an early riser! Considering how late you always are, ja?"

Ema didn't respond. She just kept her blank but cold expression.

"Fräulein? Are you trying to get to the office early?"

Still no respond.


Ema turned and continued walking hoping she was having a bad dream. Unfortunately, the rider drove slowly in reverse to follow her. "Fräulein Detective, it's not wise to ignore your superiors." The certain blonde, hansom, prosecutor, with a bit of a German accent who was currently the final thing left to trash her day, better known as Klavier Gavin, pointed out to her with a teasing sense of authority. Ema twitched but kept walking. She reached her hand into her hand bag that was overfilled with empty beakers and test-tubes. Her hand searched around for her stress relievers. Her snackoos. She winced when she remembered how she gulped the last of them down when she was hard at work, cursing her boss. "Ah, but, if you're headed to the office I believe it's the other way." Klavier grinned his gentlemanly grin that Ema hated so very much. "Although, you do seem a little sleep deprived…" For the love of god!

"Will. You. Shut. Up!" Ema yelled, quickly losing composure. Klavier switched his 'gentlemanly' grin to his 'boyish charm' grin, "What did I do to make the Fräulein so mad?" Ema was ready to strangle the man already but instead shouted, "For your information, I just wasted my whole night working on your stupid reports! I'm going home!" Klavier continued to smile, almost pleased, "Oh? I'm sorry I kept you from a nights rest." Ema was starting to think he was picking a fight. "If you'd let me, I'll give you a ride home," Klavier offered holding his helmet to her. Ema paused before smacking it away. "No way am I ever going to be desperate enough to hitch a ride with you!"

"Is that so?"


"Hmm. Shame. Isn't your complex about fifteen or so minutes away? I could get you there in five."

"I-I said no!"

Ema wasn't willing to cave in. To tell the truth, she would kill to get on the back of that motorcycle and get home in time for an hour long nap. But she would NOT cave. Klavier didn't seem ready to let her walk, either. "Fräulein, you're feet must be killing you." Ema looked down at her feet and realized, as she hated to admit, he was right. She was wearing high heels not suitable for long distances, distances at all really. Her feet were blistering and aching, and by the time she got home her feet would be bleeding. "I can walk bare footed!" She protested. Klavier raised his brow not needing to respond. Crap, he was right. Who knows if there's glass or something. That would hardly be much better for her feet. Ema moaned at snatched up the helmet. "To my apartment, that's all got that fop?" Klavier nodded contently. "If that is all you wish, mein liebe."

Klavier drove Ema through the area, chuckling whenever she gripped his shoulders when he'd speed up. "Fräulein Skye, I'm sure putting your arms around my waist would be much safer then my shoulders," He suggested. Ema replied by pinching his back. "Ach…" He whined playfully. He stayed quiet for a while and it made Ema antsy. She tried to think of something that wouldn't seem like she was trying to make small talk with him. "…Fop. What are you doing out this early?"

"Making my rounds."

"Your rounds?"

"My rounds."

"What the hell are your 'rounds'?"

"Full of questions this morning, aren't we?" She pinched his back again. "Ach… That hurts you know."

"Then answer me," She retorted.

"Do you really wanna know?"





If he was going to continue this Ema figured it most be some of some Fop-related importance. If that's the case, she decided to lose interest. "No." Unfortunately, she still sounded too interested. "Oh, Fräulein, if you must know, I had to meet someone this morning." Ema couldn't put her finger on it. She didn't know if she was disgusted, annoyed, or not-surprised.

Klavier noticed her silence and started shaking his head violently, "Nein! Nein! Not like that..!"

Ema glanced away, "I…Don't really want to know…" And she really didn't if it was what she thought.

"Nein! I was visiting Kristoph!" Oh, thank god.

After a bit of composer regaining, they neared a small, but decent, apartment complex. "Ah, Fräulein Detective, It seems we have part ways so soon. A shame isn't it?" Ema rolled her eyes, "Not soon enough. And I'll have to look at your face in three hours anyway…"

The motorbike after stopped in the lot. Ema waited for Klavier to get off so she wouldn't fall. When she stood, her legs felt wobbly. Therefore she wobbled to her door. "Mein liebe, are you alright?" Klavier asked sympathetically (but more than likely teasingly). Ema ignored him and searched her bag for her keys.

And she searched.

And searched.

And searched.


She forgot her keys on her work table.

Klavier chuckled. "Ah, forgotten our keys again, have we?" Ema continued to ignore him. But damn she hated it when he was right.

She bent down and reached under the welcome mat complimenting her door. Klavier was watching her carefully and Ema could feel him staring at her. She wiped her head around, "Go home, will you?" Klavier smiled. "But I haven't gotten a 'Thank you' for helping you, Fräulein. I deserve that much, ja?" "Nein." Ema replied sharply. "I never asked you to drive me home, Glimmer-boy." But Glimmer-boy simply tsked playfully. "True, but, when I offered you accepted; I very well could have changed my mind, Liebe." Ema twitched irritably. "Go home!"

Ema eventually tracked her spare key and entered the cozy apartment. She shut the door behind her after not saying goodbye to her escort. She watched Klavier idle the parking lots through her window. She sighed.

"…I'm going to sleep…"

Grrr. This was supposed to be a oneshot. But I ended this chapter stupidly to where it would be dumb for me not to continue. Grr Grr. Well, looky, you're getting yourselves a quickly written KlaEma fic. R&R please?
