Well, it's been a journey to say the least lol. But I would like to thank everyone who reviewed and favourited me and the story. It really does mean a lot, and just keeps me writing. This story has taken a while to complete, but I'm happy with how it's turned out, and I hope you guys feel the same way. Anyways, enjoy this last little bit, and thanks again.

Rose lay back on the deep purple sands of an alien planet, basking in the light radiating from the two suns. She and the Doctor had both decided to take a holiday, clear their heads….start anew. It had been a month now, and things were improving. In everything. The Doctor had not become withdrawn like she had expected him to do. But he was more open with her, actually discussing what he felt…It seemed like the whole experience had driven him forwards. They took out a few days just to mourn the loss of their friend, just remembering her. Comforted by knowing she was still alive in the library somehow. But after that week or so, the Doctor kept to his promise, and just tried. He took her to some forgotten planet in a distant solar system, and they just talked. About his planet, her planet, life, everything. They brushed against the subject of them once or twice, but avoided it, agreeing to talk about it later. It was beginning to frustrate Rose, but she didn't want to push him…not when he had been trying so hard to be open with her already.

"Here we are then. As the lady asked for." The Doctor's shadow blocked out her light, and she raised her sunglasses lazily.

"Can you sit down? You're blocking the sun." Rose smiled at him as he rolled his eyes, but obediently sat beside her on the navy blue towel. She sat up and took the ice cream that was currently dripping down his wrist.

"What flavour is it?" She said suspiciously as she eyed the bright green sweet warily. The Doctor gave a tentative lick before raising an eyebrow.

"I think it's mint….and banana…possibly with a bit of honey." He laughed as Rose wrinkled her nose in distaste, but still gave a small lick. Her eyes opened wide with delight as the tastes exploded on her tongue.

"It's good." She praised in between licks. The Doctor smiled to himself and placed his arm around Rose's shoulders. They leaned against each other, Rose sometimes turning her head to take a lick of the Doctor's ice cream. Soon enough the suns began to set, casting a red glow over the water.

"You cold? Do you want to go back now?" The Doctor said softly when he noticed Rose shivering.

"Nah, it's fine. I wanna watch the sun set." She whispered back. He nodded and quickly slipped off his jacket, placing it around her shoulders. Smiling her thanks, Rose leant back into him, and rested her head on his shoulder.



"I wanted to apologise. Been meaning to for a while now. Not just about River, but about everything. Hiding everything from you when there was no need to." He said slowly, and Rose lifted her head to look at him.

"Doctor…it's fine. We've moved past that yeah? You and me together yeah? It's fine." She soothed, and the Doctor shook his head.

"I know, I just needed to say that. It's been bugging me."

"Don't worry, I know what you mean." Rose joked feebly. The Doctor turned and frowned at her.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't worry-"

"No. No secrets. Remember?" He nudged her shoulder, ignoring the blush that was gracing her features. Rose cleared her throat, and shifted uncomfortably.

"I just….I mean…We've spoken about everything and everything. Apart from us. And it's just frustrating me I suppose." She laughed nervously and avoided his gaze. The Doctor swallowed and looked towards the setting suns.

"O.k....You want to know where the relationship is going, how I feel, discuss how you feel and what's going to happen. Am I right?" He sighed, and Rose gave him a brief nod.

"And you're going to say that there aren't many places the relationship can go, you feel for me but can't do anything about it, and it's best to keep us the way we are. Am I right?" She said shortly.

"No, you're not right. Because I'm sick and tired of this Rose. Losing everyone. And I can't lose you." Rose brushed her hair back from her forehead to look at him.

"But you're going to one day. It can't be helped." She said solemnly, and the Doctor half smiled.

"There is something that we can do."

"What?" Rose turned to him, confused as ever. He bit his lip before closing his eyes for a moment.

"Do you remember that I told you River knew my name?….Well….I also told you that the situation was very intimate. And it was. I joined me and her…mentally. The connection I made for her was one of security. Time Lords make different mental connections with different people, and each has their own effect. Mine and River's connection…It gave her strength basically, and me…but it affected her more because she was human. To me there was only this kind of hum at the back of my mind, like a reassurance I think is the best way to describe it. That was I suppose, one of two of the strongest connections I could ever make. And the reason that they're strong is because I have to give my name in both situations….But the other type of connection I can make...." He stopped, obviously reluctant to go on. At Rose's encouraging nod, he took a deep breath.

"I could make a connection with you, a mental one that is…to bond us. To…bind us. Mate us if you want to put it primitively."

"Like…romantically?" Rose said slowly, and the Doctor gave a begrudging nod.

"Yes…I suppose. But I told you Time Lords didn't love. They found life partners and had a mutual respect and a...kind of love for each other. And because we do have such long lives, we establish this connection. It means that whenever the other is sick, or…dying…they share each other's strength to keep them going. They prolong each other's life. Of course it would only extend our lives for around 50 years, which really an truly is just the blink of an eye for me. But because you're human, you would be different. If I made it with you, then you would live at least…I'd say at the very….very least 200 more years. Plus the years you would have originally had." As the Doctor finished they were both silent, looking out to the sea.

"Haven't you done that before though? I mean...you said you had children, what about their mother?..." Rose said, almost unwillingly. The Doctor made a soft sound and ran a hand over his face.

"I didn't want to bond with her Rose. I told you that my marraige was arranged by the state. I felt the respect and dedication to her, but I didn't feel enough to bond with her."

"And that's what you want to do?" Rose said finally, her voice quiet.

"I don't know. A long life isn't better, Rose. It's a curse. To watch everyone and everything die…and I don't know if I can do that to you." The Doctor muttered almost darkly.

"A long life may not always be better, but…it's better with two, yeah?" Her hand shyly grasped his, and he looked long and hard at their entwined hands.

"And you want that?" He whispered. Rose placed a hand on his cheek, turning his gaze to her.

"If it means spending the rest of our lives together, then yes." She said firmly. The Doctor swallowed, trying to soothe his suddenly dry throat.

"If…if we do this…it won't be now. I want you to be sure. Absolutely sure." He croaked, his mind racing at the thought of being able to live out his remaining years with her.

"I'm sure now." She whispered to him, her thumb stroking the back of his hand.

"No. No. We'll wait. See if our relationship works in a…..romantic situation. If it all works out, then I'll make the connection."

"Romantic situation?"

"If you want…" The Doctor blushed and avoided her gaze.

"Yeah….I'd…I'd like that." She grinned almost shyly to herself as she looked out to sea.

"So…it's decided then?" The Doctor whispered, a small smile gracing his face. Rose nodded, and reached over quickly to peck his cheek.

"And I'm not gonna change my mind Doctor. I want to do this, I want to be with you forever." She said firmly. After a few moments of just staring at her, the Doctor reached over tentatively to kiss her softly. It was short but sweet, and left the both of them grinning. They both looked out to sea, clutching each other's hands. And as they did so, the Doctor smiled to himself….for once, the future for them both looked bright. As she had so perfectly put it...life was better with two.

So that's it guys. The stories finally completed lol. And I hope you liked. Thank you all for reviewing once again xxxxx