And now the end is near and so we face the final chapter. Yes, this is it, the end. The last chapter has come so fast, I only started writing it on Monday. This chapter is also from Kyo's POV and there might be a few twists that you weren't expecting. Well, I hope you enjoy it.



Waiting outside of the cold, stone room where, inside you lay dying, I pace up and down as Shigure watched. We were waiting for Hatori to come out and tell us that everything would be alright and that you were ok. Then everything would go back to the way it was.

I wanted to be in there with you but Hatori had forced me out. When they had caught up with me, after running all the way from Hatori's office, they found me leaning over your body. Shigure didn't last two seconds. The first sight of your bloody body and he was out o the room with his hands over his mouth. Hatori had wrapped his arms around me waist and thrown me room the room, slamming the door closed behind me. I had stood by the door for ages, punching it and shouting at Hatori to let me in, but he didn't. After a while Shigure had come back, pale as a ghost and tried and failed to comfort me. Now I was pacing outside, hands shaking, waiting. Shigure was sat against the wall, head in hands. A little colour had come back into his face but he still looked ill. Shigure would be the only one who would knew what it would mean to me to lose Yuki.

After what seemed like years, Hatori come out off the stone room. His eyes were red and he tried, many times, to speak but no words came out. Finally he lowered his eyes and shook his head sadly.

My heart broke. You'd left me.

Hatori walked over to Shigure who was on his knees, crying into the floor. I walked into the room where your dead body lay and closed the door behind me. I walked over to you and sank to my knees. Your face looked so peaceful, pale and cold to the touch. Your hair was bleached red from your blood with flecks o its original colour here and there. Your clothes where stained with your blood in the place where the knife had penetrated your perfect skin over and over again. I place a shaking hand on your shoulder and the tears fell from my eyes. He'd taken you away from me. That evil, disgusting, hate filled man had taken you, the only love of my life away from me. I would never be able to hold you again. I would never be able to hear your voice again, see your beautiful smile on your perfect face, to tell you that I loved you.

Or maybe there was a way.

I look over at the sharp, metal object by the door. I got to my feet, walked over and picked it up. I hold it in my hand and glance up and down the blade. Your blood has dried on the razor sharp knife. I'm filled with hatred as the images of Akito killing you float back into my mind.

If you can't come to me, then I'll come to you.

I walk back over to your lifeless body and take your cold hand in my own. My other hand tightens around the handle o the knife. I close my eyes and drive the blade deep into my already broken heart. My one hand comes away from the handle but my other hand never leaves yours. The last thing I see is Hatori and Shigure running towards me as my body hits the ground and all life leaves me.

I'm walking towards you and you're standing, waiting for me with a smile on your face and no blood in sight. You embrace me as I come closer to you. I wrap my arms around your neck and pull you closer to me. I lay my head against your chest and you lay your head against mine.

"I love you," You whisper in my ear. A smile spreads across my face as I hear you say this. I look up into your kind eyes and pull your head towards me. Your lips meet mine and we tighten our grip on each other. I try to pull away from you, to look up into your loving eyes again but you hold me closer, your lips never leaving mine. When we do break away, I lay my head on your shoulder and wrap my arms around your back.

"I love you too," I reply. You take my hand in your own and lead me away from where we're standing and to somewhere more beautiful. Warmth floods me as I realise that I have eternity to spend with you.

Well, that's it, the end. All gone. No more, ever. It's kind of sad really, for me anyway, to think that I will never write another chapter for this. Oh well, never mine. I hope you all enjoy this story and I hope you all review it.