A Fox as White as Snow

There is a mysterious white fox that wanders the ninja countries, and it is rumored to have mysterious powers the rival even Bijuu. What happens when the Akatsuki get their hands on it?

The first chapter makes thing pretty obvious, so if you wish to wait for the second chapter to come out, that's fine. I'm not holding you back.


The Naruto Cast does not belong to me. They belong to Kishimoto Mashashi.

Anything that does not belong in Naruto belongs to me, unless said otherwise.


"Word" Talking

'Thought' Thinking

"Fox" Kyuubi talking

Tak. Tak. Tak.

There was the sound of harsh breathing as a young, blonde boy rounded the corner and squeezed through the crevice.

His eyes were blood red, and the whisker marks on his cheek were thick and dark as he fled his pursuers.

Uzumaki Naruto leaped a small gap onto the next rocky platform and continued to run. He had been traveling through the small canyon when he had detected signs that he was being followed.

As it turned out, several minutes later, that he had been watched by Uchiha Itachi and Hoshigake Kisame. In response, he did what any other logical person would do; run.

And that's how he found himself in this situation with no means of getting help in time.

'How far are they?'

"Not too far off, I can hear their footsteps as if they were thunder. I also smell water, but it is faint."

'We had better reach it soon.'

The Kyuubi, on his part, said nothing.

As Naruto rounded another corner, he skidded to the stop at the edge of a very deep gorge.

'Shit…I can't go anywhere!'

"Give it up kid, there's no where else to run." Growled a voice. Whirling around, Naruto found himself cornered by the two Akatsuki members.

"Tch." Naruto glowered.

"Uzumaki Naruto…what do you expect to do now?" Itachi asked.

The kitsune boy's mind whirled frantically, looking for a solution. His mind only came up with one.

"Kit, no."

"I'll jump off this cliff." Naruto said, placing his foot on the rim of the gorge.

Kisame's eyes narrowed. "You wouldn't."

"You want to try that theory? Go ahead and take another step towards me, and your goal will never be completed." Naruto was not balancing very carefully on the edge.

"NO!" The Kyuubi roared.

Itachi's eyes narrowed. "You are bluffing."

"Am not." Naruto tensed and both members took another step forward, hesitantly.

"You sure you want to do that?" Naruto asked.

"You will not jump from that cliff." Itachi formed a hand sign. "Now come with us."

Naruto panicked. 'Crap!'

Without warning, the ground underneath his feet gave way, and the blonde felt himself free falling.

"No!" Kisame lurched forward and attempted to grab him, only to be a few inches too far away.

The Kyuubi gave a shocked cry, unable to scream.

"A-aaah!" Naruto screamed, falling. He could detect the sound of roaring water getting ever closer.


Kisame whirled to Itachi. "What are we going to do! If he dies…!!" The shark nin's voice was filled with fear.

"I do not know, but I do not think he will die." Itachi said. "He has incredible endurance. We can only hope he comes through once again."

Kisame cursed. "Damn…we were so close."


Naruto felt the rapids engulf him entirely and pull him along in a fast rate. But it all seemed so far away…

'No…I don't want to die…'

"Kit, listen to me." The Kyuubi's thoughts sliced through into Naruto's mind. "I have an idea that might help us survive."

'Anything…' The kitsune boy could feel himself slipping further and further away.

"Alright. I'm going to transform you into a fox. I don't know what you will look like, or how your mind will be, but you'll live."

'Th…That's fine…'

"Here goes nothing."

The last thing Naruto remembered was a brilliant white light, and the feel of something warm and comforting wrapping around him.

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