Karin: Hey everyone

Karin: Hey everyone! I was really bored so I decided to do this list on what extreme Code Geass fans do in their free time. Who knows, you might even had done some of these things yourself (laughs). Let's find out on how much you're obsessed with Code Geass, shall we?

Disclaimer: Sorry, Karin-chan no own.

You Know You're Obsessed with Code Geass When…

#1- You stay up until five AM in the morning to just watch re-runs of Code Geass that you've seen hundreds of times already.

#2- You dress up as Lelouch for Halloween and try to use Geass on people to give you extra candy.

#3- You memorize entire episodes of Code Geass and quote them at random parts of the day.

#4- You command your teacher to give you an A on your pop quiz with your supposed Geass.

#5- You go around chasing random cats claiming they stole your Zero mask.

#6- You draw yaoi pictures of Suzaku and Lelouch when no one's looking and secretly worship that pairing with every fiber of your soul.

#7- You were happy when Shirley died because you think it will allow you to have a better chance with Lelouch.

#8- You have a poster of Lelouch taped on your ceiling and stare at it until you fall asleep only to dream of him.

#9- You start a rebellion for the sake of your younger sibling.

#10- You attempt to convince your principal to change your school's uniform to the Ashford Academy uniform at least twice a day until he does it.

#11- You eat only pizza for breakfast, lunch, and dinner despite your parents' objections.

#12- You pretend to be all sick and feeble because you are supposedly a member of the Black Knights and must keep your identity a secret.

#13- You tell your guidance counselor that you'll take over Britannia when you get out of college.

#14- You create an ideal image of your perfect boyfriend that looks like Lelouch and acts like him.

#15- You believe Lelouch can do no wrong despite all the crap he's done and blame everything on Suzaku.

#16- You attempt to use Geass to get out of gym class.

#17- You wonder WHY you can't use Geass in the first place.

#18- You tell your elders to respect you because you lived for centuries and have not been able to die.

#19- You laugh when Lelouch screams like a girl in episode six of season one and rewind it over and over again until your sibling tells you to get on with the episode.

#20- You pause the screen when a very hot picture of Lelouch or Suzaku shows up and stare at it for hours.

#21- You completely scorn the Emperor for being the most crappiest father in the universe and messing up Lelouch in the first place.

#22- You engage in shipping wars arguing on whom is the best girl for Lelouch with well prepared charts and graphs on why your favorite pairing is the best.

#23- You tell your teacher when your cell phone rings in class that the Black Knights are calling you and you must leave to fulfill Zero's orders.

#24- You cried buckets of water when the series ended despite seeing the series over hundreds of times and memorized every little detail about the series.

#25- You believe that the only reason you were put on this earth was to see Code Geass.

#26- You give a book report on Code Geass manga volume 1 despite it not being counted as a real book.

#27- You create a family tree demonstrating you are part Britannian and it is indeed a real country despite facts and geography proving you wrong.

#28- You become student council president and force your subordinates to do the most weirdest things bending everything to your will for your own amusement.

#29- You get a cat and name him Arthur.

#30- You created a shrine to Code Geass with all the action figures and DVDs in mint condition.

#31- You freak out if someone as much as breathes on your Code Geass box set.

#32- You are outraged that the nun totally screwed C.C over and made her immortal in the first place.

#33- You squeal every time you see a Suzaku/Lelouch moment and shout "I knew it! They're totally gay for each other!"

#34- You make it your mission to convert people to the wonderful religion known as Geassism where people can worship the greatness of Code Geass.

#35- You get into fights with other fangirls because Lelouch is yours and not theirs.

#36- You point to a random person on the street and shout "You'll never take alive, Britannian! Long live Japan!" then run away.

#37- You recreate a figurine Knightmare Frame for your science project and tell your teachers that you can make an actual one with the proper funding.

#38- You space off in math class to think of strategies against Britannia.

#39- You call your parents from jail telling them to come and get you because you angered Britannian forces.

#40- You sneak into the microphone room where they do announcements in your school and go on the PA system announcing the Black Knights are holding auditions for a new Knightmare pilot next week at their headquarters.

Attention: If you have done and accomplished any of the above, the Black Knights could use a person like you. Just check in with our receptionist if you're interested in a position and we'll get right back to you. Have a nice day!

Karin: Well, there you have it! Hope it gave you some laughs. Now, here's a bonus: You know you're obsessed with Code Geass when you leave a review for this story. Come on, you know you want to (grins).

See ya next time! (waves)