A white door. There's a 2 and 3 on it. My pale hands tremble as I slowly reach for the shiny gold painted door knob. I can see my reflection in it. My hair looks messy. It's been thrown in a lose ponytail. Well, I was in a hurry. I look like I'm about to burst out in tears. The bags under my eyes are gigantic. I grab the door knob, and just, stand there. I can't decide if I should go in. I slowly turn the door knob of the white door with a 2 and a 3 on it. I open it a sliver, letting a thread of light shine right on his face in the dark room. He twitches. I suddenly shut the door. I cross my arm and slide down to the floor, digging my face into my arms. I hear them talking.

"We should go see him."

"No, Not until he wakes up."

"He was so beat up when he found him."

"Do you think….He'll make it?"

I can hear her start to cry . My eyes start to water. I blink and force myself not to cry. I take my right hand and clutch hard to the silver locket placed around my neck. A tear drips onto my arm and I wipe it away furiously.

"well, Do you?"

"We can't be for sure."

"What will happen if…."

"I don't know."

I look down at my bare feet. I wiggle my big toe. I looked at my shoes, They were across the room, next to her. She was Sitting on the floor. His arm Clutched around her. They were so happy together. I feel hot tears run down my face and I run off to the bathroom.