Ok by show of hands...how many of you have ever read the manga or seen the anime to a great story called...Bokura ga Ita ( We were there)? Well, of course I can't see your hand for real, but I just really wanted to say that! XD Anyway, back to the question at hand. Now if you have never seen or read this then I highly recommend that you do. It is a great romance story. I was really hoping that fanfiction would have that on here so that I can post stories under that category, but sadly they don't.

I really want to write fics about it but since I can't, I decided that I'm gonna do my own Naruto version of the story. I think that once you guys start reading this fic you will be desperate to get out there and both read the manga and watch the anime. You have to do both anyway to be able to get through the manga time skip.

For those of you who read my story 'more than just her king' you should know that I had a nurse in the story named Takeuchi. Well, he is one of the main characters in this manga. I said that he is cute and he is, but you have to watch the anime to see him. Now, having said all that and taking up so much time, I will drop the A/N here and get own with the story. Just to let you know, most of the Naruto characters will be ooc. Simply because the plot is from another manga.

I don't own Naruto or Bokura ga Ita

" You may not believe this but,...even before he told me his name...I felt as if...I knew him already. Kiba...Inuzuka "

Hinata sat in class and looked around. It was the second day of High school and she had just moved to Konoha. She was in the 9th grade and had already missed the first day of school so she wanted badly to fit in and make lots of friends. She was a very shy and naive girl, but she didn't want to be that way so much any more. She wanted to have fun and be accepted just like all the rest of her classmates. She finally looked down at her hands then over to the girl sitting next to her. They hadn't said a word to each other so Hinata decided to go for it.

" Hi! I'm Hyuga Hinata! Nice to meet you! " For a moment the girl just looked at her without a word. Hinata was getting a bit nervous. Did that mean that the girl didn't want to talk or maybe disliked her?

"...Yamamoto Yuri...nice to meet you. " The girl then turned back to what she was doing and Hinata stared with an uncertain expression on her face. At least she spoke to her...right? That was a start although Hinata could admit...that girl was a bit scary. Hinata took a deep breath. If she wanted to make friends then she couldn't give up so easily.

" E-Eeeetooo...did you grow up here in Konoha?"

" Yes" Hinata was a bit taken aback by her quick response. Maybe she really did dislike her. Hinata decided that that was enough conversation for now...with that girl at least. Soon after that the bell rang for them to switch to their next class. Hinata got up and as she did she over heard two other girls talking about their next class.

" E-Excuse me? We are about to change classes and I'm on my way to algebra as well. Is it ok if I can walk with you. I'm not so sure how to get there. " The two girls smiled and nodded.

" You're the new girl that missed yesterday right? "

" Yes! I'm Hyuga Hinata!"

" I'm Yamanaka Ino and this is Suchi TenTen. It's nice to meet you Hinata! " Both TenTen and Ino said the last part in unison. Hinata smiled and bowed to them then the three of them headed towards their class.

" Anyway, so Hinata have you seen him yet? " TenTen asked

" Who...?"

" Kiba. Inuzuka is his surname, but most everyone just calls him Kiba-kun " Ino said with a smile. Hinata must seem to have had a big question mark over her head because the two girls started laughing. She really didn't know who this...Kiba was.

" We've know Kiba since grade school and he is sooo cool! He's like the hottest guy here at our school and he's very popular. " TenTen stated

" Yeah, he has a lot of male and female friends. As a matter of fact, almost 3/4 of the girls in our class last year said that they were in love with him. Not just in our class though, but even upperclassmen as well. Lots of girls wish that they could get their hands on Kiba." Ino added.

Hinata just walked and listened. She couldn't believe that there was someone at her high school that was so popular. She wouldn't know what to say to a person like that. As the day went on Hinata found herself getting along very well with TenTen and Ino. You could say that she had finally made some friends so when she found out that neither of them were in her science class she was a bit disappointed.

Well, once again...she was in class with Yamamoto. She looked over at the girl and wanted to break the awkward silence.

" So...Yamamoto...do you know Inuzuka Kiba?"

" Yeah " Hinata smiled. At last she had something to talk to her about now.

" I heard that last year 3/4 of the girls liked him. Did you? "

" I hate him " Hinata sweat dropped. Was talking to that girl always going to be this awkward? Well, that was the end of that conversation. All Hinata could do now was sit out the rest of her class in silence.

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The next day things seemed to be just the same. She sat next to Yamamoto in silence during her first class, but after class Hinata was approached by Ino.

" Hey Hinata? "

" Yes? "

" Do you want to be on the class committee? "

" Well,...not really. It's too much work on a student and I already have a lot on my hands. I really have to keep my grades up. Gomen " Hinata smiled and apologized.

" Well, I just know that Kiba is gonna be on the class committee so I want to be as well." The two girls began to walk to their next class.

" How do you get on the class committee? Do people vote for you or something? " Hinata asked.

" You get nominated, but doing it yourself is a bit...I don't know...lame?" Ino looked down in shame.

" Well, how about I nominate you? I think that would help you out a bit. " Ino smiled at Hinata's words. She was so nice.

" Are you serious? You would do that for me? Ok! I want to try for the secretary position! Arigatoo! " Hinata smiled and nodded. Ino hugged her then ran off yelling and screaming with excitement.

Mean while, Hinata just stood there and watched her with a smile, but suddenly it disappeared. She had only been friends with Ino and TenTen for one day and...well she wasn't that good at remembering names. She sweat dropped as she stood there trying to remember her name.

' Shoot...what's her name again? I-Iki...Ina...? Ugh...I can't possibly ask her now. Not when she's counting on me. She even remembered my name to.' Just then a guy was walking by her. He stopped at his locker and she figured at least she could try asking him. She tapped him on his shoulder.

" Excuse me? Do you know the name of that girl over there with the long blond hair? Nemo...Ikun...? " Hinata gave him her best 'I-didn't-forget-her-name' smile as he turned around. He looked at her with a raised eyebrow then pointed at Ino.

" You mean her?" Hinata nodded and he continued " Inu " Hinata just stared for a moment. For some reason she just couldn't take her eyes off of him. She felt that, In some way, she knew this person. Like she was connected to him somehow.

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" Alright class we are now gonna select our new class committee. Inuzuka Kiba...you're our new class president."

" Why do I have to be the class president Kakashi-sensei? " Hinata looked at the kind boy who helped her in the hall way. So...he...is Inuzuka Kiba?

" Everyone nominated you. There is just no one else up for this position so... " Kiba raised his hand and stood up.

" No, I want to nominate myself as the class vice president...not the president. " All the other students started laughing and Kakashi shook his head.

" Ah, yes, Inuzuka Kiba...always trying to take the easy way out. You should be ashamed." Kiba gave a smug little smirk and shook his head. There was just no shame in who his was. Hinata watched him in silence. Now he was their new class vice president. Oh yeah, that reminded her. She raised her hand and stood up.

" Ano...I would like to nominate someone as well. For the position of secretary...Inu-chan" Hinata smiled,but then all the other students in the class started laughing. She looked around for a moment in confusion. What was so funny? Ino sweat dropped. Yamamoto turned around and looked at Hinata.

" Don't you mean Ino-chan? " Hinata's eyes went wide. She got it wrong after all. She turned and looked at Kiba who just gave her a smug little grin. She frowned and sat back down. She sunk down in her chair as she tried to hide her embarrassment. In the end it was she who ended up being class president. Go figure. Oh she was gonna find that Kiba during lunch and give him a piece of her mind.

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Hinata spotted Kiba sitting in his desk during their brake. She was a bit nervous, but she wasn't gonna let this guy scare her. She balled her fists and walked up to him.

" That was really rude. What you did to me was really rude. " She said. Kiba turned around and looked at her.

" Huh? "

" You lied to me. Telling me that her name was one thing when it was really something else." Kiba scratched his head.

" Oooh so it was more rude than forgetting someones name. She is your friend right?" Hinata felt like pulling her hair out. He was annoying, but he was right. It was her fault for forgetting Ino's name.

" Anyway, so what's your name again? " Hinata gave him an exasperated sigh. Didn't he just say that it was really rude to forget someone's name? She was his classmate and class president, but he didn't know her name? After forcing herself to smile and telling him her name she left to join her friends for lunch while she still had time.

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" So I wonder if Kiba's ever had a girlfriend. " Ino asked. Hinata just stared with a bother expression. After meeting the great Kiba for herself she really didn't see what they liked so much about him. She was tired of hearing about him already. Looks like she was apart of that 1/4 that didn't like Kiba so much.

" I heard that he has had a lot of girlfriends before. They said that they were all different ages and not all from Konoha." TenTen stated

" Really?" Ino asked

" Well, I can't be too sure. I mean they are just things that I've heard. Why don't we ask Yamamoto. She sat next to him in grade school so I'm sure she knows something about him." Both TenTen and Ino just giggled. Hinata sighed.

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" Don't ask me about him. I don't know. I'm not interested in him in the least. " Yamamoto said to the three girls standing before her.

Of course Hinata figured that she'd say something like that so she wasn't surprised, but Ino and TenTen were shocked. They looked at Yamamoto with frowns. Most everyone thought that the girl was weird and she was always proving them right. Ino and TenTen walked away, but Hinata stayed. She patted Yamamoto on the back with a smiled then pointed to herself.

" You and I are friends Yamamoto! " The girl stared

" Baka " She said to Hinata then turned back to what she was doing. Hinata sweat dropped. Trying to be nice to her was like trying to push a ten ton block of cement up a hill.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -

After school Hinata stood and waited on he new friends. She wanted to say bye to them.

' Being in high school isn't as fun as I thought it would be. It's kind of hard and some of the people here are not so nice' Her thoughts were interrupted when her friends came walking out of the doors.

" Oh Hinata you're still here! " TenTen said

" Yes! I wanted to say goodbye! "

" Oh Ok! Hey, how did that test go? Anko-sensei is so mean for giving us a test on just the third day of school. " Ino said/asked. Hinata scratched her cheek and smiled.

" I'm not sure. It was kind of difficult for me. I didn't understand a thing. "

" Well, that's ok. I didn't do too hot on it either. We'll get it next time for sure! See you tomorrow Hinata-chan! "

" K! Bye-Bye!" She waved at her friends as they walked away then she turned to head in the opposite direction. She decided to take a short cut through the park behind the school so that she could make it home quicker. As she was walking past the school Kiba popped out of one of the windows.

" Hyuga, how did you do on the test? "

" I made an A plus "

" A plus? Wow! Really? " He asked

" No...actually I failed. No, I made a B. Seriously, it was a C. Why would I tell someone like you? " She asked with a stock expression. He looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

" You're a moron " She frowned then started walking again.

" I really don't have to hear that coming from you. "

" Bye-Bye " She heard him say and stopped. Did he say bye-bye to her? When she turned around he was just leaning back into the window. She tried to say bye back, but she didn't see him. She walked back to the window to try to catch him.

" Bye-by... " She trailed off as she looked around the room. He had already left? So she missed him? For some reason...she felt disappointed. But...why? She looked down and only a moment later she heard him.

" Nani? " She jumped at the sound of his voice. She leaned in the window and blushed. He was sitting right there by the window the whole time.

" A-Ano...I thought you didn't hear me, so..." She was so embarrassed.

" Huh? "

" B-Bye-Bye..." She said as she slowly leaned back out of the window. When she heard him laughing she stopped and leaned back in.

" W-Why...? Why are you laughing? " He stopped and looked over at her with a smirk. She blushed even more.

" Bye-Bye...Hyuga " If it was even humanly possible, she blushed harder. Even her neck was a cute shade of crimson.

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When Hinata made it home she dropped her book bag at the door and ran to her room. When she got in there she closed the door and laid on her bed.

' No...it can't be! I can't like him! Not him! Why won't my heart stop beating so fast? Please...Kami-sama? Why? For him to stop me and talk to me like that, it caught me off guard. That's why. It has to be why...my heart is still racing.'

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The next day at school Hinata sat there in deep thought. She couldn't concentrate and she kept staring out the window. Well, that is until...

" What's wrong with you? " Hinata jumped and slowly looked to her side. Yamamoto was staring directly at her.

" Ah...A-Ano...it's just that ...I...I really don't get this math...is all. I'm just a bit frustrated. I'll be alright." She said with a nervous laugh.

" What? Is math gonna be a big priority in your future career?"

" Well,...no...not really. I want to go to an art school after high school. "

" Then don't bother with math so much. You won't need it in your type of work. Try paying more attention to art and crafts."

" But I'm so bad at it. "

" Even so, Hyuga-san, nothings going to come of it anyway. It's not really gonna help your career. People really do useless things that they don't even like. I don't see why." Hinata looked very confused and a little embarrassed. Was Yamamoto right? Well, that certainly took her mind off of a certain someone...for now.

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" Hey did you guys hear? We are suppose to have a school trip two weeks from now." Ino said.

" But we have a lot of tests before that...I don't know what I'm gonna do. I haven't been studying at all. I bet it's gonna be a piece of cake for you though, huh Hinata? " TenTen asked

" I'm really afraid not. I haven't really been concentrating all that much. I'll probably get a zero in math."

" F huh? Me to." Ino said and they all started to laugh.

Ok so this is only just a sample of a chapter. I hope you liked it so far. I know that Hinata is a bit ooc, but I don't think that anyone else could have been put in that position other than her. It's really a good story. If you want to check the real thing out then you can go to mangafox to read it and anivide to watch the anime. It's not the best quality drawing, but I guarantee that it will have you coming back for more! It starts off a little slow, but Nana and Yano's relationship will blossom as it goes on. Please review and let me know what you think of it so far. Well,...BYE!