Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I own nothing. Not even the computer I am writing this story on. So I highly doubt that I own anything Twilight. :(

So this is on Edward and Bella's honeymoon.

Bella's POV

"Oh, wow" I said.

"What?" he asked.

"It's so BIG"


"and, sparkly"

Then he laughed. "Didn't you KNOW it was going to be?" he asked me.

"Well, I guess. But I just couldn't imagine it. Then again, I never really saw one in person before so I don't know what I was expecting." I tried to explain.

That made him laugh even more. I just looked at in in awe.

I wish I had something to show him that he never saw before. But, when you are 100 years old, you pretty much see everything, I imagine.

"Can I touch it?" I asked quietly.

"Of course."

I began to stroke it's hair. It was amazing.

"Want to sit on it?" he asked.

"Can I?" I wondered.

"Yes. You can. Don't worry." He answered.

Then I sat down on it. We went for a nice long ride. There are no words for it.

At the end I just lied there, in total bliss.

"Was that fun?" he asked

"Yes. It was." I answered simply.

We just lied there for a moment. Then he turned to me.

"Want to do it again?" He asked.

"Yes, I do."

We did it again, a few more times.

I knew we had to stop when the sun came up.

"I think we should let it rest now" Edward told me.

"It has to rest?" I asked.

"Yes, it does."

"Oh." I said.

Then Edward let the Unicorn run away. I am still shocked that they exist. But I guess anything can exist on Isle Esme.

Ha ha. I bet you thought something else. Ha ha. Like it? Review and I will send you your own virtual Unicorn!